Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(68)
Author: Alice Clayton

“Be with anyone else? Why don’t you let me decide who I want to be with? Is this something I need to worry about? You seem awfully defensive.

Something you want to tell me, Grace?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me, watching me carefully.

“Oh, please. You’re the one that’s going to have a pu**y parade to choose from as soon as you pop back up on the grid. They’ll be falling over with their legs in the air, and it can be just like before you started spending your evenings with Ma Kettle,” I snapped.

He glared at me, running his hands manically through his hair as he processed what I’d said.

“Grace, you are bloody insane! Are you hell bent on f**king this up before we really even get going? And a pu**y parade? You’re really pushing it … truly,” he finished, the warning clear in his voice.

I shoved myself out of the chair and stalked over to the ledge, looking out at the city—the city that I was leaving. The city that I was leaving in two days.

Two days. Why the hell was I picking a fight with him now when I was leaving in two motherfucking days?

I spun about fast, seeing him sitting in the chair dejectedly. He looked confused and hurt … and pissed as hell.

Would you quit trying to mess this up?


I walked back over and stood in front of him. He wouldn’t look up. “Jack?” I asked, trying to get him to look at me. He didn’t answer. I tried again.

“Hey, look at me. Please?” I asked again, his eyes closing at the word “please.”

“I’m pissed at you, Gracie,” he said darkly, but the use of the name “Gracie” let me know he was more hurt than pissed.

“I know. I’m pissed at myself right now. Can you understand why I’m nervous though?” I inquired, daring to reach out another hand to his hair, scratching at his scalp. He ducked away from my hand, his eyes piercing. He was not going to let this slide so easily.

“I get why you’re nervous to leave, but I don’t get why you think I’d do something like that. If this is gonna work, especially when we’re apart, there needs to be some pretty basic trust,” he said, finally opening his eyes and looking at me.

Oh, man, he was better equipped at twenty-four to deal with this than I was.

“I know, love. You have to understand, I’ve got thirty-three years worth of crap baggage knocking around behind me, and if you take me, you take the baggage. Old insecurities … they’re a bitch.” I laughed spitefully.

“You don’t think I’m nervous about this, too? The timing of this whole thing is crap. We’re crazy to even try to make this work, but I think it’s crazy not to.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. We might be totally f**ked.”

“I agree, totally f**ked,” I answered, frowning.

“You need to settle down, though. No more pu**y parade. That was uncalled for, Grace,” he warned again, his face serious. “And quit blaming our age difference when it’s your shit that’s making this weird right now.” I paused and took in what he said. He was right. This was all my shit. I reached out tentatively with my hand again, approaching the scalp scratch once more. This time, he let me.

“Fucking Nuts Girl,” he sighed, closing his eyes again in acceptance of my hand.

“How about we just take it as it comes, and we’ll see how we manage the distance thing? We don’t need to decide anything tonight … yes?” I continued.

He leaned in and pressed his face against my stomach, embracing me and pulling me into him.

“Yes,” he said, his voice muffled as he hugged me tightly. We were quiet for a minute as I played with his hair. “Grace?” he asked, still muffled.

“Mmm hmm?”

“You’re thirty-three?” he asked my tummy.

“Yep,” I answered truthfully. The jig was up.

“Fuck, you’re old,” he said, holding me tighter. He knew to restrain me.

“Hating you right now, Hamilton,” I seethed.

“Loving you right now, Sheridan.” He laughed.

Shit storm over … or was this just a shit squall?

I managed to get out of his grip and backed away from him. I walked over to where the hot tub was and slowly slipped out of my tank top and shorts. He watched me as I removed my bra and panties and slipped underneath the water.

“You can’t love me from over there. Now, get your ass in here and make this thirty-three year old scream,” I instructed, leaning back against the rim with my arms spread out across the back, making sure my br**sts bobbed just above the surface.

He was in the tub in thirty-seven seconds.

And that was the night I found out Jack Hamilton could hold his breath underwater for an obscenely long time.

We slept deeply that night, exhausted, but pleasantly so. Curled up with his hands on my br**sts, I slept the sleep of the solidly f**ked. And that can be taken several ways.

The next morning dawned clear and sunny—classic California for my last full day in L.A. And I would be spending it mostly alone. Jack was up early, and I watched from the bed as he changed. He had interviews all day and was taking a lunch meeting with Holly and a new director for a movie he was hoping to do in the spring. He had essentially quit working once Time was finished shooting, devoting his time to the upcoming media blitz that would take him half way around the world and back again.

I stayed in bed as he got dressed and sighed happily at the sight of my Jack, walking around sleepily, dressed only in his jeans and no shirt. His hair was extra curly this morning, and he looked adorable. He smiled when he caught me staring and asked what I had planned for today.

“Well, I’m finishing up some last minute packing, and then I’m having lunch with Nick to say goodbye to him. I’ve gotta go over to my house late this afternoon to sign the last few work orders, and then I’m officially moved in, just to move back out,” I answered, tossing him his shirt that was on the floor next to my bed. I couldn’t resist giving it a quick sniff.

Mmm, S’mores and Sex.

“Grace, did you just sniff my shirt?” he asked, incredulous.

“Yep, I did. What of it? And after you leave, I’ll probably lay on your side for a while because the pillow smells like you. I’m ridiculous when I’m in love.

We’re talking Hallmark over here.” I giggled, now hugging his pillow to my chest and taking deep breaths in, flaring my nostrils and widening my eyes.

“Wow, that’s not attractive.” He laughed, taking in my display. I curled up on his side anyway and continued to watch him putter about.
