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Surrendering to Us

Surrendering to Us (Surrender Saga #2)(22)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

“Speaking of Lucah, that’s why I’m calling. Would it be okay if he came with me for dinner tomorrow?” I wasn’t going to tell her why so she didn’t alarm Dad.

“That would be good, I think. I barely got to talk to him at the ball. You’re living together and I don’t even know him, except from what you and your father have told me.” Uh oh. She was still a little hurt that Fin and I weren’t going to live happily ever after. Even though she’d seen him with Marisol at the Ball, some dreams took a while to die.

I cleared my throat to hopefully dispel some of the tension. “Okay, great. Well, that was all I had to ask so I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

“Can’t wait. Love you too.”

Lucah came into the living room wearing just a towel, his freckled chest glistening with water, and his hair dripping in his eyes. He was a god. I had a god living in my apartment.

I hadn’t gotten to have my way with him yet today, and after all the stress and chaos of meeting his family, I needed another release, only this time I was going to give him one.

“Do you want some coffee?” He knew I didn’t mean coffee. I stopped right in front of him and slowly got down on my knees.

“Maybe. Do you do sex?” He said dropping the towel.

“Yes, yes I do.”

I did sex. I did it until his hand clenched in my hair and he came in my mouth, grunting my name.

We took Bluebird to my parents’ house. I knew Dad was going to go nuts over it, as men do when a car is involved. I also thought it would help soften the blow that we were going to deliver.

“So how should we do this? Before dinner, after? Not at all?” I said as I gave Lucah directions to the house.

“You were the one who was insistent that we had to tell him. Why the change?”

“Because I’m afraid he’s going to freak out, like me, and have a heart attack. His blood pressure has never been good and he’s been on the verge of it for so long. I don’t want to push him. I could never live with myself if that happened.” I didn’t even want to think about it for fear that it would jinx something or f**k something up in the cosmos.

“He needs to know so that we can do something about it.” That was the bottom line. He had to know so he didn’t get blindsided. Because that would definitely push him over the edge.

I nodded reluctantly. “Okay, let’s do it as soon as we can. But gently. If that’s possible. I might need you to do it so I don’t freak the hell out.”

“I will do whatever you need me to do.”

“You’re perfect.”

“I know.”

I tensed up for a different reason when we got to my house. With all the worry about telling Dad, I had forgotten about the fact that I was apprehensive about Lucah seeing my house. I’d only given him sketchy details about it.

It seemed like a silly thing, but I had seen money come between couples too many times to believe that it didn’t matter.

“This is it,” I said pointing. Why was my house so f**king big? Had it always been that big? Or was I just now noticing its bigness?

“Wow,” he said, turning the car off and peering up through the windshield.

“Yeah. I never really think about it, I guess. It’s just home to me.” He got out and then opened my door. Unlike yesterday, he’d dressed formally in one of his work suits, and I was wearing one of the dresses that Sloane had made me. It was red, of course.

Lucah stood in front of the door, as if he expected me to knock. I gave him a look and started laughing.

“We can go in. It’s my house.” I opened the door.

“We’re here,” I called out. Mom came dashing around the corner with the biggest smile on her face. It wasn’t fake, either. No one could rock a fake smile like my mother, but this was genuine.

“Lucah, it’s so nice to see you again.” She held her hand out and he shook it.

“Thank you so much Mrs. Clarke.” She didn’t offer to let him call her by her first name, not that he would. She might have been his girlfriend’s mother, but she was also his boss’ wife.

“Rory, can I take your coat?” I took it off and she took Lucah’s jacket as well. His eyes darted around the house and assessed it.

“Would you like the tour?” Mom said, sweeping her arm out.

“Yes, that would be great.” Only the very tips of his ears betrayed how intimidated he was. I took his hand in mine as Mom led us through the downstairs. He especially liked the dorky childhood posed photographs of me that were everywhere.

“Fair is fair,” he whispered in my ear as I tried to hide one of them behind a vase of flowers. “You got to see mine, now I want to see yours.”

“You’ve seen mine. Many times.” I whispered back. Mom was oblivious as she talked about a painting.

“Where’s Dad?”

“Oh, he’s just making a phone call. He’ll be right out.” She rolled her eyes.

“So he’s been bringing his work home with him?” Instead of taking it easy and working less, he was just bringing it home. Lovely. “Which means he didn’t listen at all to either of us.” She shook her head, and pasted on her fake smile in front of Lucah. He might be my boyfriend, but he was a guest and she wanted to make a good impression. Just like I’d wanted to with his family yesterday.

“Ah, there he is.” Dad came out of his study and seemed startled to see us all there.

“Hi, Dad.” I went and gave him a hug, an extra tight one.

“Mr. Clarke. Nice to see you outside of the office, sir.” Lucah shook his hand and Dad smiled.

“Same to you, Mr. Blaine. Or Blythe. Still getting used to the name change.” Lucah smiled and I could feel a moment of awkward silence coming. But as soon as she felt it, Mom escorted us into the dining room and had us sit down. I looked at Lucah.

“Now?” I whispered to him as Dad and Mom brought in the dinner. Tonight it was baked chicken with grilled artichokes and Brussels sprouts, with a lemon sponge cake for dessert.

We all served ourselves and once our plates were full of food, I cleared my throat.

“Dad? Can we talk about something with you?”

“Now? Can’t it wait until after we’ve eaten?” Lucah nudged my leg under the table. It was now or never.

“No, it can’t wait. Um, so Lucah informed me that, well . . . “ I trailed off. I couldn’t say the words. Before I could ask him to finish for me, Lucah opened his mouth.
