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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(47)
Author: Emma Holly

Trey’s quirky mouth slanted with amusement. “Some women like the idea of two men making love to them.”

“But we’re not just— We’d—”

“Yes,” Trey agreed in answer to Zane’s stammers. “She’d see us touching each other. No way could the pair of us be na**d and not betray our attraction.”

Despite the pain in her back, Rebecca’s breath caught with arousal.

Zane’s flush-brightened face jerked to her. “You wouldn’t mind that?”

“Uh,” she said, her own cheeks hot. Her pu**y was wet enough for her cl*t to swim. The way the little rod was throbbing it could have been trying to. She cleared her tightened throat. “As long as you guys were comfortable, I expect I’d like it.”

Zane rubbed his face up and down. “Honestly?”

“She just said she would,” Trey reminded with a soft laugh.

“I didn’t say I’d sleep with both of you,” Rebecca broke in hastily. “I said the idea didn’t offend me. You’re still my boss, Trey. And there’s still the matter of me not wanting to cause a rift between you and Zane. No offense, but from the looks of things, you can’t promise I won’t do that. Trey, you were ready to take Zane’s head off when you walked in on us kissing.”

The two men exchanged another look.

“I want to try,” Zane said.

“Me too,” Trey agreed, like it was settled. “In spite of being mad, watching you kiss her was kind of hot.”

“Hey,” Rebecca said, a mix of panic and elation spiking inside of her. “I get a say in this.”

“She could use a good tumble,” Trey pointed out to Zane.

“And how,” Zane responded. “As tense as she always is, she could probably use a lot of them.”

“I need to think about this,” she protested.

Zane cocked his head at her. “I’m not sure letting you think is a good idea.”


Though Trey was the one to suggest he and Zane both pursue Rebecca, nervousness flooded him. This was a giant risk. If things went south, he could lose everything.

Zane’s attention was directed toward more practical issues. “Help me get this off her,” he said.

This was Rebecca’s white chef’s coat.

“What’s wrong with her?” Trey asked, kneeling down on her other side.

“Back spasm. I think it must have hit her once the pressure of the night eased off. Delayed reaction or whatever.” He swatted Rebecca’s hands. She was trying to work the buttons instead of him. That this hurt her was obvious from her winces.

“Shouldn’t we call a doctor?”

“I’m fine,” Rebecca snapped. “I’ve had this happen before. It’ll go away.”

“If you stop fighting me, it will.” Zane looked across her at Trey. “Hold her hands. She’s being an idiot.”

Trey took Rebecca’s hands. She struggled in annoyance, but his hold on her wrists was firm. Her little tugs sent sensation pinging to his groin. To judge by the twitching between his legs, he was getting an erection. This might not be the best issue to raise right then.

“Zane’s not trying to hurt you,” he said.

Rebecca frowned, but stopped pulling away. “I haven’t said ‘yes’ to your proposal.”

“I know,” he acknowledged.

“Then why are you manhandling me like I did?”

“Jesus,” Zane muttered. “That isn’t manhandling.”

Rebecca looked startled by his sureness. Her distraction allowed Zane to get her sleeves fully off. She wore her pretty silk blouse beneath, the one Trey had been pleasantly surprised to see her in. Zane seemed surprised for his own reasons.

“Hey,” he said, stroking the collar smooth. “This looks nice on you.”

“Your shopper knew what she was doing,” she admitted grumpily.

Trey’s eyes widened. “You put her in touch with Sybil?”

“Sure. Who else wouldn’t push stuff she’d hate on her? Rebecca has her comfort zone. Sybil respected that.”

Trey struggled with his resentment. He’d wanted to do that favor for Rebecca. And why was Zane familiar with her comfort zone? Was the kiss Trey walked in on not their first? Exactly how long had they been seeing each other?

His face must have betrayed his questions.

“I met her at the ‘Hot Men of Harvard’ shoot,” Zane said. “Her brothers were the cover boys. I knew she was your new chef, but I swear I didn’t guess you were into her. I didn’t tell you about it, because I figured you’d warn me off.”

Trey felt his mouth turn down as he tried to process this without anger.

“I’m sorry,” Rebecca added, touching his sleeve gently. “I knew you were attracted to me, and it did occur to me that seeing Zane would be awkward. He just sort of . . . charmed me.”

Zane chuckled, obviously liking that.

“You were attracted to me too,” Trey said levelly.

“Yes.” Her gorgeous mouth twisted in apology. “But you and I really couldn’t date. I thought maybe he and I could squeak away with it.”

“She did break it off,” Zane put in. “After the first time.”

“The first time? You and she slept together already?”

“Once,” Zane said. “And, uh, in the interest of full disclosure, I also got her off in my car the day we met.”

“Great,” Trey said, irritation bubbling up in him.

“Too much to get over?”

Zane’s blue eyes were worried but sympathetic, like he’d understand if Trey couldn’t forgive this. Trey looked down at his arm, where Rebecca’s hand still rested. Tiny scars marked her fingers, battle wounds from cooking. Her thumb rubbed him through his sleeve, little soothing motions she might not have made consciously. Her gaze was lowered, probably because she was more inclined to guilt than Zane. She’d feel it even when—to be fair—she wasn’t obliged to.

“Do you want me as much as you want him?” Trey asked her.

Her lashes lifted, their gold blackened by mascara for tonight. Within that frame, emotion sheened her gray eyes. She appeared to understand he wanted honesty.

“I think you’re awesome,” she said earnestly. “I’m amazed you want me. When we had sex, I felt different things than with Zane, but they were just as strong.”

“Hey,” Zane said, his turn to be aggrieved. “When did you have sex with her?”
