The Dare (Page 25)

The Dare (The Bet #3)(25)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

"Jace," I tugged his shirt, "sit."

"No, I’m not—"

"Sit, or so help me God, I’m going to revive that goliath spider and put it on your pillow."

Swearing, Jace sat back down.

"What does therapy entail?"

"Communication," Grandma said smoothly. "Knowing your partner."

"But we aren’t partners."

"Six days," Grandma whispered.

"What?" Jace asked. "What did you say?"

"Nothing." Grandma clapped twice, the lights dimmed and classical music began playing in the background. "Now close your eyes."

Jace swore again.

"Stop swearing, son, it makes you sound simple-minded."

"Did she just call me stupid?" Jace whispered next to me, his lips grazing my cheek.

"Pfft." Grandma chuckled. "If I wanted to call you stupid, I would just say it to your face."



"Yes, Grandma?"

"You’re being stupid."

Jace cursed again.

"See?" Grandma grinned triumphantly. "Now, both of you, close your eyes. I’m going to give you a sample of what therapy will do for you. Take it or leave it, but don’t make your decision until tonight. Agreed?"

"Fine," I said, teeth still clenched.

Jace nodded.

"Good." Grandma clapped once more, causing the shades to pull down the large window, blanketing us in utter darkness.

Great, just what we needed, to be vulnerable in the dark with Grandma.

"I want you to feel," Grandma instructed. "Beth, put your hands on Jace’s legs."

Slowly, I stretched out my hands and placed them on Jace’s thighs.

"Jace, turn toward Beth so it feels more comfortable."

His body shifted so we were facing one another on the couch. My hands were placed awkwardly against his thighs, and I could feel the heat of his body through the linen pants. I could almost feel his heartbeat as blood hummed through his system.

"Now, Jace," Grandma said softly. "I want you to touch Beth’s face with your hands. I want you to be gentle, and I want you to memorize the way she feels."

I felt the heat of Jace’s hands just before his fingertips grazed my chin then my cheekbones. His hands roamed across my face; his touch was so gentle it almost hurt. I leaned toward him as he moved his hands down my neck and to my shoulders.

"Feel how her body responds to you," Grandma coached. "Feel her skin, every sensation, every touch. I want you to memorize her face so well that if asked to draw a picture of her likeness you could do so blindfolded."

My fingers dug into his thighs as he continued rubbing my face, dipping his hands into my hair. With a gasp, I bit down on my lip as he brought his head closer and closer to me.

"Now," Grandma whispered. "Beth, I want you to do what Jace was doing but start on his legs, move up his torso until your hands are placed firmly on his chest."

And so my torture in hell began. I say torture, because every movement my hands made across his thighs caused my hormones to spike to deadly levels. Muscles I didn’t even know existed were now a permanent fixture in my memory. My body cheered with delight when my hands made their way to his abs. They were tight. And I was ready to maul him for no other reason than touching him felt so good.

By the time my hands reached his chest, it felt like I’d just gone into a sauna with a wool coat on and was confused on how to get it off. My breathing was erratic. I was leaning so close to Jace that I could smell his cologne.

Grandma clapped, and the lights came on. I was practically in Jace’s lap. His face was one inch from mine, and my body was tight so tight it was ready to explode. I wanted him — everywhere — and I didn’t even feel guilty that I was sweating like a whore in church.

"All done." Grandma clapped again, and the lights went full-blast, making me pull back.

"I’d say the first lesson went very well." Grandma rose from her chair.

"What was the lesson?" I croaked.

Grandma turned away from us and laughed. "I’m sure you can figure it out."

Jace grabbed my hand. "She finds joy in torturing others."

"No," Grandma turned to face us, "I find joy in inspiring others and, by the looks of you," Grandma looked Jace up and down, "I’d say you’re about as inspired as they come."

"Pool," Jace blurted. "We should, uh, go swim."


Jace pulled me out of the office and stalked down the hall, tugging me behind him with such force my arm almost came loose — not that he’d notice. The man was on a mission.

We jogged to the pool area.

Jace pulled off his shirt and jumped in, leaving me gaping after him.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Inspiration." Jace cursed. "Too much damn inspiration."

Chapter Fourteen

"You drugged them… again?" The agent scratched his head.

"Well, what was I supposed to do, Gus?"

"Um, how about not drugging them?"

"Oh you’re no fun, Gus. Tell me, when have drugs ever done more harm than good."

"You’re kidding, right?" The agent looked around, "You have to be joking."

"I don’t joke." Grandma sniffed. "And I stand by my decision. Every man needs help every once in a while."

"Shall I add drugging to your kidnapping charges?"

"Well if you must. I don’t want to have to give you too much paperwork, Gus. I really don’t want to be a bother."


"Um, Beth." I swam to the edge of the pool and tried to think of a way to tell her that wouldn’t sound crazy.


I’d been swimming around for a good five minutes while Beth went in search of towels, but now that she was back, I had to tell her. Damn it. Damn Grandma!

I shook my fist at the sky.

"You okay, Jace?"

"No." Embarrassed, I closed my eyes. "I think there was something in my tea."

"What do you mean?"

"I think I was drugged."

Beth’s eyes widened. She took a step toward the edge of the pool and leaned down so she was on her hands and knees, talking to me. And let’s be honest. I the state I was in, it was doing more harm than she even realized.

"What type of drug? Do you feel funny?"

"I wouldn’t say I felt funny…" I looked down. "Just… inappropriate."


"Viagra. She put Viagra in my tea."