The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Page 13)

The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards #1)(13)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Here, you need to fill these out.” Reed placed some paperwork in front of me.

I started to search for a pen, and he placed his in my hand. “Take your time. We have nothing better to do.”

I finished filling out my info, and we sat around talking for a while. Before I knew it, an hour had passed, and my stomach growled.

“Want to get something to eat?”


“I usually run over to the Subway across the street. You think you can hold down the fort here?”

I glanced around the empty restaurant. “I think I can handle it.”

“Good. What do you want?”

“Turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and hot peppers.”

“Hot peppers?”


“Most girls don’t order those.” He studied me.

“Well, I happen to like things spicy.”

“Good to know.” He grinned before walking out.

The door had just closed behind Reed when I got a text from Dylan. Where are you?

I told you I was busy until nine.

I want to see you so bad. Can you get out early?

Maybe. I’ll let you know.

Do that.

Only if you say please.


I wasn’t sure how I felt about Dylan’s texts. On the one hand, they were rude, but on the other hand, there was something thrilling about him pushing to see me.

I’d just shoved my phone back in my purse when Reed returned with our sandwiches.

“You got me a foot-long?”


“Do you really think I can eat that much?”

“Yes. I also got you chips.” He tossed my food on the counter.

“What do I owe you?”

“It’s on the house. You did do some of my laundry today, after all.”

“Thanks.” I belatedly realized I didn’t even have any money with me. I only had my ID, phone, and key in the back pocket of my skirt.

I ate half my sandwich and some chips, enjoying the comfortable silence we’d fallen into. Maybe Reed was right. We would be friends.

My phone beeped again. Another text. We’re having a small party at the house. Come ASAP.

I shook my head. So much for drinks.

“Who is that from?” Reed asked.


Reed grabbed my phone and read it. “You’re not going to show up, are you?”

“Why not?

Reed snorted. “That isn’t even an invitation. A piece of advice: make a guy work for it. It’ll only make him want you more.”

I took my phone back. You’re supposed to take me out first.

You’re the one who cancelled on dinner.

We settled on drinks.

Just come over whenever you’re done.

I glanced up, and Reed shook his head.

No. I hit send before I could chicken out. I wanted to see Dylan, but I wasn’t going to let him bully me. Besides, maybe Reed had a point about it making him want me more.

He didn’t reply, so I put my phone away. “Now what? I just wait for him to call me?”

“No. You don’t wait for anything. You do what you want. If he really likes you, he’ll find a way to see you.”

“You seem to be all about the advice thing.”

He ignored my comment, crumbled his wrapper into a ball, and threw it into the garbage.

“Nice shot.”

“Thanks. Your turn.”

“Okay, I’m guessing you don’t want this extra half?”


I tossed it, missing the trash. I started to get up, but Reed stopped me. “I’ve got it.”

I pulled out my phone when he got up.

“Quit checking your phone.”

“I’m just checking the time.”

He sat down again. “Likely story.”

Reed turned on the TV, settling on college football. We sat watching a game for a while. Georgia vs. Florida. I knew from my brothers that this was supposed to be an incredible year for Georgia. I kept the fact that I actually understood football to myself. Reed already thought I was weird for liking hot peppers.

“It’s a quarter to nine. I can close up for a few and walk you back.”

“No thanks. I can walk alone.”

“Not a chance. Either you stay until closing, or I’m walking you.”

“I’ll stay.”

“Yeah?” He looked kind of happy about it.

“I’ll get paid, right?”

He laughed. “You’ve been on the clock since we got here.”


“You used it again.”

“Are you going to point that out every time?”

He crushed his soda can. “Not every time.”

At nine-thirty-five, Dylan texted me again. Are you on your way?


Reed smiled. “Good. Trust me. It’s better this way.”

Why not? Where are you?


Reed leaned over to look at the screen.

You have a job?

Yes. I was going to get off, but you cancelled on me.

Reed laughed. “You’re really getting the hang of this.”

I didn’t mean to cancel. Still want to get drinks?

No thanks. Maybe another time.

Reed cracked up. “Wow.”

“What? Isn’t that what I’m supposed to say?”

“I think so…”

Where are you working? I really want to see you.

“Should I tell him?”

“That depends. Do you want him to come here?”

“I want to see him…I think.”

“Then sure. He’s going to find out eventually.”

Al’s Pizza.

Are you serious?


On my way.

Reed chuckled. “Oh, this is going to be interesting.”

“Ugh, I hope not.”

“You don’t like interesting?”

“Not when it involves me.”

Reed laughed again. His laugh was deep, and it fit him perfectly. “I’ll remember that.”

I tried to fight down my nerves at seeing Dylan again. I knew he probably wasn’t thrilled he’d had to come and find me.

The door burst open a few minutes later. “You really were being serious.” Dylan skipped the hello.

“Yes. I was so qualified for the position that I was hired on the spot.”

Dylan turned to Reed. “I’m sure that’s why he hired you.”

“I don’t know what you’re implying.” Reed stared him down.

“So, Juliet, what happened to being busy with your sorority?”