The Immortal Crown (Page 115)

The Immortal Crown (Age of X #2)(115)
Author: Richelle Mead

“How long are you going to wear that face?” Donna asked.

“As long as I choose,” the man snapped back, stepping past her.

The young woman really was getting uppity these days. He’d have to say something to the others. It was one thing to be ambitious and covet future powers, but Donna also needed to learn patience and respect—just as they all had.

Nonetheless, as soon as he stepped past her into the building’s foyer, he headed straight for the mirror that hung just inside. It was blackened and warped after having been consecrated in fire and smoke to Tezcatlipoca, but that marred surface held a power that was of immense use to the god’s servants in their transformations. Distorted, Rufus Callaway’s image looked back at the man one last time as he summoned a prayer and drew on the power of skin-changing.

An uncomfortable, crawling feeling ran over his body, one he never got used to. Then came the sensation of being stretched and kneaded, as though he were dough in some capable baker’s hands. But once it was all over, the stocky, weathered face was gone from the mirror. A younger face looked back, one with black hair and eyes born of pure Mediterranean heritage, paired with a taller and more muscled body. His clothes hadn’t changed and now stretched oddly at the new fit, but he didn’t care.

Being a ghost was certainly useful, and he’d long since learned to enjoy the privileges and movement his anonymity allowed him. But no matter how many times he performed the shape-shifting magic, no matter how many different guises he went through, it was always a relief to return to his own face and body. It felt comfortable . . . like coming home. That, and Porfirio Aldaya just liked the way he looked.

He gave his reflection in the darkened mirror one last, fond look before he turned around and headed deeper inside the building, off to see what his master had planned for him next.