Read Books Novel

The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(9)
Author: Alice Clayton

I was almost around the block entirely when I got a text from the Brit:

Get your sweet ass back here. Room 2104.

Don’t make me come looking for you—

I will make a scene.

I will identify this motherfucking redhead.

I thought I was being all subtle and shit. Dammit, he knew me too well.

You are never subtle.

Good point.

I finished my loop, made my way through the front entrance into the beautiful lobby, then found the bank of elevators. I thought fondly of our hotel in Santa Barbara, and the fact that the hotel sex had been unfathomably great. Hmm…We might have to sleep here tonight, instead of my place.

I approached his door and knocked lightly. I could hear him on the phone, and when he opened the door, he smiled and pulled me in, but continued his conversation. I admired the room. It was well appointed and had a great view of the park. I checked out the bathroom: huge. It also had a rain shower like the one in Santa Barbara. Yep, I was definitely staying here with him. I didn’t care if I had to enter the building separately every day wrapped in a giant poncho.

I went back into the main room and saw Jack standing by the window, still on the phone. He mouthed the words, “I’m sorry,” and I shook my head with a smile. “No problem,” I mouthed back.

With a running leap I vaulted myself onto the giant bed, landing smack in the middle with a belly flop. It was soft and inviting, covered in pillows and a silky duvet. I heard a snicker behind me and turned to see Jack looking amused at my acrobatic feat. I curled up on my side and waved at him. He smiled back and mouthed, “five minutes.”

I snickered, getting a delightful idea. I rose up on my knees, then sat on the on the side of the bed, within grasping distance of him. “It’s hot in here,” I mouthed.

“More AC?” he mouthed back, starting toward the thermostat.

“No, I’m going to get totally naked while you try to carry on your conversation,” I half mouthed, half whispered. I didn’t want him to miss that part.

His eyes widened as I proceeded to do exactly that. First the jacket and scarf came off, then the sneakers. My shirt came off next, followed quickly by the yoga pants of my usual uniform. I could see him beginning to have trouble following his conversation, and I knew my plan was working. I sat on the edge of the bed in my white panties and white lacy bra, and I beckoned him over with one finger. He stalled, trying to decide what to do.

In the end, the boy won out over the man, and he stood in front of me, still on the damn phone. “I’m sorry, love. It shouldn’t be much longer,” he mouthed.

I smiled sweetly up at him, snaking my hands around his waist and bringing him closer to me. “It’s okay. Take your time,” I whispered. “I’m just going to do things to you while you carry on,” I said, to his horror and delight all wrapped into one.

He attempted to back up, but I quickly unzipped him and had my hand around him through his boxers before he could move very far. His eyes closed quickly, and he hardened completely in my hand.

God, you really had to love a twenty-four year old.

Yep, and I really had to love this one in particular.

I stroked him firmly, watching his face contort. He was a little distracted, you see. I pumped him, both hands inside his pants now, and I could see he was really going to have some trouble soon.

“Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, so I would need to be there for the London premiere on which day? Oh, God…I mean, sorry. Oh, God, that’s fine. I can be there then…” He moaned, and I took pity. His eyes rolled back in his head as I stood up and pushed him gently away.

“Meet me in the shower when you’re through,” I whispered, removing my bra and throwing it over my shoulder as I walked toward the bathroom. I used to be so concerned about men seeing me naked—always worried about what was sticking out, what was jiggling, what was smushed. But with Jack? I knew all he wanted was me, and he preferred me naked. Totally liberating.

I stopped at the door and slowly slid my panties down, looking behind me to see Jack. He stood in the middle of the room, mouth hanging slightly open, with his pants around his ankles. He looked totally turned on and slightly mortified at the same time.

I stifled a giggle and twirled my panties around my finger, now totally exposed to him. His eyes traveled down my body and back up to my eyes. “Hurry up,” I mouthed, and slipped into the bathroom.

I’d barely gotten the water started and was adjusting the temperature when I heard the door open. I smiled as I let the water pour over me, steam filling up the large glass enclosure. I felt a very warm and very naked Jack press against my back, and my breath caught in my throat.

“You are diabolical,” he muttered, dragging his tongue up the side of my neck.

I shivered, as he spun me roughly around. “Next time, get off faster,” I said, pulling him under the spray with me.

“No one is getting off fast, love. Certainly not you,” he promised, dipping his head to kiss the hollow of my neck.

Oh, man, this was going to be a great weekend.


Waterlogged and weak-kneed, we left the shower about an hour later, having thoroughly enjoyed the hotel’s giant water heaters. I’d lost track of how many times the Brit made me see stars, and I was a little concerned that I now had an outline of shower tiles permanently etched into my bum.

We were punch drunk and slaphappy as we stumbled back into the bedroom, both laughing at the lunacy of our actions.

“Seriously, George, you haven’t been in New York more than a few hours, and we’re already working through our greatest hits!” I giggled, falling onto the bed and struggling to get under the covers. My hair was wound up in a towel, and I wore a plush Four Seasons robe. He walked around to his side of the bed, pulling the covers down as he went, and climbed in next to me.

“I’ve been working you in my mind for weeks now, love, and I have a whole set of newest hits for us to try this weekend.” He smirked dangerously. I was in for it. We might never leave this hotel. “Besides, I missed you like crazy!” he added. “Now that I have you in my clutches, I may not let you go again. And speaking of clutches, bring those fantastic tits over here,” he muttered, pulling open my robe as he pressed his body against me. He turned me on my side, his hands finding my br**sts, and then…

Perfection. All was right with the world.

We were both asleep in minutes.


I woke up groggy and confused, as I often do when I nap in the afternoon. I felt Jack’s strong arms around me, and for a second I thought I was back in L.A. But the light was different, and when I looked around me, I remembered where we were. I felt my heart stutter a bit, reminding me we weren’t together all the time anymore, but then it started up again as I thought about the rest of the long weekend we still had.
