Something Beautiful (Page 5)

Something Beautiful (Beautiful #3)(5)
Author: Jamie McGuire

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s weird. She dated Thomas first. You just don’t do that.”

“Well, she did. And if she hadn’t, Trent wouldn’t be so happy.” I stopped at the edge of the sand, pointing to a small group of Maddoxes gathered at the water’s edge.

Travis was sitting on a white plastic lounge chair, puffing on a cigarette and staring across the ocean. Trenton and Camille were standing a few feet away from him, watching him with concerned expressions.

My stomach sank. “Oh, no. Oh, fuck.”

“I’m on it,” Shepley said, letting go of my hand to walk toward Travis.

“Fix it. I don’t care what you have to say or do … just fix it. They can’t fight on their honeymoon.”

Shepley waved back to me, letting me know that he had everything under control. His shoes flipped sand as he trudged to where his cousin sat. Travis looked devastated. I couldn’t imagine what might have happened between marital bliss just the night before and this morning.

Shepley sat with his feet planted between his chair and Travis’s, and he clasped his hands together. Travis didn’t move. He didn’t acknowledge Shepley. He just stared at the water.

“This is bad,” I whispered.

“What’s bad?” Abby asked, startling me. “Whoa. Jumpy this morning? What are you staring at? Where’s Shep?” She stretched her neck to look past me at the beach.

“Fuck,” she whispered. “That looks bad. Are you and Shepley fighting?”

I spun around. “No. Shepley went to find out what was wrong with Trav. You’re not? Fighting, I mean?”

Abby shook her head. “No. Pretty sure that’s not what anyone would call what he did to me all night. Wrestling maybe—”

“Did he say anything to you this morning?”

“He left before I woke up.”

“Now, he … he looks like that!” I said, pointing. “What the hell happened?”

“Why are you yelling?”

“I’m not yelling!” I took a breath. “I mean … I’m sorry. Everyone’s mad. I don’t want angry people at this wedding. I want happy people.”

“The wedding is over, Mare,” Abby said, patting my backside, as she passed. She strolled out to the beach.

Marriage had made her confident, calmer, and slower to react when something was amiss. Abby had the security of knowing that if a problem stood before them, they would figure it out and be holding hands on the other side. Travis the Boyfriend had been unpredictable, but Travis the Husband was Abby’s teammate, the only real family she had.

I could almost see triumph in the way she moved as she closed in on him and Shepley. Whatever was wrong, Abby was unafraid. Travis was unbeatable, just like her. They had nothing to fear.

That part of being married was appealing to me, but being married to a Maddox would be work, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that yet—even if my Maddox was Shepley.

The moment Abby knelt next to Travis, he threw his arms around her and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Shepley stood and took a few steps back, glancing at me for just a moment, before watching Abby work her magic.

“Good morning, sweet pea,” Mom said, touching my shoulder.

I turned to hug her. “Hi. How did you sleep?”

Mom looked around and sighed. The lines on each side of her mouth deepened when she smiled. “This place, America. You did a really good job.”

“Too good,” Dad teased.

“Mark, stop,” Mom said, nudging him with her elbow. “She’s already said she’s not in a hurry. Leave her alone.” She looked at me. “Are we still on for brunch?”

“Yeah,” I said, distracted by Travis hugging Abby on the beach. I chewed on my lip. At least they weren’t fighting—or maybe they were making up.

“What is it?” Dad asked. He looked in the same direction I was, immediately seeing Travis and Abby. “Good God, they’re not arguing, are they?”

“No. Everything is fine,” I assured him.

“Travis didn’t attack some drunken spring breaker for staring at his wife, did he?”

“No.” I chuckled. “Travis is calmer … ish.”

“Abby has the face, Pam,” Dad said.

“No, she doesn’t,” I snapped back, more to myself than to him.

“You’re right,” Mom said. “That is definitely the face.”

They meant Abby’s poker face. Any stranger would think nothing of it, but we all knew what it meant.

I turned to them with a contrived smile. “I reserved a table for six. I think Jack and Deana are already heading that way. I’ll just grab Shepley, and we’ll meet you there.”

Mom batted her eyes and pretended like she didn’t know I was trying to get rid of them, just like all the times when they’d ignored Abby’s poker face when we were getting caught in a lie. My parents weren’t stupid, but they were also nontraditional in the way that, as long as we were safe, they’d allow us to make mistakes. They didn’t know those mistakes had been made in Las Vegas.

“America,” Mom said. Her tone alerted me to something more serious than the scene on the beach. “We have an idea on what this brunch is about.”

“No, you don’t,” I began.

She held up her hand. “Before you make everyone at the table uncomfortable, your dad and I have discussed it, and our feelings haven’t changed.”

My mouth fell open, and my words tripped over my tongue several times before I could form a coherent sentence. “Mom, just please hear us out.”

“You still have two years left,” Mom said.

“It’s a great apartment. It’s close to campus—” I said.

“School has never come easy to you,” Mom interjected.

“Shepley and I study all the time. I’m carrying a three-point-oh.”

“Barely,” Mom said, sadness in her eyes.

She hated telling me no, but she would when she felt it was important, which made it really hard for me to argue.


“America, the answer is no.” Dad shook his head, holding up his hands, palms out. “We’re not financing an apartment with your boyfriend, and we don’t feel like you could hold satisfactory grades and work enough hours to pay rent, even half the rent. We don’t know how Shepley’s parents feel, but we can’t agree to it. Not yet.”

My shoulders fell. For weeks, Shepley had been preparing a speech with calm rebuttals and sound arguments. He would be devastated—again—just like the last time when we’d announced that we would be moving in together and were shut down.

“Daddy,” I whined, a last-ditch effort.

He wasn’t moved. “Sorry, sweet pea. We’d appreciate it if you didn’t bring it up at brunch. It’s our last day. Let’s just—”

“I get it. Okay,” I said.

They both hugged me and then walked toward the restaurant. I pressed my lips together, trying to figure out a way to break the news to Shepley. Our plan had been sunk before we even had a chance to present it to our parents.


“Shit,” I said under my breath.

America’s conversation with her parents hadn’t looked pleasant, and when they walked off and she looked at me, I already knew what had happened.

“Trav, look at me,” Abby said, holding his chin until his eyes focused on hers.

“I can’t tell you. That’s as truthful as I can be.”

Abby put her hands on her hips and bit her lips together, scanning the horizon. “Can you at least tell me why you can’t tell me?” She looked back at him with her big gray eyes.

“Thomas asked me not to, and if I do … we won’t be able to be together.”

“Just answer me this,” Abby said. “Does it have to do with another woman?”

Confusion and then horror reflected in Travis’s eyes, and he hugged her again. “Christ, baby, no. Why would you even ask that?”

Abby hugged him, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “If it’s not someone else, then I trust you. I guess I just won’t know.”

“Really?” Travis asked.

“Travis, what the hell is it?” I asked.

Travis frowned at me.

“Shep,” Abby said, “it’s between Thomas and Travis.”

I nodded. If he didn’t tell Abby, he wasn’t going to tell me. “Okay.” I play-punched Travis’s shoulder with the side of my fist. “You feel better? Abby’s cool with it.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Abby said. “But I’ll respect it. For now.”

A cautious smile spread on Travis’s face, and he held out his hand to his wife.

“Hey,” America said. “Everything good here?”

“We’re good,” Abby said, smiling at Travis.

Travis simply nodded.

America looked to me, the ocean breeze blowing thick strands of her long blonde hair in her face. “Can we talk?”

My eyebrows pulled in, and she winced.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said.

Travis and Abby walked down the beach, leaving us alone.