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Trashy (Take It Off #10)(14)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I ripped my mouth away, gasping for breath, and bit down on my swollen bottom lip. Adam’s eyes were unfocused and heavy-lidded as he stared down at me. My pink lipstick marred the perfect shape of his full mouth, and it totally turned me on to see I had marked him in some way.

He swooped down to kiss me again, and when our lips latched together, I reached between us to fumble with the buttons on his dress shirt. I wanted to feel his skin. It seemed like I’d waited forever for him to touch me like this, for a kiss that totally blocked out the rest of the world. I was taking advantage while I had the chance.

Except my hands were shaking and my fingers kept missing their mark. How the hell was I supposed to remove his shirt when his lips were assaulting me to the point I couldn’t function?

I made a frustrated sound and he swallowed it down. His chuckle floated between my lips as he pushed my hands away and took matters into his own hands.

Those buttons never stood a chance.

The sound of them scattering across the hardwood on the floor barely registered as he literally ripped the fabric off his chest. I was on him before he even had the shirt totally pulled off his arms.

His chest was like granite, hard and carved, bronzed, and so incredibly smooth. My fingers slid over him like water. The silkiness of his skin made me sink my teeth into his lower lip as if feeling him wasn’t enough and I had to taste him too. Holy crap, he was broad. There was so much of him to explore my hands couldn’t move fast enough. I loved the way his muscles bunched beneath his skin, the tightness in his form, and the way when he wrapped his arms back around me, it was like he totally surrounded me. I was completely captured by his coppered, oversized body.

He made me feel small, but not in a helpless way. Small in the sense the passion between us was so big it overpowered my frame.

My hands fondled all the way down to the waistband of his pants. My fingertips flirted with the line between skin and clothing. Adam made a sound and ripped his mouth away to stare down with lust-filled eyes.

Abruptly, he spun, taking me with him, pulling me away from the door and walking us over to the desk. Like it was nothing at all, he lifted me by the waist and sat me on the edge of his desk and fit himself between my thighs. With glittering eyes, he looked down at the tie and grasped the lapels of his jacket.

Slowly, he peeled away the fabric, baring my naked chest. The rush of air was shocking because my skin was so incredibly hot. My nipples tightened into hard little knots, and they grew achy as he stared at me.

“I don’t want anyone else looking at you again, Rox,” he rumbled, oh so gently brushing the backs of his knuckles over the sensitized skin of my breast.

I shivered.

“I could say the same to you,” I whispered, tucking some fingers in his waistband.

The force of his body sent me arching over the top of his desk. I would have lain out completely flat, but he slid his arm beneath the small of my back and arched me up so my naked chest was completely flush against his.

I ceased to think. All I knew was the feel of him against me and the seductive kiss that went on and on.

The sexy beat of the music from the stage made me want to grind against him, but I couldn’t because of the way I was positioned. Tension coiled inside me so tightly I moved restlessly, and a little helpless sound ripped from my throat.

Adam pulled back but kept his arm around me, supporting my yielding body. “Jesus Christ,” he swore, his voice thick and gravely. My lips felt swollen and moist, and as he withdrew even farther, he swiped at my lower lip with his thumb.

He picked up his jacket and draped it around my shoulders. “You gotta put that shit away, Rox. If you don’t, I’m going to take you right here on the desk.”

I pressed my lips together because if I opened my mouth, I’d likely beg for just that.

He groaned. “Don’t look at me like that,” he rumbled and rubbed a hand over the top of his head. “I’ve been waiting too goddamn long for a chance with you. Our first time is not going to be in this office with a bunch of drunk assholes on the other side of the door.”

“You’ve been waiting for me?” I whispered, gripping the front of the jacket.

“Guess I have,” he quietly replied. When his eyes brushed over me, the tenderness in his gaze almost made me swoon. He had a way of making a girl feel like she was the only one in the entire world.

I wondered if any of his four wives ever felt like that.

The thought helped break some of the tension inside me. I might want Adam, he might turn me on in ways I never imagined, but getting involved with him probably wasn’t a safe bet.

I wanted safe right now. I needed it. The best way for me to have the safety I desperately needed was by remaining alone, by taking care of myself.

“I should get back to work,” I said, hopping off the desk. “There’s a big crowd out there tonight.”

His eyes narrowed slightly at the sudden change in my demeanor. I hoped he didn’t press. His kiss, his touch, and that dance left me feeling weak inside. If he pushed me right now, I might cave.

“Can you come in early tomorrow for training? In the afternoon, before the club opens?” he asked. There wasn’t a hint of anger in his tone.

I hated to admit it, but I was surprised. I had been expecting him to be angry or to make some kind of comment about how I led him on and then put on the brakes.

But he didn’t seem angry at all. He didn’t act disappointed in me or let down. It crumbled a little piece of the wall I had built around my heart these last couple of years.

“Sure, I’ll be here,” I replied. Every step that brought me closer to the door left me feeling regretful. I didn’t want to go back out there. I wanted to stay in here, with Adam.

Of course, that was exactly the reason I had to go.

I pushed my arms through the jacket, once again reveling in how it swallowed me up. Abruptly, I spun on my heel, clutching the coat against me. “You can’t have this back,” I burst out. As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt my eyes widen in surprise.

What the hell? I sounded like a spoiled five-year-old.

He smiled lazily and wandered over in front of me, taking his time prowling closer. My eyes fastened on his chest and the way it moved.

“Sweetheart, I wouldn’t dream of taking it back.” One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me in as he pressed a lingering kiss to my hairline. His mouth was warm and soft; the feel of his lips gave me little shivers along my spine. He didn’t lift his head when he spoke, so his breath danced over my forehead and ruffled my hair. “Put some clothes on before you go back out there, sweetheart. I’m feeling extremely possessive tonight.”
