Read Books Novel

Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(35)
Author: Ashley Blake

I couldn’t wait until the day that I could take care of my parents and they wouldn’t have to work anymore.  They had done so much for me all of my life and I wanted them to be able to relax and enjoy life a little.

I hugged them goodbye and turned on the t.v. so I could zone out.  A few minutes later there was a light knock on my door and Sebastian was standing there with a vase full of beautiful flowers.  I was fighting the excitement I felt when I saw him because the picture of that little boy holding Sophia’s hand was stuck in my head.  I glanced at him and then tried to look disinterested as I turned my gaze to the television.

“What are you doing here Sebastian?”

“I just wanted to make sure that you are okay.  Also, I wanted to let you know that an attorney will be here later today to talk to you about what happened.”

“Is it a state’s attorney?  Some kid fresh out of law school who barely knows what they’re doing?”

"Yes, he’s the top state’s attorney in Florida and he’s a family friend.  I have already arranged for him to take your case.  Don’t fight me on this, Elena.”

I was too weak to argue with him and besides, I was going to need a good lawyer, so I begrudgingly accepted his offer.

“Okay, I won’t argue with you about it, thank you.  How did you even know that something was wrong, how did you end up at my place?”

“After you sped away I followed you and I got there right as your neighbor was breaking down your door.  Brian tried to run but we held him until the cops came.  I called your parents as soon as I knew you were in the ambulance and then I came to the hospital to wait until you woke up.  I had to know that you were okay.  I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost you.”  He started to choke up and looked away as he composed himself.

“How did you get my parents phone number?”

“They are your ‘in case of emergency’ contact at work so I had my assistant pull your information.”

“Thank you for calling my parents, but you don’t have to be here, you don’t have to worry about me.”  I looked at him with cold eyes.  “I am not your responsibility, that little boy is.”

His eyes were sad and he looked defeated as he took a deep breath.

“Can I please tell you about that?”

“I don’t want to hear it Sebastian, you had plenty of time to tell me that you had a son.  Can you just go, please?  My head is killing me so I don’t feel like talking.”

“Elena, you have to let me explain, please!”

I had never seen him look desperate and I don’t know if it was because my head was killing me and I just wanted to rest or if I really wanted to hear what he had to say, but I gave in.

“Okay, fine.  But it will have to wait until I am out of the hospital.  The doctor said I need to rest and avoid stress.”

A look of relief fell over his face.  “Okay, thank you.  I’ll call you in a couple of days just to see how you’re doing.”

The meds were really kicking in again and I just wanted to be alone so I agreed with him.  After he left I lay in my hospital bed thinking about what had happened to me in the past couple of days. Seeing Sophia at Sebastian’s house holding that little boy’s hand, and hearing him call Sebastian ‘daddy’ was like a knife to my heart.  Anything I thought I might be able to have with Sebastian was completely over.  He had plenty of opportunities to tell me that he had a kid with Sophia but he didn’t do it.  I even asked him about her, about his relationship with her and he failed to mention the most important thing of all, his child.  Was he ashamed of him?  The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.

I was torn because I had such strong feelings for him, he was so sweet to me, he was gorgeous and the sex…there were no words.  Why didn’t he tell me about his son?  I didn’t know how we were going to get past that.  I drifted off to sleep again feeling both sad and confused.

I went home a couple of days later on Tuesday and my mom doted on me trying to do everything for me even though I kept telling her that she didn’t have to.  My dad was only able to stay with us for a day and then he had to go back home.  I slept a lot the first few days I was home and then Friday afternoon, when I was feeling much better, my mom and I were having tea and chatting on my couch.

My mom looked at me with a devilish grin and I knew the Sebastian inquisition was coming.  “So honey, tell me about Sebastian.”

She was now grinning from ear to ear and I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head trying hard not to crackup at the expression on her face.

“Mom, don’t look at me like that!”

We both started laughing and then the phone rang, interrupting our moment.

“Elena.”  Sebastian’s smooth voice made my belly flip, I couldn’t help it, I was happy to hear from him even though my head was telling me I shouldn’t care.

“Hi Sebastian.”  I tried to sound nonchalant but I doubt I was able to disguise the lilt in my voice.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, I’m finally feeling a lot better today.  The pounding headache is gone.”

“I’m glad to hear it.  Do you need anything, is your mom still with you?”

“No, I’m fine, and yes, she’s still here.”

My mom looked at me and mouthed for me to tell him thank you for her.

“Mom wants me to tell you thank you for all of your help and for getting the lawyer.”

“Tell her that I am just happy that she is there with you and that you are okay.”

She gave me a mischievous smile and I waved my hand at her as I tried not to giggle.

“When does your mom go back home?”

“She’s leaving Sunday since I am feeling better.  I told her I would be fine and she needs to get back to work.”  My mom gave me the sad face when I said that because she didn’t want to leave me so soon.  But I knew that she had to get back to work and I didn’t want her to have to work late every night for the next week to make up the hours she missed from work being there with me.

“I should be back in the office on Monday.”

“Elena, please don’t worry about work, the important thing is for you to get better, I want you to come back when you are feeling 100 percent.  Also, I would like to pay for your mother’s plane ticket back to Pensacola, and please just say yes; I know how much a last minute ticket costs.  I just want to help.”
