Read Books Novel

The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(28)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“No. I’m still at the one time spot. Or I guess one time and one almost.”

“I’ve filled in the blanks a lot.”

“Filled in the blanks?”

“Of what it would have been like if I hadn’t walked out of that room.”

“Yeah? And how was it? Is the fantasy good?”

“Perfect.” I pulled her up onto my lap so she was straddling me. If she minded she didn’t show it. She just kept her blue eyes fixed on my face.

“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed how easy it is to talk to you.”

“I’ve missed it too.” I ran my hand through her hair. “I’ve missed the way you’re looking at me.”

“So what now?”

“I think most of that is up to you.”

“What do you mean?” She adjusted herself on my lap making it nearly impossible for me to stay in control. I had exactly what I’d wanted forever literally on top of me.

“You have to decide if you can forgive me. Whether you can get over how much of an idiot I was last year.”

“You were trying to protect me. I get that. It just hurt. I thought there was something about me you didn’t like.”

“Something about you? Meaning your body?”

She shrugged. “You’d never seen me naked before.”

“Your body is perfect. Absolutely perfect. I can still picture every inch of it.” Thinking about her naked body had me even more turned on, and I knew she could feel it.

“I don’t have body issues. I don’t know why my dad is so worried, and Dalton practically accused me of having an eating disorder or something. I was just determined not to gain the freshman fifteen. Do I love my body? No. But what nineteen year old really does?”

“Well, I love your body.”

“You have a funny way of showing it.”

“If you’d let me, I’d show you just how much I love it.” I waited nervously. It was a risky move, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold myself together. My jeans were my biggest enemy as she shifted on my lap again.

“It’s only happening on one condition.”

“What?” I’d have said yes to anything at that moment. I needed her. I needed her naked and beneath me. I needed her to be mine.

“You have to finish what you start this time. No stopping and changing your mind. I’m not letting you touch me, or remove any clothing until we get that straight.”

“I’m not going to be able to stop myself if I know it’s what you want. But those rules definitely don’t apply to you. It’s all in your hands. You want to take things slow, just say the word.”

“I don’t want to take things slow. I want to get back to exactly where we left off.”

Chapter Twelve


I didn’t think. I let my emotions take over, and I pushed any shred of common sense out of my head. I wanted Glen. I needed Glen, and I was going to get him.

“Are you sure?” His eyes didn’t agree with the words coming out of his mouth. They were running up and down my body greedily. Now I just needed his hands to follow suit.

“Yes. I’ve waited a year for this.”

“Well, I’ve been waiting about five.”

“Then stop waiting.” I took a deep breath and mustered every ounce of confidence I had. I pulled off my sweater and tossed it onto the couch next to us. I was still wearing a cami, but it didn’t exactly hide the pink bra I was wearing underneath.

“I like the color.”

“Really? I guessed right that pink was your favorite color.” If I could keep things light everything would work.

“You know me too well.” He slid one strap of my tank top down my shoulder and brushed his lips over my skin.


“Your skin is so soft.”

“So are your lips.”

“As are yours.” He kissed me lightly.

Something snapped. Why was I rushing this? Why was I doing exactly what I’d done the year before? I needed to put on the breaks before I ruined what could be a good thing. If this was meant to happen, it needed to be more natural. “I changed my mind.”

“About this?” He sat back.

“Not completely. But maybe we should take it slow.”

“Do you want me to take you home?” His face fell.

“No. I actually want to spend the night.”

“Uh, Savy. You’re confusing me here.”

“I want to spend the night without sex. I want to see what that’s like.”

“Oh. That’s fine with me. I want to spend any and all time with you I can. Obviously I want you…”

“Yeah. I can tell.” The bulge in his pants was kind of hard to miss.

He shrugged. “Can’t blame me for that.”

“Nope.” I started to slide off his lap.

He stopped me by putting his hands on my hips. “But that’s not all I want from you.”

“Did you really rent The Holiday?” I grabbed my sweater and pulled it back on over my head.

He helped me pull it down. “Of course. I also made you a super special desert. Remember?”

“I can’t believe you baked.”

“Who said anything about baking?” He gently moved me off his lap and walked toward his kitchen. “Close your eyes.”

“I’m not sure it’s safe.”

He laughed. “I assure you, it’s safe.”

“Ok.” I closed my eyes. I’d found I trusted Glen as much as I always had. Despite everything I could tell he cared about me, and in the end that’s what mattered.

“Tell me what it is.”

I accepted the chocolaty bite he pushed against my lips. “No bakes. You made me no-bake cookies.” I opened my eyes and looked right into his.

“They are your favorite still, right?”

“Yes.” I kissed him. “You’re the best.”

“Glad you think so. Let me get the movie and blanket ready.”

“This is really perfect.”

“It is, isn’t it?” He popped in the movie and came back to sit next to me. He put his arm around me and we settled in to watch.

I usually watched The Holiday at least twice each year, but I couldn’t make myself watch any Christmas movies that year, which was crazy for me. I’d even walked out of my room when my roommate started watching a marathon of romantic ones on the Hallmark Channel.

“Savy?” Glen whispered in my ear sometime later.
