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Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(34)
Author: Ashley Blake

Just then the door of his house opened and Sophia stood there holding the hand of what looked to be a three year old little boy and I was in complete shock.

“Daddy!”  The little boy called out to Sebastian.

“Sebastian, is everything okay?”  Her voice sailed through the air and I felt sick to my stomach.  I looked at her and she narrowed her eyes at me.  “Oh, Elena, it’s you.  We’re a little busy right now.”

I stood there like an idiot and just stared at her as my brain tried to register what was going on.  Wait, is she really here right now with a little boy?  A little boy who is Sebastian’s son?  And then things started to click slowly and I dragged my eyes from Sophia down to the little boy over to Sebastian and the look on his face said it all.  That was their child together and he didn’t want me to know.  I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and the last thing I wanted was to give Sophia the satisfaction of seeing me cry, so I quickly got into my car and sped away before Sebastian could stop me. I heard him yelling my name behind me but I just kept driving, I had to get out of there.

When I got back to my apartment the tears were already streaming down my cheeks, and as I locked the door behind me I heard something move in the corner.  I quickly turned around to see what it was and absolute fear completely enveloped me as I stared into Brian’s eyes.

“Hello, Elena.”  His voice was pure evil and my first instinct was to run so I fumbled with the door trying to a unlock it so that I could get out, and before I could pull it open he was behind me slamming it shut.  “No, no, we have to make up for lost time.” He slapped me and pressed me against the door, my back to him, as he ran his tongue along my ear. “I’ve missed you.”

I was crying hysterically by now and screaming trying desperately to push him off of me but his grip was too strong.

“How did you get in here?”

“It was a piece of cake, a silly little lock is not going to keep me from you Elena. I told you we would be together again and now we are. I’m never going to let you go!”  I tried to get away from him and he punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

I started crying even louder.

“Be quiet!”  He put his hand over my mouth, we struggled and I managed to break free from him running to the kitchen to grab a knife as I heard someone pounding on the door asking if everything was okay. He was behind me in two seconds and grabbed me by my hair as I screamed. I fought him off with all of my might, pushed him as hard as I could, and in doing so I fell back, hit my head against the counter and everything went black.

Chapter Twelve – Recovery

When I woke up I was completely disoriented and it took a couple of minutes for me to realize that I was lying in a hospital bed.  I looked around the room and saw my parents on one side of the room, Sebastian and Chloe on the other, and Chloe was the first person to see that I was awake.

“You guys, she’s awake! Laney, how are you feeling?”

“Like my head is going to explode all over the place, it’s killing me.”

My mom and dad grabbed my hands looking sick with worry.

“Sweetheart, we’re so happy that you’re okay, we were so worried!   Sebastian called us and we dropped everything to be here.”

“You guys are a couple of hours away, how long was I out?”

“You were out for almost 5 hours and the doctor says you have a mild concussion but you should be okay.”

I looked over at Sebastian and he looked terrified as he held my gaze.  At first I didn’t understand why he looked like that but then everything came flooding back to me; the vision of him, Sophia, and their son made my head pound even more and I wanted him to leave.

I turned cold eyes toward him and I could tell that he saw that I remembered everything. “Thank you for calling my parents but you can leave now.”

His eyes were sad.  “Elena, when you’re feeling better I will explain everything.  Mr. and Mrs. Sumner, if you need anything please do not hesitate to call me.  Chloe, nice to meet you.”

After he left the room Chloe turned to me with a puzzled look on her face. "Elena, he was really worried about you, I don’t think you should have kicked him out like that. He was the one who found you and called your parents who then called me.”

“It’s a really long story Chloe and it’s best that he is not here right now.”

My parents didn’t say anything they just stood there and listened. They were really good at supporting my decisions, they knew that there was a reason that I wanted him to leave and they didn’t push.

I was so caught up in Sebastian and getting him out of the room that I completely blanked on Brian.

I sat up quickly, making my head pound even more.  “Oh my gosh! Did they catch Brian? Did he get away?”

My mom patted my hand. “Calm down honey, yes they did catch Brian. Apparently a man heard the commotion that was going on, knocked on your door and it turns out he is an undercover cop who lives on your floor. He was able to break into your place and he restrained Brian, called for backup and when they ran his information his record came up and they arrested him on the spot.  You don’t have to worry about him.”

I relaxed back against my pillow and closed my eyes, saying a silent thank you to God.  I wouldn’t have to worry about Brian for a while.  Whatever drugs I was on were making me super sleepy so I drifted off to sleep without saying another word.

When I woke up the next morning, my parents were still by my side but Chloe was not there.  My mom rushed over to my side when she saw that I was awake.

“Mom, have you and dad been here all night?”

“Yes honey, we wanted to be here in case you woke up and needed anything.”

“You two have got to be exhausted, you should go to your hotel and get some sleep.  Now I’m going to be worrying about you guys.”

“Well we don’t want you to worry about us, we just want you to get better.  Dad and I will be back in a few hours, okay?”

“Okay.  Did the doctor say how long I had to be here?”

“He said you could go home in a couple of days.  I’m going to stay with you for a couple of weeks but daddy has to go back in a couple of days.”

“Mom, I’ll be fine, you can’t afford to miss that many days from work.”

“Honey, I have already cleared it with my boss.  He said that I can work overtime to make up for the hours I’m missing.”
