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The Playboy

The Playboy (Chandler Brothers #2)(24)
Author: Carly Phillips

But knowing how easily she drew him in, he’d realized he’d have to work harder at building those walls and keeping her out of his heart.

Starting now. He forced a casual shrug. “I’m not into long-term relationships anyway,”

he told her. And his stomach cramped harder. Not a good sign.

At his words, emotion flickered in her gaze. Good, Rick thought. Maybe she was more affected than she wanted him to believe. At least then they’d be on even footing.

“So we’re in agreement. A short-term affair.” She bit down on her lower lip.

Another sign of vulnerability, he thought. This conversation wasn’t easy for her either and he sensed she was forcing the issue.

For both their sakes, he’d go along. “What else could we have? I’m the town playboy,”

he said lightly.

She flinched at the term and he took a perverse pleasure in the fact that his exaggerated status bothered her. Still he didn’t want to drive her away, but bring her closer, taking what he could get while he could get it.

If she was going to leave as promised, he wanted all the time he could squeeze into her visit and intended to tell her so. He stroked a hand down her soft cheek. “But while you’re here I’m all yours.”

Her shoulders relaxed, her body easing closer to his. Awareness shimmered between them. Her lips beckoned and he lowered his head for another deep drugging kiss but before his mouth touched hers, a loud banging noise sounded from outside the door.

Kendall jumped back, knocking her head against the air dryer on the wall. “Ouch.”

He reached out, running a hand over her newly cut, shaggy hair. “You okay?”

She nodded. “One second,” she called out to the person on the other side of the door.

Then she turned to Rick with wide, inquiring eyes. “What now?”

“Do you mean what do I want? Or is that a rhetorical question?” His heart pounded hard in his chest and his body told him not only what he desired but what he needed. Rick was the master of glib answers but right now, only the unvarnished truth would do. “I want to take you home.” Her home, his home, he didn’t care as long as the place had a bed. He held out his hand.

Kendall placed her palm in his. “I’m hoping that’s an invitation.” A smile tilted her luscious lips.

“A very private, personal invitation,” he said in a deliberate drawl.

Her cheeks heated to a flushed pink. He grabbed for the doorknob. Once outside, he planned to orchestrate a quick thank you and good-bye, then make their way to the street.

They never passed the hall. The minute he stepped out of the bathroom, they were ambushed.

“Rick!” His sister-in-law Charlotte grabbed him in a huge embrace.

“Well, this is a surprise,” he said into her hair, since he couldn’t untangle himself from her bear hug. “I thought you were in D.C.”

“We were.” Roman’s voice sounded from behind Charlotte.

Rick’s brother and sister-in-law commuted between Yorkshire Falls where Charlotte owned her business and Washington, D.C., where Roman had a job as an Op-Ed columnist for The Washington Post.

Charlotte released her hold, mostly because Roman pried her arms free, then glared at her husband. Rick would have laughed at his brother’s proprietary actions as he had in the past, but having dealt with his own reaction to Chase and Kendall, Rick understood his little brother better now.

“We heard there was a lot going on at home and we came as soon as we could.” Charlotte grinned.

“Raina summoned you,” Rick guessed.

“No, she just said she thought we’d like to come meet your new lady friend. Her words,”

Roman said. “I assume this is her?”

Rick glanced at Kendall in time to see her head pingponging, attempting to follow the three-way conversation.

Before he could begin the introductions, Kendall interrupted. “I’m her.” She shook her head. “I mean I’m she. I’m Kendall Sutton.”

Roman grinned. “Nice to meet you.” He extended a hand and Kendall shook it.

“Likewise,” Kendall said.

Charlotte took her turn next. “Did you know Roman kissed me for the first time in this hall? Remember?” Charlotte turned to her husband and devoured him with her eyes, making Rick, Kendall, and anyone within viewing distance feel disposable and irrelevant.

There was a time when Rick would have rolled his eyes and laughed. And there was also a time, premarriage and divorce, when he’d wondered if he’d ever feel that unique pull with another person. Like his mother had shared with his father. Like Roman now shared with Charlotte. Post divorce he’d spent more time running from relationships and commitment than pondering them. But now, watching the newlyweds, Rick felt a brand-new emotion—envy. Because he wanted Kendall to look at him that same covetous way.

He recalled the time he’d taken a look at his pregnant wife and seen more than a friend in need. And believing she was his by law and by word, he’d allowed himself to let down his guard, never once thinking Jillian would walk out on him, leaving him alone.

What he wanted from Kendall now transcended anything he’d desired from Jillian then.

And this time Rick knew beforehand she had no intention of sticking around. Shit.

Rick glanced from Roman, who looked at him as if he’d lost his mind, to Charlotte, who possessed an amused grin, to Kendall, who just looked confused.

“We were just leaving,” Rick said. He wanted to get Kendall out of here and pick up where they left off. He wanted to get lost in the physical and forget the emotional pull she exerted—because around his close-knit family, emotions and the past were always too close to the surface.

“Now?” Charlotte asked. “You can’t run out when we just got here.”

“We made damn good time too,” Roman added. “The least you could do is hang out awhile.”

“He only got stopped by one cop.” Charlotte sounded proud, then glanced at Rick. “I mean he only got stopped by one police officer doing his duty. And he had a very valid reason for pulling us over.”

“Sitting in Roman’s lap while he was driving?” Rick asked.

Charlotte blushed. “Something like that.”

“We can stay awhile.” Kendall tugged on his shirt. “Can’t we, Rick? You wanted me to get to know your family and besides I’ve heard so much about Charlotte’s shop. I’d like to talk to her.”
