Read Books Novel

Surrendering to Us

Surrendering to Us (Surrender Saga #2)(21)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

“I didn’t know I was going to need tissues for this visit,” I said getting up and going to get my purse from the table in the foyer. I knew I had a pack of tissues in there somewhere. I fished through until I found them and then Lucah and I blew our noses at the same time. Tate cleared his throat from the back of the room and Lucah and I both turned.

“Sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking,” he said as April peered at us from behind him.

“It’s okay,” Lucah said. “I’ve got to face it, and get used to it. Do you think I could take some of those with me?”

“We can do you one better.” Tate nudged April and she brought out another album, which turned out to be identical to the first.

“We had the negatives, so we had copies made. I’ve been holding onto them for a while because I knew you were going to want them eventually.” Lucah took the album and brushed some dust off the cover.

“Thanks, Tate.” He got up and they hugged, which I could tell wasn’t a common occurrence.

“I have one for Ryder too, if he ever gets his head out of his ass. What’s he up to now?” Lucah let out a long sigh and set the album down.

“He’s . . . I have no idea where he’s working, but he has an apartment, if you could call it that.”

“Is he still doing drugs?”

“He seems lucid when I see him, and he doesn’t seem high, but I really don’t know. I’m doing my best, but he’s twenty-three years old. And I’m not Mom or Dad.”

Tate just shook his head and April patted his shoulder.

“I feel like I should do something, but I just know it would blow up in my face,” Tate said, his face pinched with stress. “I’d give him money if I knew he wasn’t going to spend it on drugs, or some other stupid thing. I don’t know what to do.” We all stood there in stumped silence until a little voice called “Momma!” from upstairs.

“Duty calls,” April said, heading for the stairs.


“You did amazing. I knew you would,” Lucah said as we pulled out of the driveway and waved good-bye to Tate, April and the girls. I was absolutely exhausted. Kids were tiring.

“It was pretty awkward there at the beginning.” I grabbed another chocolate-covered potato chip and munched on it. It was nearly dinnertime, and I hoped I could convince him to stop somewhere so we could eat. Or at least go through a drive-through.

“No it wasn’t. You’re crazy.”

“Uh, it definitely was. I don’t know what you saw, but there was plenty of awkward going on.” He shook his head and slowed down to a crawl through the neighborhood.

“You were great with the girls. I’m pretty sure you are the princess now.”

I pointed at him with a chip in my hand. “Damn right. I’m the f**king princess. And don’t you forget it. Wow, it feels good to curse without worrying about ruining impressionable minds.”

“Once again, you’re ridiculous.” He grabbed the chip and chomped on it. “I’m starving. Do you mind if we stop somewhere?” If I could have hugged him, I would have.

“I love you.”

“I know.”

When we got back (after stopping at Five Guys Burgers), Sloane was waiting in our apartment, sitting on the couch as if perched atop a throne. Hadn’t we just talked about this? And hadn’t she promised to stop doing this?

“Hey Mr. Ginger, Mrs. Ginger.” Oh, I was “Mrs. Ginger” now. I liked the sound of that.

“Hi, Miss Intruder,” I said, dropping my bag. Lucah was carrying the bags of candy and some extra burgers and fries from Five Guys. You could never have too much Five Guys in your house.

“How was it?” she said, getting up. “Oohh, what did you bring me?”

“Nothing until we talk about boundaries again. I thought you were going to stop popping in whenever you wanted.” I snatched the bag from Lucah and held it behind my back so she couldn’t get to it.

“I was watching your valuables and keeping them safe from burglars. So really, you should be thanking me.”

“Are you f**king serious?”

“Not really. What did you bring me?” She was worse than Gracie and Fiona, but I thought I’d found the source of her constant pop-ins. Sloane was lonely and she missed me. I couldn’t fault her for that.

I missed having her around too, even though I loved living with Lucah. There was something about living with your best girlfriend that was completely different than living with your boyfriend. I still wanted to impress him, and keep him under the illusion that I never do things like fart, or clip my toenails. I didn’t have to do that with Sloane.

“Well, we stopped and got some candy for the girls, so we brought you some mango jellybeans and some fancy chocolate that is up to your exacting standards.” She took the bag and skipped a little.

“You are the bestest friend ever!” She squealed and I got a strangling hug. It was kind of like Gracie and Fiona when I’d given them candy. But without the crying.

“Okay, okay,” I said and she let go. “So what’s up? How’s the world of fashion?”

Lucah took the burgers and fries and put them in the fridge, and then went to go take a shower to give us some privacy. Because he was the prefect boyfriend.

She was still having problems with her lingerie line, but she seemed more optimistic about it, which was great. She still needed an assistant.

“I’ve got a bunch of college students I could shove your way,” I said. Lilia would probably be fabulous at it, since she already had excellent fashion sense. But I didn’t want to lose my newfound coding genius. I was going to hold onto her with all my might.

I was stuffed from the burgers and I could feel a food coma setting in when I remembered what I had to do tomorrow at dinner with my parents. Crap, I should probably call them and inform them that Lucah would be joining us.

“Listen, I have to call my parents,” I said, hoping she would take the hint. She did, taking her candy and waving good-bye.

Lucah was still in the shower, so I seized my moment and called my mother.

“Rory, what a pleasant surprise. Aren’t you going out tonight?” Normally I would, but I was too wiped from the day.

“No, just having a quiet night in. We went and visited Lucah’s family today and I met his nieces.”

“How lovely. Did it go well?”

“I think so, at the end. He and his brother are really different, but I really like him, and his wife and the girls were absolutely adorable.” Beyond adorable. I told her the story about them sliding around in my shoes and that made her laugh.
