Read Books Novel

Taming the Wolf

“We’re happy to have you,” Adam said, clearly as surprised as I was. “You may stay in the main house, there are plenty of bedrooms.”

They were staying in my house?

“Very good,” one of the leaders said. “Our bags are in the SUV, we thought this might not be solved tonight.”

“I’ll tend to them,” Adam said and began to leave the house.

“Nonsense, have Anna retrieve them. An alpha shouldn’t be reduced to a bellboy, even if it is for your leaders.”

Adam seemed like he wanted to say something, but I stopped him.

“I’d be happy to,” I said and smiled for good measure. Honestly, just getting out of the house and away from their stares was purpose enough.

Once outside, I took a moment to catch my breath and gain my composure. What if I was the one going on a killing spree? Surely, the penalty would be death. Would the leaders do it or would I die at the hands of Adam? My body wouldn’t calm down and more thoughts bombarded my mind. If it came to death, I hoped it’d be Adam who ended my life. I needed to know he’d be the last person I saw as I faded from this world.


I half turned and blinked away the tears that stung my eyes. Adam walked towards me, stopping a couple feet away.

“We’ll figure this out,” he said, and something within me snapped.

“Why should you care? You’ve ignored me for the past month!” Once the words left my lips I realized how much I wanted an answer. I needed to know how he could be on me one minute and discard me the next. But most of all, I needed reassurance that I wasn’t alone in the feelings I had for him. You’re a needy wreck!

“Never mind,” I told him. I didn’t want to hear the same spiel about how he was Eve’s mate and there was nothing he could do about it. My heart couldn’t take the hammering of those words again.

I opened the door to the SUV and unloaded the suitcases.

“Anna…I,” Adam began as if he couldn’t find the words.

“Really, it’s okay. I understand,” I lied as I lifted the luggage. I started towards the house, but Adam stepped in front of me.

“Tell me why you were crying.”

I shifted my gaze away from his concern. “I wasn’t.”

Adam reached a hand out; his fingers caressed the side of my face. My eyes closed against the feel of his warm skin on mine.

“Tell me,” he whispered.

“What if I am the one responsible? I’ll be sentenced to death.” I kept my voice low as if speaking any louder would make the words true. When Adam didn’t respond, I looked up. His eyes changed to fierce and protective.

“Do you feel in your heart that you’re responsible?”

I thought for a moment, really thought and then shook my head. “No,” I told him. “But none of it makes sense. Why would I have the dreams or memories, whatever they are?”

Adam stepped closer. “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out together.”

I released an annoyed breath. I hated the worry on his face and the promise of his words. “Thank you, my alpha. You’re most gracious.”

Adam stepped away as if my words burned him. If he wanted to spout shit about his duties, I’d go back to being his loyal subject. There’s a reason why the phrase “can’t have your cake and eat it too” existed. I wouldn’t allow him to pay attention to me when it pleased him and ignore me when he wanted. As much as my hands wanted to roam over his broad shoulders and rippling abs, I would rein in my overpowering lust and be just another member of his pack.

I pushed past him.

“Anna,” Adam said my name with authority, and I turned around, unable to ignore the power of my alpha. “That’s not fair.”

I remained silent, unsure where he was going. With confident steps, he moved closer. His eyes shifted towards the house as if he were making sure no one was watching. Leaning down, his cheek rested against the side of my face as his lips spoke against my hair.

“I want you, have always wanted you. It’s not fair that you judge my merit when you refused to be with me because I’m mated to Eve.” The sound of him licking his lips sent a shiver through my body. “Believe me when I say that the only thing keeping me from taking you right now is that it’s what’s best for you. I want to keep you safe.” Adam stood up straight, looked at me with an intensity that burned to my very core and then disappeared into the house.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat, grabbed the luggage, and followed with a small smile on my lips.

Chapter Thirteen

“Good morning, Anna.”

I looked through groggy eyes at four large men sitting at the kitchen table. Elle was in the process of cooking bacon, eggs, sausage and pancakes. The aroma was mouthwatering.

“Morning,” I said to the leaders. “You slept well, I hope?”

Each of them grunted in agreement.

Making my way towards Elle, I opened the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice.

“Need any help?”

