The Other Side of Love (Page 45)

The Other Side of Love (Forever Love #3)(45)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“I hate her so much.” I said out loud. “You know how I tell you that all the dregs of society moved to Palm Bonita, well, she was the worst of them all. She is a thief, a con artist, an abuser. When I met Monica, I thought she was a victim of domestic violence. I thought she had fled an abusive husband. But I was wrong. Her husband was dead, had died in a car accident a few years before. Left her a couple hundred thousand. She spent that money then spent Skylar’s college fund. Then she took jobs cleaning people’s houses but she was also cleaning out their houses. She also conned several families out of their pensions with her schemes. Monica didn’t flee to Palm Bonita because she was afraid of her ex-husband finding her and killing her, she fled because she was scared the cops would find her and imprison her for life.”

“That’s why you needed the private jet.” Lucky’s eyes popped open as she stared at Monica. “It wasn’t because of your fear of flying with other people at all, was it?”

“Ding, ding ding. Your lover’s a smart one,” Monica cackled. “And I never lied to you, Noah. The very first day I met you, I told you there were lots of bad people in town and that you had to be careful. It’s not my fault if you didn’t listen to my advice.”

“So what do you want, Monica?”

“I told your brother when he picked me up from the airport. He’s very handsome, isn’t he? So much more handsome than you. I’m sure he’s better in bed as well.”

Lucky glared at her, and I grabbed her hand so that she didn’t try to slap Monica.

“What do you want?” I asked again, only this time my voice was a lot harder.

“What I’ve always wanted.” She stared at me with a light expression. “Money.”

“Why would we give you money?” I stared at her with hate.

“Because you love Skylar,” she laughed, “and you don’t want to see anything bad happen to her.”

“You leave her alone,” I moved forward to grab her again, but this time she reacted quickly and got out of the way.

“I’d be happy to leave her alone forever,” she smiled at me, “for a million dollars.”

“What?” My heart beat fast at her words. “What do you mean?”

“I’ll sign over custody to you.” She shrugged as if it were no big deal. “I couldn’t give two shits about raising her. You love her so much then you can have her. Just give me a million dollars.”

“I don’t have a million dollars.” My heart thudded as I stared at her. “My dad is the rich one. I don’t have access to that kind of money.”

“Oh, well, I guess it’s back to Palm Bonita we go. Hopefully the next sucker to move to town can take care of me a little better than you did.”

“Leave Skylar.” I asked softly. “Leave Skylar with me. Even you have to know that’s not the town for a little girl. And you’re just not ready to be a mother.”

“I’m ready to be a mother. I love kids,” she screeched. “I want kids.”

“Well, you’re a mother now and you’re not doing a great job.” I shook my head.

“I’m not a mother.” Monica gave me a look. “That little brat is not my kid. I married her dad after her mom died of breast cancer. She’s not mine.”

“She was your husband’s child.” My voice rose. “She is still your family. You should still love her. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the same blood. You can still love someone with all your heart, even if you aren’t biologically related.”

“Oh, shut up, Noah. You always were an obnoxious prat. Save your holier than thou shit for church.” She glared at me. “Where the f**k is my money?”

“I don’t have a million dollars to give you, Monica,” I sighed and shook my head. “Isn’t there another arrangement we can come to?”

“I want a million dollars or Skylar leaves with me.”

“I just told you. I don’t have a million dollars.”

“But I do.” Zane’s voice boomed as he walked into the room. I hadn’t even heard the front door open, I was so wrought with emotion. I stared at him as he walked up to me with a caring expression.

“Zane, you’re back.” I smiled at him weakly and he squeezed my shoulder. Lucky ran over to him and he put his arm around her holding her close.

“I have a cashier’s check for you.” Zane looked at Monica. “But get one thing straight, you’re not getting this check until we go to an attorney and get the legal documents signed and taken care of.”

“Let me see it.” Her eyes bulged with happiness and greed.

“You’ll see it only when we’ve been to the attorney.” Zane’s voice was firm.

“How do I know you’re not lying?”

“I’m not in the habit of lying.” Zane’s tone was even. “But here, you can have a look.” He opened his briefcase and took out a check and held it up for her. “I just got this from the bank and it’s made out to you. You’re lucky I have a good relationship with the bank manager and was able to get him to open the bank and do this for me. But here it is. One million dollars for you to do whatever it is you want to do. But you need to sign over full legal custody rights to Noah.”

“I’ll do it now if you want.”

“We have to go to the attorney’s office tomorrow.” Zane shook his head. “Then you get the check.”

“Fine. Where’s my room?” she said sharply. “Or if you prefer, I can sleep with you.”

“You’ll sleep upstairs in a spare room.” Zane looked at her in disgust. “And Lucky and Skylar will share a room tonight as well, so Lucky can make sure she’s okay.”

“Whatever.” Monica shrugged and then looked at me. “I knew you were going to be a good catch.”

“What does that mean?” I couldn’t help but ask her the question.

“When I first saw you in Palm Bonita, I could tell you were a kind person. And then when you first met Skylar and were so sweet and gentle with her, I knew that you’d love her like a daughter. That is what I was hoping for. Why do you think I allowed you to take her out so much? I knew you’d help me kill two birds with one stone. I’m going to be a rich woman and I’m going to be rid of that brat.”