Read Books Novel

Taming the Wolf

As the moose bounded through the trees, Adam sprung up and jumped on its back. The moose cried out as Adam’s teeth sunk into its shoulder. One by one, the pack attacked the animal, and it slumped to the ground. Eve rushed towards it, her teeth sinking into its throat and the struggling stopped.

My wolf salivated at our fresh kill, ready to sink her sharp teeth into the meat. But I had to wait my turn. Adam and Eve tore chunks off and devoured them like savage beasts, blood coating their muzzles.

When they’d had their fill, the other high ranking wolves feasted. I padded back and forth, antsy for my meal. Unless we took down another animal, there wouldn’t be too much left for me.

“Anna, come over here,” Adam said, his voice sounding in my mind. My wolf held no reservations about her attraction to the alpha. She bolted around the group of feeding wolves towards him.

He was hidden in the trees, his black fur blending in with the night. The beautiful glow of his yellow eyes shone against the darkness, but I didn’t need to see him to know where he was—I was drawn to him.

“Eat,” he said, amused as he nudged a hunk of meat towards me. I stared at the offering, trotting closer, and devoured the moose flesh. When I was done, I began cleaning off my paws and muzzle. Adam watched me for a few moments before slipping away. My wolf whined when her alpha disappeared. I even felt myself sag in sadness. My attraction towards Adam wasn’t due to the fact that he was my alpha. It wasn’t because he was gorgeous, powerful, and the leader of our group. I wasn’t just attracted to him—I was pulled towards him. Being around him was magnetic. It not only hurt my heart, but it crushed my soul because I knew he was unavailable.

As soon as the sun rose and I was back to my normal, human self, I’d go through that book with a fine tooth comb and find out if Adam could be my chante.

Chapter Twelve

“Is the door locked?” I asked Elle.

“You already asked that, and yes it is for the twentieth time.” We’d retrieved the book from the bushes and sat on my bed hovering over it. It was covered in leather with an emblem of some sort of intricate circle design on the front. It had to be at least five inches thick and filled with ivory paper.

“I just don’t want to be on the wrong side of Adam’s wrath, or Eve’s for that matter,” I told my friend. Elle ignored my concerns and flipped the book open. The pages were filled in with dark ink, some drawings, but mostly passages from previous alphas. Each article was signed and dated with the inscriber’s name.

The page Elle flipped to was a picture of wolves in a circle with one larger wolf in the middle. The surrounding wolves had their heads bowed and in elegant script it read: The Reign of Edwards.

“Is this the alpha ceremony?”

“Yeah, it’s sorta a big deal,” Elle said. As we flipped through the pages there were five other alpha ceremony drawings, the last one of Adam. All of the pack mates surrounded him pledging their loyalty. In the back of my mind, I wondered how that must feel to have so many dedicated followers. Pride stirred in my heart as I stared at the black wolf—my wolf.

“Who taught you about all this stuff?”

“I’ve always been a history buff. When I was changed I hounded anyone I could for information on the creature I became,” Elle laughed to herself in remembrance. “Adam sat me down after hearing about how much I was annoying people with my questions. He and I discussed the legends and myths until two in the morning. That’s how I knew where he hid the book. I was in the room when he retrieved it. It’s more hidden so that humans or other packs can’t find it.” I smiled at her and wondered why I hadn’t wanted to find this stuff out.

“I think this is it,” Elle said as she flipped to another page. Her finger ran down the paper as she read to herself.

“Well?” My lungs tighten as I waited for the verdict.

“Chante,” Elle read, “is an old Indian legend. It is said that every heart has a counterpart and until it is found, a person will not know true happiness. Nature has paired man and woman since the dawn of time, but when you find your chante, she alerts you. The earth moves, guiding you towards one another. It is said that no force can undo what Mother Nature has set into motion.”

Elle looked up and smiled. “It’s not much, but this could be it.”

“I don’t know. I’m still not sure I believe in soul mates. I mean I can’t be the only female who is drawn to Adam. He is gorgeous.”

“You’re right, you’re not,” Elle agreed. “But you’re the only female he’s been drawn to. I’ve never even seen him like that, even with Eve.” Her smile grew wider until twin rows of sparkly white teeth showed. I smiled back, happy to have a piece of hope that maybe, just maybe, Adam was my chante.

“Anna?” Adam’s voice boomed through the house, and Elle and I scrambled to hide the book.