“Could you get the plates, forks and glasses?” Elle asked and I nodded.

While I set the table, I could tell that four pairs of eyes observed me. It made the hair on my arms stand on end as I wondered what they saw when they looked at me. Did they already have their minds made up and waited for an opportunity to convict me?

“Any dreams last night?” one of the leaders asked.

“No, sir. It’s been almost a month since I had my last uh…dream.” I continued to place a plate, glass, and silverware in front of each man.

“What are your plans for the day?” another leader asked.

“I’ll be doing my chores,” I told them as I stood back and hugged my arms to my chest.

“You may look upon us,” the man with the deeper voice said. The shock caused me to look over at Elle. She shrugged and I turned my attention towards the table. I was hesitant to peel my eyes from the floor, but if I didn’t, it could be considered rude. When I looked up, four stone cold faces greeted me. I’d only seen them through peripheral and those hard lines and tight jaws were still in place.

“The old ways state that one shall not look a leader, or alpha, in the eyes as a show of respect,” the man with the deeper voice continued. I assumed this was Wade considering his younger face. His brown hair was cut closely to his head and his square face held a five o’clock shadow.

“We realize that making those below us avert their gazes may be impersonal. We want to connect with our people and show we are just as loyal to them as they are to us.”

I took a moment to look at each of the leaders. The three other gentlemen were older, late forties and fifties. Wade looked to be in his thirties. How’d he become a leader so young? Leaders were a group of men who acted as our government. They policed packs that found themselves in the sort of trouble an alpha couldn’t handle alone. The fact that they were staying in my house was a bit embarrassing. Only four months as a werewolf and I already got the attention of the bigwigs.

“Thank you,” I told them. “That is very gracious of you.” What I really wanted to say was it was about time and the old way was asinine. Luckily, I bit down on my tongue before my thought could slip through.

“So, chores?” Wade asked and I nodded.

“What does that entail?” Nick, Michael or Jeff asked. I couldn’t be sure which man was which.

I shrugged. “Just depends. I chop wood, mow the lawns, and anything else that needs to be done. Today, I’m trimming a couple tree branches that are too close to some of the houses.” I smiled. “It’s not glamorous, but it’s my life.”

Wade smiled and nodded. “I’ve had my fair share of those not so glamorous times.”

“That was before his daddy claimed him and stuck a silver spoon in his mouth, or a platinum spoon rather, silver would torture,” either Michael, Nick or Jeff said with a smile. The three of them laughed, but Wade shifted his eyes and clenched his jaw so tight I could practically hear his teeth grinding.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me,” I said and began to leave the room. It was clear the three older leaders didn’t show Wade the same respect, and I had enough problems without standing in the middle of their ribbing.

“Hold up,” Wade said, following me down the hallway. “We may not be the hard asses you originally thought, but we were serious when we said you’d be kept under a watchful eye. I’ll tag along with you today.”

Oh goodie! “Elle can watch me. I’m sure you have better things to do.”

“Elle’s your friend?”


Wade nodded. “And that’s why we can’t trust her to really watch you. Go get dressed, and I’ll be waiting out front.”

I stared at the back of his head and pretended if I blinked just right, it’d explode. Unfortunately it didn’t work. Once in my bedroom, I shut and locked the door. Elle and I stored the book underneath my bed and knowing it was there with the leaders just outside caused my skin to itch. Personally, I didn’t mind borrowing it without Adam’s knowledge, but my wolf was a nervous nelly. Her feelings soaked through me and made me anxious. Bending down, I grabbed the book and placed it under some shirts in my dresser. I figured that’d be a better hiding place, unless the leaders decided to raid my room.

Once dressed in shorts and a blue tank top I headed outside. Wade leaned against my truck, his ankles and arms crossed. This sucks! I walked around my truck, opened the door, and hopped inside. Wade followed suit and soon we were driving.

“When were you turned?” Wade asked.

I looked over, but he stared straight ahead with one arm propped on the door. His profile was beautiful and hard; he was definitely leader material.

“It’s been four months now,” I told him. “I was jogging and a wolf attacked me. Adam found me and took me in.” I flexed my fingers against the steering wheel and rolled my neck to ease my nervous muscles.
