Rock Hard (Page 5)

Rock Hard (Seduced By The Rockstar #1)(5)
Author: Adriana Hunter

“You’ve had four studio albums; cross-over collaborations with artistes like Katy Perry, Kanye West, Coldplay. How do you think your music has evolved?” Kate asked.

A grin slanted over Gage’s curved lips. “I’ve always believed that the older I become, the tastier and more refined I get – like a bottle of wine. I’m very spontaneous and it shows in my music. I don’t let anything hold me back and that’s why my fans can feel all of me in my music.”

At that, Kate had to bring up his fans; his 20 million Facebook friends, three million Twitter followers and then his videos on YouTube all getting countless views and subscribers.

“I believe the social media is a fabulous tool. I get to interact with my fans differently from when I’m on stage and they’re in the crowd,” Gage said thoughtfully.

“So…you have the lifestyle people only dream of. You travel in your private jet, you hang out with the rich and famous, and get to live like a king, adored by your teeming fans. How does that make you feel?” asked Kate.

“I’m happy to be making so much money doing what I love – and yet I know I’ll still be doing it even if I was making less than one percent of what I make now,” he said, and Kate bit on her lip as she realized it was true; even when Gage and his band had zero funds and sometimes had to play for free at shows, Gage had always been glad to just play, to share his music.

“Besides,” he went on with a shrug, “I have the best management who find great opportunities for me business-wise. So I’m all about the music but I still think of other ways to make my money. I’m a part of numerous endorsements but only those I feel suit my personality. I’d never endorse what I didn’t believe in, no matter the rewards.”

Kate nodded understandingly. “So, just what do you spend your money on anyway?” she half-teased. “Cars, yachts? An island or two?”

He grinned at that. “Yeah, I heard about that rumor where a tabloid claimed I’d bought up some tiny island off Fiji. Not true. I really don’t have that much time to spend money since I’m always busy working. Sure, I could rent an expensive yacht because it’s easier. And I do enjoy buying up houses – don’t even know how many of those I have. I should count them though,” he mused carelessly, and Kate shook her head with humor.

“Yes, you should,” she said wryly. “With the money and fame…did drugs ever become part of your life?”

She could tell the question had surprised him. Kate had never known him to even smoke but who knew what else had changed about him? He’d never seemed the womanizer type but now he was always in the news along with some latest conquest crying her eyes out for not being able to hold on to the rock star god Gage Stevens.

“Drugs have never been my thing,” Gage said seriously, folding his arms as he sat back in the couch. “And I think many new age rock stars focus on their career and stay clean. I certainly can’t afford to do drugs on stage. I tell myself I have one chance and one chance only – can’t detriment that with drugs. I find other ways to enjoy life and garner that high that drugs provide for other people.”

“And what other ways are those?” Kate couldn’t help asking.

“Well, for one thing, there’s sex,” he said, tongue in cheek. Kate’s face flushed. “Hot, hours-long sex helps ramp up the adrenal edge for me. That’s my mojo.”

Kate squirmed in her seat. That little tidbit certainly wasn’t going into the final feature, she decided, even as she asked, “You’ve dated some beautiful women; do you think you’d settle down any time soon?”

He shoved his hair back. “Sure, I’ve dated, but I don’t have much of a social life – or private life for that matter. It’s hard to have one when I’m focused so much on my career. A lot of my friends are married and have kids, and it’s got me hoping that in the future, I can have a private life. Like everyone out there, I’d love to fall in love, get married and have beautiful children,” he said deeply.

Kate nodded, but inwardly didn’t like to think how much it wrenched her heart to imagine Gage falling in love or marrying anyone else, and having undoubtedly gorgeous kids with the lucky woman. Ground down by an acute sense of loss, Kate decided to round up the interview by asking what advice he had for upcoming rock artists like him.

“Fight for every chance you get,” Gage said simply. “It’s all about a lot of hard work, a bit of talent, the right music – and a great mindset. I believe so much in fighting for your dreams, and that’s why I try to support any new acts I can by letting them open up for me at gigs. I’ve also got various charities focused on young adults and kids. So though I might be living a life of glamour, whether playing with hip-hop’s Kanye West at a private party or meeting supermodel Kate Upton at a beach show, I’m more than my lifestyle.”

“I think your fans know that,” Kate said sincerely, before finally switching off the recorder. He nodded, acknowledging her words with a small smile as he rose to go over to the bar. He mixed some drinks and brought a glass over to her but she shook her head.

“Any more alcohol and I’ll be falling asleep where I am. And I need to get going – it’s almost two am.”

“It’s a non-alcoholic cocktail – or a mocktail as it’s called,” he said drily, holding it out to her with a compelling look. “Drink.”