We rushed to where Adam stood in the kitchen. Four other men I didn’t recognize were with him and emanating pure power. My wolf respected these men. I bowed my head and Elle followed suit. Strange.

“Anna, the leaders have traveled a long distance to meet you,” Adam said and my head popped up. “This is Wade,” Adam gestured towards a man who looked to be in his thirties. I hadn’t expected a leader to be so young. He was tall, at least six-foot-three, and rock solid. His clothes stretched the span of his wide chest and bulbous arms. His jeans fit loosely but I could tell muscular legs hid underneath. I nodded my head in his direction, not sure whether I should speak. I kept my eyes on his chest so I wouldn’t make eye contact. Everything within me said I wouldn’t get away with staring one of these men down like I did Adam.

“This is Nicholas, Michael, and Jeff,” Adam continued, and I nodded in each of their directions. All of them were stocky and frightening. Their faces hard and serious.

“Nice to finally meet you, Anna Avery,” one of the men said. “And you, Elle Andrews.”

Elle and I both nodded again. An extreme urge to curtsey filled me, but figured that’d only get me laughed at. I’d never been so out of sorts that I didn’t know how to act. My wolf was a nervous mess, which in turn made me just as nervous.

“Shall we sit and discuss what’s been going on?”

“As you wish, my lord,” Adam said, and the four men turned to go into the living room. Just as Elle and I were about to follow, Adam stopped us.

“Elle, this meeting is for Anna. You’re dismissed.”

Elle nodded, squeezed my arm and turned to leave. I wanted to beg for her not to go, but I kept my unease to myself.

Adam leaned down so his mouth was close to my ear. His warm breath stirred my hair and my hands itched to reach out to him. It’d been so long since he’d been this close.

“You will be respectful. They aren’t as forgiving as I am,” he warned.

When he withdrew from me, he placed a hand on the small of my back and together we met the leaders in the living room.

All four men sat together on the longer side of the sectional. I took the spot furthest away and stared at my clasped hands in my lap. I hated this. Hated feeling inadequate and beneath these men’s feet. Everything inside of me wanted to meet their eyes and show them I was their equal. But my wolf held power over me in this situation and would not allow me to defy Adam’s warning.

“Anna,” one of the men said. “We hear that there have been a couple murders and you were the last to see the victims alive.”

I nodded.

“I’m going to be straight with you, and you will answer truthfully,” the man paused and I nodded again. “Did you kill these men?”

I was quiet for a moment while I thought about the dreams and the taste of blood in my mouth.

“I don’t know,” I said quietly.

“How can you not know?” another man asked, his voice slightly deeper than the previous interrogator. “You either did or you didn’t.”

“I don’t remember killing anyone, but I had dreams of the killings,” I explained. The room was quiet for a moment, spiking my already jumpy nerves. Squeezing my hands tighter, I focused on the pain of my nails digging into my skin.

“What happens in these dreams?” Yet another man asked. It’d be really nice if I could put a face with the voice, but I kept my eyes down.

“I’m the wolf,” I told them. “I see everything from its perspective and its thoughts are the ones I hear.”

“That’s very…” one of the men started.

“Bizarre, it’s bizarre,” another one finished.

I bit my lower lip and shifted on the couch.

“From what I understand, you were the last to see these two men alive?”

”Just the one, Tim, the first victim. I’d had a mishap in the forest and passed out. The hunter’s body was found close by.”

“A mishap?” A leader questioned.

“She fell onto a bear trap set up by rangers hunting for a rabid wolf or mountain lion,” Adam explained.

“I see and you’ve had trouble being around humans in the past?”

Another nod.

“Is it possible that her wolf is so strong it overtakes her without her knowledge, and therefore, the only memories she retains are dreamlike?” One of the men asked and the four of them began mumbling as they talked amongst themselves.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my nerves, but when Adam approached my lids snapped open. He stood next to me, making sure not to touch me. My muscles eased a bit, and I could breathe easier with his close proximity.

“We don’t have to tell you that exposing us to humans is very dangerous,” the man with the deeper voice said.

I shook my head.

“If what you say is true, and you don’t remember killing the men, then I believe we have no other choice than to stay and observe your actions. You’ll be kept under a watchful eye, and sooner or later, we’ll get to the bottom of this.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, releasing a heavy breath. Elle had been my babysitter which was fine with me. Now I’d have four leaders scrutinizing my every move. Damn it!
