Stripped (Page 13)

Stripped (Guilty Pleasures #2)(13)
Author: Adriana Hunter

Chase had his hands beneath my dress, pulling the material aside, fingers working beneath the edges of my thong. There was another rending of fabric and my p**sy was exposed, the thong disappearing into the gloom and from my mind. He pushed me hard up against the wall with a resounding thud. I slid one leg up his body, wrapping it around his waist.

In the tight space between our bodies, he made quick work of the zipper and button on his jeans, grunting as he freed his c*ck from the confines of his pants.

There was no ceremony; he was in me quickly, holding me against his body, thrusting hard and fast. Our mouths were locked together in a vicious kiss, breath rasping between our lips as he drove himself into me over and over.

I came so quickly, pulling Chase against me as hard as I could, clinging to him as my h*ps thrust forward violently, my head hitting the wall as I broke away from his mouth, a harsh scream coming from somewhere far inside me.

Chase dug his fingers into the soft flesh of my ass, pulling me even closer, thrusting deeply into me as he came with me, the urgency of his thrusts spurring on my own cli**x.

Our eyes were locked and even in the dim light I could see the raw animal passion in his eyes. It brought on a fresh wave of something inexplicably primal from deep inside.

We stayed locked together after we were finished. I didn’t want to let go of Chase and when he tried to pull out of me, I clutched at him. We finally slid to the floor, where he cradled me on his lap, stroking my hair.

“Oh, Abby. What am I going to do with you?” I heard the rumble of his soft laugh against my ear.

“You drive me wild, like no one ever has.” He tipped my face up to his, his kiss tender on my bruised lips.

“Let’s go home, Abby.”


Chase took me back to his condo. In his bedroom, he undressed me slowly; taking care with what little was left to remove, in the dim light filtering through the curtains. He laid me gently on his bed, planting soft kisses on my body, lighting a fire with each brush of his lips against my skin.

The rest of the night with Chase was heaven. It was a long slow dance, led by Chase, me following willingly, everything slow and easy, every movement giving immense pleasure. Never had anything felt so good, so right.

“Chase…” We were lying in shared bliss, tangled in the sheets and each other’s arms and legs. My head was resting in the now-familiar spot on his chest, his arm around my shoulder, his body warm beneath my hands. Our mingled scents rose from the sheets, warm and sensual.

“What, darling?” His fingers lazily stroked my hair, brushing damp tangles away from my forehead.

“What is this we have? Where do you see this going?” I knew I was playing with a different kind of fire. But I knew it was Saturday; images of Jake had risen unbidden in my mind.

Lying in Chase’s arms, I felt torn and I didn’t like the feeling. My mind was looking for the logical, the facts of the matter. How did Chase feel? Was I deluding myself, again, that he might love me? God knows you’re capable of making things up, Abby.

His fingers hesitated, briefly tensing against my hair. Then they resumed their lazy movement.

“You’re looking for something I don’t think I can give you, Abby. I told you, the only filly who has my heart right now is Celeste. You’re a close second.”

He shifted, rolling me on my back, propping himself on one elbow. The look in his eyes was serious, but soft, distant memories clouding his gaze. If they were storm clouds, I couldn’t tell.

“There’ve been very few women I could say I loved. I’ve liked a hell of a lot of them, some quite a bit. But the one who I loved the best, didn’t love me back. Or didn’t love me enough, maybe. Hard to know. She’s not around anymore to ask.”

Chase rolled on his back, one arm flung across his eyes. I leaned over, watching his face as best I could in the shadows.

“There are memories from my past that I’m not ready to face, even with you. You asked me once if I hid behind whips and chains and you were more right than I wanted to admit. I hide at the ranch. I can be busy there, wear myself out riding horses, breaking them, taking care of them. It keeps me from spending too much time in the past.”

Chase turned to me. In the dim light I thought I saw the glimmer of tears in his eyes. But I didn’t touch him, didn’t think that’s what he wanted.

“When I asked you to come to the ranch, to stay there, I mean, it was that for the first time, I was able to relax, not constantly try to work myself to exhaustion so I would be so tired I couldn’t think.”

I did reach out a finger, tracing the contours of his cheek. I felt the dampness of a spilled tear. And in that moment, my heart went out to him.

“I love you, Chase, even if you’re not ready to say the words to me.” The words escaped from my lips without thought and I couldn’t take them back though to my surprise I really didn’t want to. The usual panic that followed closely behind those passionate words was missing and instead I felt relaxed, confident, certain.

When he pulled me close, I felt a ragged sigh escape his lips.

“Abby… You’re as close to hearing those words from me as anyone, in a long time. But not just yet. I can’t.”

“That’s okay,” I replied with a smile and I meant it. The warmth in his eyes, the heat in his gentle touch – it was enough for me. At least for now.

