Read Books Novel

Seductive Chaos

Seductive Chaos (Bad Rep #3)(3)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

It drove me freaking nuts. And anytime I had voiced my opinion, Jordan had gone all ‘roid rage. There had been a lot of fights. A lot of threats. I walked out of the band more than once.

There were times I thought we were destined for a VH1 Behind the Music special before we had even started.

But then we had started making some cash and could afford to sleep in shitty motels and that gave us all some much needed space. Jordan and Maysie could go do their mushy couple crap and the rest of us wouldn’t feel the need to throw up every time Jordan called Maysie sweet cheeks.

Obnoxious nicknames aside, I couldn’t completely ignore how it was Maysie who had created our website and maintained our social media. She was the one that started a mailing list and found cheap advertisement for our earlier shows.

And whether I wanted to admit it or not, I was pretty sure her dedication to Jordan and our band helped get us to where we were now.

Which was playing bigger shows with a bigger band to bigger crowds.

The perks were better, the hotels were cleaner, and the women were hotter.

I was on my way to my own debauched version of happily ever after.

And always on the side, just where I needed her to be, was Vivian Baily.

She wasn’t my girlfriend. She wasn’t even my friend really.

Most days I was convinced we could barely stand each other. She was a whiny, self-involved drama queen. She spent entirely too much time getting ready and freaked out if her hair got messed up.

She was vain and overly emotional. She spent ninety percent of her life angry. At me.

But I couldn’t get enough of her.

She was, without a doubt, the best lay I had ever had.

And from me, that’s saying something. I was a boy with a super fantastic toy. And that toy was between Vivian’s smooth thighs.

I was addicted. I couldn’t get enough. Even if we had to do this song and dance to get there in the end, I’d do it. Because the reward was so damn sweet.

And it was only getting worse. I had never given up regular pu**y. If I hadn’t been able to get it from Vivian, I’d get it somewhere else. I was a connoisseur of the ladies. I liked them in all shapes and sizes. Though a pretty face was mandatory. I had experienced my fair share of beer goggles. No one liked a morning after consisting of showing a fugly bed partner to the door.

Vivian was without a doubt the most gorgeous woman I have ever been with. So I put up with her psychotic tendencies because it was a small price to pay for what I got out of our arrangement.

Insane, swing from the rafters, go all night sex.

And I could have it without being expected to call her the next day. Who wouldn’t jump at the chance for such an arrangement?

It’s a horny man’s dream.

And goody too shoes Maysie Ardin definitely didn’t get it. She thought I was using Vivian. She thought I took what I wanted and tossed her aside until I wanted her again.

She didn’t see that we were using each other. That Vivian didn’t want to stick around anymore than I wanted her to stay.

Vivian got exactly what she wanted when we were together. She was as sex crazed as I was. And if I was the guy she wanted to have stick it to her, then who was I to say no? Just call me a philanthropist. I was doing my part to help out the hot chicks of the world.

And Vivian Baily was one super hot chick.

And I had convinced myself it was due to her extreme contortionist abilities that had me abstaining from sex with anyone but Vivian.

Why settle for a less than adequate substitute when I could hold out for the real thing?

So let’s go back to why I allowed Karly with a K to smear her whore red lipstick all over my mouth. Why, if I wanted Vivian, did I kiss and grope another chick when I knew she’d be looking for me?

Did you see Vivian’s reaction? She went nuts!

Do you see where I currently have my fingers?

Get the picture?

And now we were going to head back to the hotel and she was going to work all of that anger out on my all too eager body.

It was a messed up pattern. But it worked well for me.

It was exciting. I was aroused. I dug Viv’s extreme bursts of rage.

So our drama wasn’t really any of Maysie’s business.

“Back off, Mays,” I warned, feeling my anger spike. And this time it wasn’t mixed with anything but annoyance.

Vivian pushed on my chest, causing me to stumble. My finger pulled out of her with an audible pop. I grit my teeth in irritation.

I knew that look on Vivian’s face. She was pissed. And not in the good, I’m-so-angry-I’m-going-to-screw-your-brains-out kind of way.

It was more of the I’m-about-to-end-up-with-a-serious-case-of-blue-balls sort of angry.

“Come on, Viv. Let’s find Gracie and Riley. We’ll go get a drink,” Maysie prompted. I could feel the daggers she was glaring my way dig into my back, but I didn’t give a crap.

“Vivian. Come on. You know it didn’t mean anything. You’re here. Let’s hang out.” And yeah, “hang out” was a euphemism for squeeze my face between her thighs.

I tried to reach for her again. My plans for the night had taken a shitty turn.

Vivian let me grab her and I felt a twinge of relief. Maybe she wasn’t that upset. I didn’t entirely understand why she was getting so worked up.

It wasn’t like we were a couple or anything.

It’s not like she didn’t know what happened when I was on the road and she wasn’t around.

And it’s not like she didn’t get that when she was here, there was no one else.

I heard Maysie’s frustrated sigh and it was seriously messing with my vibe.

“Come on, Viv. Let’s go back to the hotel. Let me make it up to you. You know you’re the only girl I want to be with tonight,” I said softly, kissing the skin on the side of her neck.

I felt her shudder and knew I had her.

I pulled her flush against my front. I wanted her. That had always been enough.

“Vivian, come on,” Maysie urged and I pressed myself tighter against Vivian.

“Baby, please. I want to spend time with you,” I pleaded, meaning it. I wasn’t a complete heartless jerk. I really did want to be with Vivian.

Vivian closed her eyes, her brows furrowing. I didn’t like the look on her face. It confused me. I didn’t like to be confused. I liked to live my life with minimal thinking.

I slept. I woke up. I ate. I sang. I f**ked.

That was my life.

And Vivian provided just enough complication to keep things interesting.

I didn’t want anything more than that.

I certainly didn’t want to examine why Vivian looked like that.
