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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(48)
Author: Emma Holly

Trey couldn’t help it. He lifted his brows and grinned.

“Shit.” Zane shook his head, thankfully more bemused than angry. “I don’t know whether to sock you or demand every damn detail.”


Buck House

REBECCA hadn’t officially agreed to anything, but that didn’t seem to matter. Trey told the valet to bring Zane’s car around the back, and Zane carried her to it. Fortunately, the silver convertible was a four-door. She and Trey fit in the rear seat.

“This isn’t necessary,” she said as Trey arranged her with her head resting on his lap.

She was curled on her side, which seemed less helpless than lying on her back. Free to do so, Trey ran one hand soothingly down her tense muscles. His palm was warm, and it really did make her feel better. She steeled herself against liking it too much as Zane pulled out of the Lounge’s lot.

“At least tell me you’re taking me home,” she said.

“We are,” Zane assured her. “Our home.”

This stunned her. “Not that mansion in Lexington!”

“What’s wrong with Lexington?” Trey finger-combed her hair.

“Everybody says it’s Sodom and Gomorrah, that you throw wild sex parties on weekends.”

Zane snickered and shifted gears.

“If they claim that,” Trey said, “they’ve never been invited.”

This wasn’t the same as saying there weren’t wild parties. “I am so not interested in orgies.”

“Not even to watch?” Zane teased.

“No!” she denied too hotly. She’d have watched him and Trey getting it on with each other any day of the week.

“Don’t worry,” Trey said, returning to making seductive passes along her spine. “Zane and I only want you to play with us. When we’re really into someone, we’re not inclined to share.”

“How do you know?” Rebecca demanded. “You implied you’ve never, er, done the same woman at the same time. Maybe you’d change your mind.”

Zane burst out laughing in the front seat. “You could turn worrying into a superpower.”

“It’s a legitimate concern!”

“Of course it is,” Trey crooned. “You’ll be the boss, Rebecca. Any time you want to call a halt, we will.”

Calling a halt wasn’t the same as calling the shots. Moreover, it suggested there’d be an activity she might want to call a halt to. She remembered the game Zane played with her and his belt in this very car. She pressed her thighs together, also remembering how she’d responded. She thought she’d noticed Trey’s breathing accelerating as he restrained her wrists tonight. Was he into bondage too? When they’d had their wild monkey sex in the Lounge’s kitchen, hadn’t his style been controlling? Her pu**y simmered at the flashback, a new and softer ache distracting her from the one in her back muscles.

“Uh,” she said, “just how sexually adventurous are you two?”

Trey’s reassuring hand chafed her shoulder. “Why don’t we cross that bridge when we come to it?”

Rebecca’s inner muscles twitched. She wasn’t the only one to react to this conversation. The flesh her head rested on was stirring. Trey was getting an erection. So was Zane. The angle she was curled up in allowed her to see between the front seats. Zane had just tugged his trousers to give his c**k more room.

The heat that poured through her then was incredible.

“Oh my God,” she couldn’t help murmuring.

“Close your eyes,” Zane advised huskily from the front. “With all you’ve had on your mind, I bet you haven’t slept much lately. You might want to rest up before we get there.”

His words caused Trey’s c**k to lurch beneath her temple.

Holy smokes, she thought, her knees vised together with excitement. The reality of them wanting her and each other was sinking in. Zane and Trey were her best lovers to date. The handful of other men she’d slept with trailed far behind. To enjoy these men one at a time had set new records for her. To be taken by them both, and to watch them take each other, was bound to knock her pleasure out of the ballpark. Zane’s suggestion that she ought to rest up implied a few home runs in her near future.

How little that frightened her should have been alarming.


Zane must have been right about Rebecca’s sleep shortage. She dropped off in Trey’s lap—one moment conscious and the next zonked out. Trey continued to pet her, shifting so that his legs stretched out and his shoulders rested against the door. His hard-on subsided but didn’t disappear. The moment felt surreal. The woman of his dreams was with him. She was using his thigh as her pillow.

“She asleep?” Zane asked, twisting his head around to see.

“Like a baby.”

Zane returned his attention to the road, fingers tapping the steering wheel. “You really okay with this? With sharing her? You’ve been thinking about her for a long time.”

“I’m okay,” Trey said, relatively sure he was. “I confess you had a tendency to creep into my fantasies about her.”

Never short on ego, Zane’s smile held a hint of smirk. “You’ve got to be the most monogamous non-monogamous guy in existence.”

“Maybe,” Trey conceded, amused. He went on more seriously, aware the topic was sensitive. “Are you ready for this, Zane? Not to sound arrogant, but whether we cross swords or brush hands or what have you, she’s going to see you want me. You’re going to expose what you think of as your g*y side.”

Zane’s smirk faded—and not simply because he was concentrating on merging onto the highway. “Why don’t we cross that bridge when we come to it?”

Trey pinched his lower lip. The bridge was approaching fast, no matter what Zane preferred.


Rebecca didn’t wake so much as slide from one pleasant dream into another. Trey was lifting her from the car, his arms hooking under hers. Her body was limp, her back muscles warm and supple.

“Mm,” she mumbled. “I feel so much better.”

She guessed Trey expected her to sleep through him carrying her. He’d been bending to swing her legs off the floor. When she spoke, he left them where they were and straightened. Rebecca didn’t mind. Her front rested pleasantly against his.

“Your back is okay?”

“Uh-huh.” She opened her eyes and squinted. “It’s bright in here.”
