Read Books Novel

Seductive Chaos

Seductive Chaos (Bad Rep #3)(2)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“Fucking hell, Viv!” I roared, grabbing her wrists as she flailed about.

“Let go of me! I’ll rip your nuts off and then shove them down this bitch’s throat!” Vivian hollered, yanking her hands free of my grip.

Before I could figure out what she had planned, Vivian launched herself at Karly. I almost felt bad for the poor girl who was still covering her nose from the shoe assault.

Karly screamed and tried to run from the room. Vivian wasn’t a small girl. She was taller than average and she worked out. She had the body of a woman who liked to kick ass and take names later.

And unfortunately for Karly, she was about to learn that firsthand.

This was getting out of hand fast. I grabbed Vivian from behind, my arms wrapping around her waist. Her hands were curved into claws as she tried to grab chunks of Karly’s hair.

“Calm the f**k down!” I yelled into Vivian’s ear, my anger and my need making my lower body throb painfully.

“I’m sick and tired of it, Cole!" Vivian wailed, her hands waving wildly.

My eyes glazed over and she started sounding a lot like the teacher from Charlie Brown.

Blah, blah, blah.

But every time she jerked her hands, her shirt slipped down a little further off her shoulders.

It was official. I saw boobs!

I was like Pavlov’s f**king dogs!

A tiny flash of cle**age and my mouth hung open and drool dripped down my chin.

"Are you listening to me?" Vivian asked shrilly.

I nodded, even as I was shaking my head on the inside.

Dude, I could see boobs! Don’t judge me.

And Vivian’s tits were amazing. I loved them. I worshipped them. I thought about starting a religion around them. People would come from far away to bow before the altar of her awesome br**sts.

Nothing made me happier than burying my face between their curves and motor boating the f**k out of them.

Mmm. Motor boating. . .

Something hard hit me on the side of my head.

"What the hell?" I yelled, leaning down to pick up the black piece of weaponry Vivian had hurled in my direction while keeping a firm grip on her wrist. It was her other freaking shoe!

"I was talking, you dick!" she screeched. I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"I know you were baby. I’m sorry." I tried to placate her. It had always worked in the past. But honestly, I loved when she was mad at me.

She was hot when she was furious and it usually led to the best sex of my life.

Viv shook her head.

“Vivian! What are you doing?” I heard someone call out. I tried to keep Vivian from squirming out of my grasp. But she was strong. Almost stronger than me. And she was filled with a murderous rage. That gave her super human strength. Her nails dug into my arms and I knew that would leave a mark.

Maysie Ardin, the girlfriend of Jordan Levitt, my band’s drummer, and Vivian’s best friend, came running into the room. She took one look at the chaos around her and knew instantly what was going on.

She gave me a disgusted look, as though this were all my fault (which yeah, it sort of was) and then turned her attention to a cowering Karly, who was in the corner with a look of shock on her face. Some of her makeup had started to smear down her face unattractively. Damn, I was glad things hadn’t progressed any further. The chick was a total double bagger.

“Get out of here. Now!” she said harshly, pointing to the door.

Karly grabbed her purse and hurried out like her round, pert ass was on fire.

Vivian elbowed me in the gut and I instantly loosened my grip on her arm. She whirled around and shoved her finger into my chest.

“You are a complete and total jerk! Why do I do bother with you at all? And why can’t you keep it in your pants for one freaking night?” Vivian seethed.

I should have corrected her. I should have let her know that I had no intentions of screwing Karly or any other girl. Perhaps I should fill her in on the fact that I hadn’t had sex with anyone but her in the last six months. That even when I kissed another girl, it was for one reason only.

To get this crazy, psychotic girl to lose her shit all over me.

Because an angry Vivian was addictive. It was the stuff of every one of my fantasies.

I was f**ked up. I was an ass**le. I never pretended to be anything else.

But this hot piece of woman wanted me because of it.

“If I kept it in my pants, then you couldn’t play with it,” I murmured, wrapping her long hair around my hand and pulling her head back.

“I hate you!” Vivian hissed, her eyes heated. She licked her lips and I knew from experience that she was soaking wet.

“No you don’t, baby. You just wish you did,” I grinned. I slid my other hand up the inside of her thigh, pushing her skirt higher as I felt the edge of her panties.

Vivian’s breathing became erratic as I pushed her underwear to the side and teased her with my finger.

“You want this?” I growled.

“No!” Vivian glowered at me. She bit down on her bottom lip as I pushed the tip of my finger inside her, my thumb rubbing lightly against her clit.

“You sure? Because, baby, I can feel how much you want it. You want it so bad, it’s dripping down your legs,” I whispered, licking the curve of her ear and shoving my finger up inside her perfect warmth.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Her silken heat enveloped my finger and I wished it were my dick.

And I knew by her body’s reaction and the way Vivian was starting to relax into me, it would be soon enough.

Someone cleared her throat behind us. I didn’t pull my hand out from between Vivian’s legs, but I did loosen my grip on her hair.

I had forgotten Maysie was there.

“Are you serious, Viv? There was another girl in here only thirty seconds ago!”

Maysie wasn’t my biggest fan. We had clashed a lot over the last few years. When Jordan had suggested we take Maysie on as our band manager, I hadn’t been particularly thrilled with the idea.

Girls on the road were a bad idea. We were going to be practically living out of Garrett’s van and having to deal with female shit on top of that seemed like a nightmare.

Plus when Maysie was around, Jordan wasn’t focused on the band. He was focused on his chick and making her happy. That didn’t seem very rock and roll to me.

We were building an image. We were hardcore dudes with a reputation for awesome music. Having a clingy girlfriend around 24/7 would only cramp our style.

And I hadn’t been entirely wrong. With Maysie around, none of us felt like we could fart and burp and jerk off the way we wanted to. We had to eat regular meals and stop at Walmart for tampons.