Kate sighed and then obediently took a gulp. It had a refreshing taste of the Mojito without the alcohol. Realizing she really was thirsty, she took more sips, glad she could relax even if for a few more minutes before she had to go. She rose from her chair to pace over to the picture window. For the first time, she took in the view and saw how beautiful the city looked from here. She thought of going back to her dreary though homely apartment – her overall dreary life. But wanting to stay, she knew, would be the biggest mistake.

“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” Gage asked from behind her. She didn’t turn around though she felt him standing just inches away. “It was in a hotel suite like this one that I wrote my latest album. Recorded all twelve songs holed up in a hotel in Brussels within a month. It was crazy.” He chuckled.

Kate had remembered reading about that. She also knew that his newest album was also his most successful to date. People couldn’t seem to have enough of Gage Stevens. Not that she could blame them…

She turned slightly when she felt his arm reach round to take her empty glass. Seconds later, his hands were on her shoulders, the fingers digging into her flesh. Kate closed her eyes, and inhaled…exhaled.

“It’s late. Why don’t you stay. With me.”

His famously raspy voice sent a rush of sensation over her nape and made her whole body tingle with the want. It had been so long for her…months even. She hadn’t met anyone lately that she was interested in dating, and she definitely wasn’t into one-night stands with strangers or hook-ups.

But here, with Gage, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it? At least they’d know the score. At least, she’d know that she was simply taking the place of which ever groupie or groupies who would have been the ones lucky to be alone with Gage right now.

“You mean, stay and share your bed, right?” Kate asked with a trace of bitterness.

“If not for old times’ sake…then because it’s the right place and time,” he said huskily. “And because you want to. It’s all you’ve wanted since we kissed in my dressing room; I know. It’s certainly all I’ve wanted since you walked in the f**king door.”

Kate gasped as his hand now closed around her throat in a possessive grasp, his lips close to her ear.

“You look the same…you even smell the same,” he whispered, his sweet breath teasing her nostrils. “Now I’m dying to find out if you feel the same, too.”

There was a buzzing in Kate’s every nerve cell as she felt Gage’s tongue tease her lobe while his fingers deftly unbuttoned her blouse. In seconds, he was pushing down the cups of her bra and letting her bouncy tits spill into his hands. He groaned deep in his throat and Kate couldn’t hold back her whimper of pleasure even as she said his name in protest.

He merely squeezed harder, pushing her tits together as he massaged the full flesh. His breath had quickened and for a few moments, Kate let herself savor the sensation of Gage’s hands on her; his lips pressing to the sensitive skin beneath her ear. The feelings made her tremble.

“Do you know what it does to a man? To feel these beautifully heavy br**sts in my palm…to inhale the sweet scent of cinnamon and rose oil in your hair…Your sensuous perfume…Unforgettable, comforting – and yet maddening all at once. I swore I would never feel this way…not for you, Kate. I never believed I could ever want you again. Like this – like I could rip your clothes off and f**k you where you stand. Just back you up against the wall, wrap your legs around me and…”

He broke off with a harsh breath, his fingers suddenly hitching on her n**ples. Clamping them both in his thumb and index finger, he pulled, making her moan out loud in sensual torment.

“I want you to stay,” he said, a feral edge to his firm tone. “I want your passion, your moist, hidden heat. I want you to give yourself to me like the past five years never happened.”

“But it did,” Kate said, her voice cracking with anger at herself and him as she brushed his hands away and scooped her top together, whipping round to face him with glowering eyes.

Ignoring the tingling ache in her br**sts, that begged for his touch, his lips, she bit out, “I guess because you’re a rock star, gorgeous and available, I should automatically jump into your bed after five whole years? I told you many times before, Gage. This is just a job to me. I can’t…I can’t let it be anything more. Not when I know it could have been anyone. It’s not truly me you want; you just want a body to satisfy your needs with. I’ll be just another faceless lover, forgotten even before you woke up the next morning and find me gone.”

“Same old Kate,” he said drily, pushing his hands through his hair in that way that sent the long dark locks tumbling with even sexier disarray around his handsome face.

“You just have to intellectualize everything. It isn’t enough for you to know that even after the way you left me…even with what happened between us, I still want you so bad I’m shaking with it.”

Sighing harshly as if angry with the admission, he gritted out, “But you’re right; this is a bad idea. And far be it from me to force you or anyone into my bed.” He nodded briefly, then turned away and headed for the phone. “I’ll get the chauffeur to take you wherever you want to go.”

* * *

Kate didn’t want to go.

Gage’s back was turned to her and she drank in the picture of his broad, tall frame with that gorgeous dark hair tumbling over his shoulders. His h*ps in those jeans and that tight, manly ass…an ache as strong and old as time ripped through the juncture in her thighs. She took a step forward, and then another as she saw him pick up the phone and thumb a few numbers.