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The Playboy

The Playboy (Chandler Brothers #2)(23)
Author: Carly Phillips

“A little too friendly if you ask me.” Rick’s jaw ticked, tight with tension, tempting her to reach out and smooth the razor-stubbled skin and ease his muscles until he relaxed under her touch.

Her stomach curled with unexpected excitement. Could Chase be right? Could Rick be jealous? At the possibility, she took a mental step back to examine her own feelings.

Impulse would be deadly now and she forced herself to think clearly. Jealousy would indicate interest. Interest she already knew existed after their encounter in the house earlier. But the surprise here was the realization that the emotion didn’t have to pose a threat to Kendall or her heart. How could it when even Chase, who knew Rick better than anyone, admitted his brother would run before committing to anything serious? Just like Kendall would be gone before she could get hurt or attached?

With both those facts being true, clarity seemed to descend upon her. Why was she fighting the attraction? Why wasn’t she letting herself indulge in what promised to be the most passionate sensual affair she’d ever had? There was no reason not to embrace the opportunity they both wanted.

She stepped closer. “Friendly isn’t threatening, Rick.” She didn’t want him to feel competitive with his older brother. She inched nearer until she couldn’t breathe without inhaling his masculine scent. She knew without a doubt she wanted their bargain to be a reality. She wanted to be his lover until she left town and she wasn’t just falling into the convenience of their charade.

No man had ever affected her as deeply or kindled desire in her as quickly as he did. Her previous relationships were like her moves from town to town, quick and distant. Only Brian had gotten closer than most because they’d needed something from each other.

They’d grown fond of one another in the process yet intimacy had always been missing.

Nothing was missing in her feelings for Rick. The sexual attraction sizzled, the emotional connection was secure and reciprocal.

He’d been hurt once. She didn’t know how long ago or by whom, but she could help him heal, the same way he’d been helping her. He’d provided a shoulder from the first time they’d met and he gave comfort as much as he aroused a physical need that had been dormant for too long. He obviously cared enough about her feelings to arrange this impromptu gathering. A gesture Kendall believed came from his heart, not from the need to further their facade as lovers. There were plenty of other ways of establishing them as a couple—his performance at the beauty salon being one of them. Not once had he attempted any overabundant display of affection or attention.

Until now.

She no longer worried about using him to get over a rough patch in her life, not when he obviously wanted the same kind of relationship she did. Short and sweet, but one that would build memories and good feelings to carry with her always. They seemed to be two kindred souls seeking the same thing. And he seemed to read her mind as he grabbed her hand and dragged her into the back hall.

Rick enjoyed women, and jealousy was a foreign emotion. Possessiveness was even more alien. But seeing Chase deep in conversation with Kendall and her hand on his arm set off an intense burning in his gut. Without stopping to think further he pulled Kendall down Norman’s back hall.


He ignored her for now. He had plenty to say, but not in front of an audience. He expelled an annoyed groan and pushed open the nearest door, which turned out to be an empty ladies’ room. Thank God.

“Rick, talk to me—”

He cut her off, pulling her into an embrace and sealing his mouth over hers. Her warmth melted the hours of frustration he’d endured in favor of making sure she was accepted in his small town. She stirred carnal needs he’d ignored for too long. Or maybe he’d never felt this much before, but he was damn well feeling now. His heart beat fast and furious in his chest and his groin pulsed hard against his rough denim jeans, and all the while he made love to her with his mouth, his tongue mimicking the act his body desperately craved.

She kissed him back, matching him move for move, her mouth hard and demanding against his. Her eager submission dissolved his earlier annoyance and frustration, while the fire in his gut burned hotter. The flame she ignited didn’t just smolder, it burst into a raging inferno he could barely control. But a small semblance of rational thought remained, enough for him to take advantage, flipping the lock on the bathroom door.

He needed to get her alone and cement where things stood. For the time she remained in Yorkshire Falls, he wanted to know she was his. He’d lost one woman in his life because he’d worn blinders. He wasn’t about to screw up his short time with Kendall.

For the moment though, talk could wait. He slipped his tongue inside her moist mouth and placed his arm around her until he cupped her bottom in his hand. She groaned and wiggled closer, her body molding perfectly to his, making him want to ease those leather pants down her long legs and bury himself deep inside her willing body. And he had no doubt she was willing.

She lifted her head suddenly, her eyes bright, her lips moist and damp from his kiss. “We need to talk.”

Though he’d thought the same thing minutes earlier, now he was hard and aching, wanting nothing more than to slip inside her moist heat and claim her as his own. Not that he’d act on their hunger here. When he made love to her, there would be no phones, no people, no distractions.

Right now, despite the glazed desire in her eyes, concern furrowed her eyebrows and Kendall looked distracted. And that wasn’t the emotion he wanted her feeling. “What’s wrong?”

“I think we should clear the air.” She licked her already moist lips. “You know. Set parameters.”

“Okay.” He’d dragged her back here for the same reasons.

“I’m leaving when the house is ready to go on the market.”

“I know that.” It was the source of his churning gut. Rick had been in a relationship where he’d been caught off guard by a wife who’d left him for another man. Since then he’d kept his distance from women, telling himself that way he wouldn’t get hurt again.

But now, seeing his overwhelming reaction to Kendall, he realized he hadn’t had to work hard at keeping other women at a distance. None had affected him this strongly before.

And damned if she didn’t have one foot out the door before their relationship ever really began. Well at least this time he could say he was forewarned. He should be grateful Kendall chose to be honest with him now, before he fell hard for an impossible dream.
