Read Books Novel

The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(10)
Author: Alice Clayton


I rolled away carefully, trying not to wake him. I made it to the edge of the bed before I felt his hands pull me back to him. I giggled.

“Where do you think you’re going, Nuts Girl?” he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

“Just to brush out my hair. I’m sure it’s quite lovely from falling asleep with it wet.” I attempted to run my fingers through it, and I could tell it was sticking out every which way. Charming.

“I think it looks cute—sort of a cross between finger-in-the-socket and homeless,” he said, pulling me back against him and pushing me into the pillows.

“Scoot, please,” he instructed, pressing me onto my back and laying his head on my chest. He nudged my neck up so he could snuggle into the nook. I let him wiggle about for a minute until he finally settled in.

“Comfortable?” I asked, with a quiet smile.

“Incredibly so, yes,” he said, wrapping his arms more tightly around my waist.

I chanced a quick look at the alarm clock and saw that it was already four-thirty. We’d effectively wasted the day on showers and naptime. Just then, my stomach let out a loud growl. Jack moved a little lower on my body, kissed my tummy, then looked sternly at my navel. Pointing a finger, he said, “Shhh, don’t be rude.”

I giggled when seconds later my stomach growled again. Jack rolled his eyes, then poked at me. “I said quiet down,” he ordered, kissing my tummy once more.

“Sweetie, I need to eat something. How are you not hungry? We both skipped lunch, and you flew all night!” I said.

“Actually, I’m starving now that you mention it. Fancy a snack?”

“I fancy a snack,” I affirmed, removing his arms from my waist and snatching the room service menu from the nightstand.

“Are we going out for dinner tonight?” I asked, flipping through the menu to the snacky stuff.

“That’s entirely your call. I made no plans other than an interview I have to do Saturday morning,” he answered, scratching my back.

“Are we in a salty mood or a dessert-y mood?” I asked, chewing my lip thoughtfully.

“Both. Just order what sounds good to you, and I’ll eat whatever,” he said, looking at me carefully.

“What’re you looking at? Don’t make another comment about my hair. I’ll fix it before we leave this room.” I frowned, trying again to run my fingers through it.

“No, it’s just…well…it’s just really f**king great to see you, Gracie.” He smiled gently at me, his eyes bright green.

“Aw, I missed you too, George. I really did,” I whispered, kissing him softly, breathing in his warm S’more-y smell. There was really no way I would ever eat a S’more again without wanting to have sex with it.

If the marshmallow just came off the flames, that could hurt…

I was drawn back from my marshmallow contemplation by his lips pressing more urgently against mine, and my tummy growling again.

“Okay, I’m calling in this order, and then we’re going to plan our evening. And we are leaving this room, Hamilton. We’re in Manhattan! We aren’t staying in all night,” I warned, picking up the phone.

“Sheridan, if I wanted to make you stay in all night with me, all I’d have to do is wave some candy in front of you and then kiss on your sweet boobies. You’d be putty in my hands.” He grinned sexily.

“There’s candy?” I asked, looking around wildly.

Jack laughed so hard he fell off the bed.

I never did find that candy.

Chapter 4

We finally left the hotel around eight. We decided to go to my place so I could show him where I was living and pick up some things. I did want him to sleep at my place. I wanted him in my bed and in my shower and on my couch, even if this was all rented furniture. But sweet damn—I wanted another round in that giant shower, and we had all weekend for me to have him S’more up my place.

Enough with the freaking s’mores.

This distance thing was making me a little insane.

We caught a cab in front of the hotel, and it was so quick I didn’t even have time to worry about anyone seeing us. Quite frankly, maybe I did need to relax a little. New York was really different than L.A., and in his ratty jeans and ball cap he looked more college student than famous, so I doubted anyone would recognize him. And he wasn’t worried about being seen with me, so, eh, what the hell?

We made out like teenagers in the cab on the way to my apartment, although I made him stop when we were in front of my doorman.

“Lou.” I nodded as we walked inside.

“Evening, Lou.” Jack nodded as well, and Lou nodded back.

I kept him at arm’s length in the elevator, and when we finally made it into my apartment, he was like an octopus, arms everywhere. He finally settled in behind me, hands clasped firmly over my tummy, chin planted on my shoulder.

“Okay, give me the grand tour,” he said.

“Well, this is pretty much it. It’s not big. I don’t need a lot of space, and it’s close to the rehearsal studio. Kitchen, living room, bathroom down the hall, and bedroom is the last door on the right,” I said.

“It’s nice,” he said, looking over my shoulder.

“Eh, it’s okay. It’s no Laurel Canyon. That’s home to me,” I said, leaning back against him.

“But you haven’t even lived there. How can it be your home when you’ve only slept one night there?” he questioned, kissing my neck right under my ear.

“Mmm, and what a night it was,” I said as I giggled, leaning into his kiss and turning to wrap my arms around his waist. His hands came to my face and traced tiny patterns on my forehead and temples, bringing me forward into another soft kiss.

“Yes, yes, it was. But really, how can that be home? I mean, do you really consider L.A. home?” he asked, looking at me with questions in his eyes.

“Oh, God, yes. It does feel like home. I can’t explain it, but when I first found my house, I knew how much work it was going to be, but I knew it was my home. I could see myself living there, and even though I had to leave, wherever I go, that house is home,” I said. I closed my eyes, thinking of the warm California sun, and I could almost smell the lemon trees on my front porch and the honeysuckle in the backyard.

I opened my eyes to see Jack studying me carefully.

“What’s that look for?” I asked, stealing another kiss before he could answer me.

“So, you are planning on moving back, right?” he asked, running one hand through his hair.
