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“I don’t want to do anything. I just want you with me.” She turned on the water, and I waited patiently while she adjusted it to the right temperature.

“That’s fine with me. I’ll be good.” It wouldn’t be easy to resist her, but I’d do what she wanted.

“You’re amazing, Toby. Too good to be true.”

I took a long look at her as she stepped underneath the stream of water. “No, I think you’re the one who’s too good to be true.”

She closed her eyes as the water poured over her. I watched with the same awe as I did each and every time I got to see her body. I loved every single inch of her. She was so strong, yet so delicate at the same time.

She opened her eyes and caught me staring. “Oh. I guess I’m hogging all the water.”

I laughed. “That’s not why I’m looking at you.”

She stepped out from under the spray. “Oh?”

I took my turn under the water, glad to watch her eyes sweep over me.

She smiled as she watched. “I’m guessing you were doing exactly what I’m doing right now.”

“Pretty much.” I pulled her under the spray with me. I wrapped her up in my arms, needing to hold her, to feel her heart beat. She was okay. The sleep was nothing. Maybe if I said it enough times I’d actually believe it, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

She brushed some wet hair away from her face. “Everything is going to be okay, isn’t it?”

“I hope so.” I wanted to give her more, but I couldn’t. Misleading her or giving her false hope wasn’t going to help anyone. I kissed her gently on the lips. I kept it light, wanting to respect her wishes.

“I think I’m a bad person.”

“What?” I took her face in my hands, ignoring the water pouring over us. “Why would you say that? Is this about what happened with Jared again, because I thought we had already moved on?”

“No. It’s more current.”

“Oh?” At least we weren’t going down that road again.

“I want you. I shouldn’t with everything else going on, but right now watching water stream down your body I just need you.”

“That doesn’t make you a bad person. I’m feeling exactly the same way.”

“Would we be bad people if we gave in to that urge?”

“No, but you’d be mad at yourself.” It took every ounce of restraint to say the words. The last thing I wanted was for her to add more guilt to her plate.

“I love you, Toby.”

“I love you too, Casey.” I kissed her again, but I kept it short and sweet. If I took things too far neither of us would be able to stop.

She reached around me and shut off the water. “I guess it’s time to get back to reality.”

“I guess so.”

I stepped out and grabbed a towel. I dried her off before I moved on to myself. I loved doing those kinds of things for her, the intimate things that you had to earn the right to do.

I hung up the towel and followed her into the bedroom. I had no desire to get back to reality, but I knew we didn’t have a choice.

Chapter Three


We’d just moved back into the bedroom when the knocking started. Casey tensed. I was almost positive who it was, so I quickly got dressed. “I’ll take care of it. Take your time.”

“Thanks.” She started rummaging through my drawers.

I smiled. I loved how she made herself at home among my stuff. I tore my gaze from her and walked out into the main room. I waited just inside the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s me. Let me in!” Georgina hollered.

I opened the door, knowing that making the Laurent matriarch wait any longer than necessary would be a mistake.

“Finally.” She strode right in. She had no problem taking charge even in my apartment. “Where’s my granddaughter?”

“How’d you get up here?” I was going to have to double up on the security.

“Of course the doorman let me up.”

I refrained from a snappy retort. No member of The Society could say no to Georgina easily. She may have been human, but she was intense.

“Georgina?” Casey walked out of my room wearing a pair of my gym shorts and a worn-in blue t-shirt. She looked cute, but I knew her grandmother wouldn’t agree.

“Thank goodness.” Georgina wrapped her up in her arms. The two hugged for several moments before they finally broke apart. When Georgina picked her head up, I even saw tears sliding down her cheeks.

“You got here fast.” Casey smiled. She already seemed to have developed a bond with her grandmother.

“I came as soon as I could. I’m still trying to track down someone who knows how to reach Leviathan.”

“Jared’s the only one who knows.” I’d heard Levi tell Jared not to mention it to anyone else.

“Jared?” Georgina asked with confusion for a second, and I held in a laugh. “Oh. That’s Jett’s son.”

“Yes.” Casey wiped her eyes. “But he’s unavailable.”

“Unavailable.” Georgina set her large handbag down on the side table. “No one is unavailable to me.”

Casey laughed silently. “He saved me and went back in to get rid of the boss.”

“The what?”

Casey and I exchanged a glance. Evidently no one had clued Georgina in. “You’re going to want to sit down for this.”

“I could also use a cup of tea. You don’t happen to have any do you, Toby?”

I smiled. She knew my name. “Actually I do. Earl Grey okay?”

“Yes. That’s perfect.” She patted my arm. “I knew I liked you.”

I left Casey and her grandmother alone while I went to make the tea. I knew that was what the request was really about. Georgina was good at finding excuses to keep people busy when she needed to.

I took my time putting on the water. Having Georgina on my side was a good thing. If she wanted me with Casey she’d make things a lot easier for us. While I waited for the water to boil on the stove I started a pot of coffee. Casey would want some.

I gave the two the space I knew they needed, but it was hard not to listen in. Georgina was worried, and I didn’t blame her. Something just wasn’t right with Casey.

I tuned in and out of their conversation as I waited, and then the topic seemed to have changed to what had been happening with us. I poured two cups of coffee and the cup of tea for Georgina. I brought the tea and Casey’s cup in first. Casey smiled appreciatively when I set it down on the coffee table in front of her. She was sitting on the couch next to Georgina. I went back for my coffee before taking a seat on the love seat that was catty corner to the couch.
