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Trashy (Take It Off #10)(13)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Men in the audience were hooting and hollering, but I barely heard them. My hearing seemed to go out…

That was my tie.

She was wearing my jacket and my tie.

My blood pressure spiked and the room tilted. Desire unlike anything I’d ever felt before hounded me, so strong I had to grip the edge of the bar for support.

Roxie shimmied around and then spun, putting her back to the crowd. Very slowly, the jacket began to slide down. Inch by beautiful inch, the smooth skin of her back was revealed. Lower and lower the fabric drooped until it was painfully obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Abruptly, she spun, clutching the jacket around her waist, baring her shoulders and giving insanely provocative peeks of her bare breasts. It was impossible to see all of them because her hair covered them, and the tie… the fucking silk tie slid right between the perky globes.

My dick began to stir in my trousers, throbbing almost painfully, and I shifted so I was standing that much closer to the bar so it concealed my obvious desire.

Roxie slid the jacket back up as various men yelled for her to take it off, and even as I wanted to pound every single one of these assholes for looking at her, part of me also begged her to drop it.

She began moving around more, dancing, shimmying, and teasing. She rocked the pole toward the end of the stage like no one else. Her upper body strength was incredible, and the way her thighs hugged the metal as she practically dry-humped the pole made me almost bust a nut in my pants. Through it all, the jacket fell lower and lower off her shoulders.

Roxie shimmied her fine ass all the way to the top of the pole and then stopped. Holding herself there, she took off the jacket completely and let it float to the floor.

The men in the place went crazy, but I could only stare. Slowly, seductively, she slid down the pole with grace no one else seemed to understand, and then she stood, sliding her hands over the tie around her neck, her eyes connected with mine.

The corner of her full, pink lips curved up, and she blew me a kiss.

Everyone else in the entire bar fell away. Her eyes never left me as she danced, shook, and touched herself.

I’d never before gotten so hard without a single touch in my entire life.

I don’t know how long she danced. I couldn’t even tell you how long the music played. My entire world seemed to shrink down to only her and her movements. Her and my tie.

If I had any doubt about now being the time to let her know how I felt about her, it was completely erased with that dance.

I wanted Roxie. I was going to have her. She was practically inviting me into her hot, tight body right now.

I was still under her spell, barely even able to breathe, when I felt Cam’s hand slap my shoulder. “Might wanna wipe that look off your face there, boss,” he said, amused.

I stiffened and blinked. Roxie was pulling on my jacket and money flooded the stage around her heels.

“Jesus,” I muttered.

Cam chuckled. “If that dance wasn’t a message, then I don’t know what was.”

I tore my gaze away from Roxie and looked at him. “What are you saying?” I half growled as I blinked. It seemed the rest of the world didn’t want to come back into focus.

“I’m saying I think it’s about time you and Roxie do something about all that tension between you.”

“Cover the bar,” I told him. I didn’t really have to remind him to do his job, but those were the only words I could push past my tongue. I adjusted my hard-as-steel junk and then gave up. Everyone who looked was going to get a damn eyeful because there was no hiding how fucking hard I was.

On my way to my office, Roxie was stepping off the stage, a few drunken assholes salivating at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her to arrive.

Anger and extreme possessiveness rushed over me, and I shoved my way through the group, practically snarling for them to step back. Roxie’s eyes widened when she saw me, and I reached out and snatched her hand, gripping it tightly in mine, and towed her toward my office.

The entire wall shook with the force in which I slammed the door.

Roxie stood there, her cheeks flushed, her lips stained pink, and her hair a mess. Her violet eyes were round and slightly wary as she stared at me. I blew out a breath and took in the jacket, tie, and heels.

“You danced for me,” I said, the words ripping from my throat.

“Just for you,” she said softly.

A half growl, half moan ripped from my throat, and I leapt at her, plowing into her and shoving her back against the wall. I slid my arm beneath her so I was the one who took the force of the shove, and I pinned her with my body. Her chest heaved, and I could feel the rapid beating of her heart.

I wrapped my free hand around the length of the tie. “You stole my tie.”

“You can have it back,” she purred.

“It looks better on you.” I used the tie like a leash and pulled her even closer, towing her until our mouths were just barely inches apart.

Before bringing my lips down on hers, I pushed into her just a little bit farther, tilting my hips upward so the hard rod in my pants could be felt along her front.

She gasped. I smiled. “I hope you’re ready for what you just did, sweetheart,” I murmured.

Then I crushed my lips to hers.



I could count on a single hand the number of men I have kissed in my life.

It might have well been zero though, because the minute, no, the second, Adam’s mouth fused with mine, my past no longer mattered. Every kiss I’d ever thought I enjoyed was proven a lie.

A rush of heat suffused my skin, and I knew if I looked down, I would see a fine pink flush spreading over my skin. Adam’s lips were supple and moist, a soft place to fall while he rendered me almost incapacitated. He didn’t lift his mouth, not one time. Instead his lips rubbed furiously over mine, creating a sort of friction that crackled in the space around us.

Our lips glided across each other, like they knew exactly how they fit together and the exact moment to shift so the pleasure was intensified. Adam slid both arms around me, crushing me against him. The hardness pressing into my center was almost painful, but it was the kind of pain that made my crotch throb. I wound my arms up around his neck, cupping the base of his head with my palm, and let my tongue dart out across his perfectly seductive lips.

He growled. The action vibrated my chest as he sucked my tongue into his mouth, stroking it and coaxing it deeper until it brushed over the roof of his mouth.

One of his hands slid down the small of my back and over the curve of my ass, where he filled his hand with my flesh and squeezed like he wanted me even closer. I wanted closer too, but there was too much between us.