We lay in each other’s arms, the fading night replaced by the brightening dawn. But it was a long time before either of us fell asleep.


I desperately needed a shower and really wanted a nap, but had time for only one and a shower was a requirement before a session. Jake was expecting me late Saturday afternoon and as tired as I was, I didn’t want to cancel.

My night with Chase had confused me deeply. In the cold light of day, I wasn’t sure what my declaration of love to Chase really meant. Was it the intensity of his emotions that triggered a spontaneous outpouring from me? Did I just feel sorry for him and had that confused with love? Or did I really love him?

I didn’t know and couldn’t think about it now. As confused and swirling as my emotions were, I was looking forward to my session with Jake. I missed my role as his submissive, the mental energy it took, and the emotional and physical rewards I got from his dominance.

The tower door was open when I pulled up beneath the portico but Jake wasn’t there to greet me. I got out of the car, walking down the driveway, looking out over the expanse of backyard visible past the end of the house. The bright sun earlier in the day had vanished beneath a lowering bank of clouds. There was that peculiar electric feeling in the air before a storm. It reminded me of the day on the motorcycle with Chase, being caught in the thunderstorm. I shivered involuntarily, hugging myself.

“Hey, there you are.” I turned. Jake was walking down the drive, shirtless and barefoot in faded blue jeans, tall and confident, his dark hair mussed and sexy. I felt a swell of emotion in my chest, my eyes filling briefly with tears. Turning away, I nodded toward the horizon, at the dark clouds building.

“Looks like something pretty big out there.” I blinked rapidly, hoping Jake hadn’t noticed. My emotions seemed just a bit too close to the surface, too raw from my night with Chase. Maybe tonight isn’t such a good idea.

Jake wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on the top of my head.

“Yeah, it looks to be some pretty intense weather.” We watched the boiling clouds for a moment, moving closer, blotting out more of the sun.

“The tower room’s one of the best places to be during a storm. You feel like you’re inside the clouds, with the wind and rain all around. I used to sleep out here during really big storms, just for the experience.” He kissed the back of my head.

“Unless you’re afraid of them, then it’s pretty terrifying.” He turned me around, pulling me against his chest.

“It’s good to have you here, Abby. I’ve missed you, and this.” His hands were warm and strong against my back, and I felt safe in his embrace. I wasn’t sure what I had to be afraid of, but standing here, with storm clouds on the horizon, I didn’t want to leave his arms.

Jake held me away from him, looking down at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d looked up into them.

“Have you decided what you want to do tonight, Abby? Anything you want to play with?”

I shook my head. “Not really.” I hesitated, biting my lip. The memory of the black-haired woman at the club flashed through my mind, the whip biting into her skin.

“Unless you have experience with a whip…”

Jake laughed. “Sorry, I don’t have any experience with whips. They’ve always frightened me a little. But, I think I can unearth a riding crop. It’s the same, but different. You might find you enjoy it.” He cocked his head at me.

“Can I ask why a whip?”

Why indeed? “Just a thought.” I knew I was blushing to the roots of my hair. You’re pushing it here, Abby.

“I see.” Jake was watching me. “Whip work takes a lot of practice. Guys who are really good spend years perfecting their technique. I don’t have that experience. But I think I can handle a riding crop, if that will make you happy.” He kissed my forehead.

“Are you ready to start?”

I nodded; it was safer than opening my mouth. Jake led me up the tower stairs, leaving me at the bathroom door. He pulled me to him, his skin warm beneath my fingers, his deep rich smell washing over me, kissing me hard.

The tears came when I was alone in the bathroom. And the guilt. I’d told another man I loved him and here I was, preparing to let a different man use a riding crop on me. You’re losing yourself, Abby.

“If you don’t want this, then just tell him.” I spoke to my reflection in the mirror. “This is a no-strings attached relationship; you can get out of it anytime you want.”

But I didn’t want to get out. I wanted this relationship, and I wanted it with Jake.

I splashed cold water on my face, tying back my hair, putting on my robe. The stairs to the tower room seemed to go on forever.

Jake was waiting inside the door, looking out the nearest window at the blackening sky. The rain had started, long streaks slashing across the glass. Lightening was visible in the distance, but no sounds of thunder yet.

“We can leave this curtain open; it faces the house. We can enjoy the ambience of the storm if you like.”

He turned toward me, his hand on the edge of the curtain. “Are you okay, Abby? If you’re not up to this, we don’t have to have a session.”

I shook my head. “I’m fine. I want to do this.”

Jake crossed the short distance between us. “Okay. We’ll keep it short then. Are you ready? You’re in submission now.”

I nodded my head, never quite so glad to not be allowed to speak. There was still a slight frown on Jake’s face as he reached for my robe.

A gust of wind-blown rain outside caught my attention. I looked toward the window; saw Jake’s reflection in the glass. He was standing behind me, not moving, staring at my back.