Read Books Novel


“Considering the circumstances I’ll let it slide.” Female bears were almost always smaller, but I wouldn’t have minded being an exception.

“Good. You’re going to have to go through the woods and around to the north side.” He paused. “You got it?”

“I’m guessing you’re staying here.”

“If I’m not standing guard, I’ll tip them off.”

“True.” I started toward the woods.

“Vera?” He called lightly.


“You aren’t going to try to take down the boss, right? You’re only going in for Jared?”

“Would I ever do something like that?” I winked. If the opportunity presented itself I’d take the boss down in a heartbeat, but anyone capable of capturing a Pteron, in a cave or not, was dangerous. I wasn’t holding my breath.

After one last glance back at Finn I made my way around toward the north side of the cave.

Chapter Two


Casey had been sleeping for hours. We’d barely made it back to my apartment in New York City before she collapsed. I left her sitting on the couch while I made a few phone calls, and by the time I came back she was sound asleep. I’d easily carried her into my room—which I was hoping she’d start considering our room. We hadn’t exactly had a conversation about it in the time since she escaped from the cave, but as far as I was concerned she needed to move in. With the boss, whoever that was, on the loose I was going to minimize the time she spent out of my sight. It’s not that she couldn’t take care of herself, but there was too much going on to leave things up to chance.

She woke up long enough to slide out of her cut off shorts before curling up under the blankets and going back to sleep. The exhaustion made sense on the surface—she’d just been through a crazy ordeal, but she was a Pteron. Our bodies require so little sleep that just passing out like that is rare. It only happens when we’re sick, and Pterons are almost never sick.

I undressed down to my boxers and slipped in next to her. I held her in my arms, watching her slow breathing. She seemed fine, but what if there was something I was missing? As much as he wasn’t my favorite person, I kind of wished Levi was back from his honeymoon. I wanted his take on things. After Casey had fallen asleep I’d placed a quick call to Georgina to let her know Casey was all right. Knowing her, she’d be on her way up to New York already. I was positive she’d be of some help. The woman was intimidating, but she also knew everyone and seemed to have an infinite knowledge base.

Casey stirred, mumbled something incoherently, and then curled up even tighter against me. I rubbed her back gently, needing to touch her and desperate to talk to her. There was so much more to say. I was so in love with Casey, and I didn’t even know what to do with the feelings. She seemed to feel the same way, which almost felt too good to be true. I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall. Things never worked out so easily for me.

“Toby?” She said my name in such a soft voice that I wasn’t sure if she was awake.

“Hey, I’m right here.”

She opened her beautiful blue eyes. “How long have I been sleeping?” She yawned. She still seemed tired.

I tried to hide my concern, but I had to tell her the truth. “Since we got home, it’s been hours.”

She glanced around the room. “We are home, aren’t we?”

I smiled, loving how easily she accepted my bedroom as home. “Yes.”

“Have you heard from Vera or Jared?” She struggled to sit up, so I adjusted the pillows to make it easier. She smiled. “Thank you.”

“Nothing yet, but who knows if either have a working phone, or if they have any service.” I tried to play it off as nonchalant, but I was nervous too. I’d been so worried about Casey that I hadn’t been thinking about it.

“What if something’s happened? It’s been a long time. We need to go back.” She started getting out of bed. “We can’t leave them there.”

I put a hand on her shoulder to get her to stop. “It hasn’t been that long, we need to be patient. We can’t just go back to the cave.”

“Why not? We’ll be prepared. We can go in quietly.” Her hands balled into fists. She wanted to be ready for action, but I couldn’t let her for both selfish and completely logical reasons.

“You just slept for four hours.”

She turned back toward me, and I saw understanding cross her face. “I haven’t slept that long since I transformed for the first time.” Understanding was replaced by panic.

I took her hand in my own. “I know…”

“Yet I’m still tired.” She ran a hand through her messy brown hair. I loved when it looked all tousled. It was Casey at her most real.

“I can tell.”

“Maybe it’s just from all the stress.” She sat up even more.

I let out a deep breath. I had to broach the topic. “Or from something they did to you…”

“They didn’t do anything to me.” She looked away, which meant she was hiding something. “They didn’t do anything.”

I ran my thumb over her hand. “Casey, you need to be completely honest with me. I can’t help you unless you tell me things.”

“I’m telling you what I remember.”

“You promise?” I hated pushing her. I wanted her to know I trusted her, but I had to be sure.

She leaned up and kissed me. “I promise.”

“Do you want to sleep some more?”

“Not a chance. I need to keep moving on with the day so I can stop worrying so much.” She stood up, easily shrugging off my hand. Sometimes I forgot how strong she was now. “I need to take a shower.”

“I don’t suppose you want company?” I hoped she would take my comment for what it was, a joke. I’d have loved to join her, but I knew sex was the last thing on her mind.

“You can join me.” She pulled off her top and slid off her panties. “I don’t want to be alone.”

My jaw dropped as I enjoyed the view of her retreating figure heading toward the bathroom. “Really?” Casey usually didn’t have a problem being alone. I hoped it was just an excuse to have me join her.

She glanced over her shoulder. “I told you yes.”

I didn’t need her to tell me for a third time. I shed my boxers and hurried after her into the shower.
