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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(42)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Hell, no. This is all for you, baby. Maybe I should strip these clothes off you first.”

“Do it.”

He runs his hands slowly down my body, taking his time to knead my aching br**sts with his fingers before reaching my hips and grabbing the hem of my shirt, lifting it up and over my head, trapping my hands behind my back.

“Hey, I may need my hands.”

“Not for what I have planned. Maybe I like you like this. It means I can worship your body without any distractions.”

“I distract you?” I moan as he leans forward and sucks my nipple through my satin bra.

“All the f**king time,” he mumbles as he moves to the other side, repeating the action on my other breast. “Fuck, you smell good. All day I’ve been dreaming of this.”

He slips one hand up my skirt, which is now hitched around my hips. Suddenly, his big talented hand is down the front of my panties, and he’s stroking me in time with Gorilla by Bruno Mars. I can barely keep my ass in the seat as I try to match his movements.

“Zan, don’t stop.”

“Screw the dance,” he mutters before hooking his hand behind my neck and pulling my mouth hard against him. I suck hard on his tongue, making him growl into my mouth which just spurs me on even more. My hips lift up to meet his fingers, which are now deep inside me, while the tip of his thumb circles my clit. I feel the familiar pressure building deep inside me.

“So close, Zan.”

“I know, babe. Let me hear you. I wanna hear you cry out my name as you come all over my hand. Then I’m going to make love to you hard and fast until you scream all over again.” His voice is husky and deep, and I know he must be dying to be inside me.

“Zander. Fuck. Yes!” I cry out as my orgasm crashes over me. He continues to plunge his fingers inside me, prolonging the pleasure as it courses through my entire body. When I come down, I’m still sitting in the chair, Zander leaning over me and watching my face intently.

“I love you.”

My eyes widen as I take him in. The look of sincerity on his face is my undoing. My eyes fill with tears. “I love you too. And if I could, I’d touch you everywhere right now.”

He looks at me with wide eyes. “You love me,” he says in disbelief.

“You love me.” I smile at him and lean forward, softly kissing his lips as if we have all the time in the world.

I pull back and we sit there, grinning at each other like a pair of idiots.

“Can you let me go now?”

Chapter 22: “Love You Like A Love Song”


It’s the day before my police academy graduation, and today I finally get to see my mom and sisters again. It’s been four months since I saw them last, and that was before Kate. So as you can imagine, Kate is a nervous wreck about meeting the other four important women in my life.

She’s been tidying the house for days. Anything out of place stresses her out, and I swear she’s rearranged the entire house three times in the past week. It’s cute that she wants to impress my family, but I wish she’d just relax and go with the flow. Yesterday, I decided she needed to calm down, so I went all caveman on her, carrying her over my shoulder and putting her into a cold shower. She forgave me once I joined her in the shower and relieved the tension in other ways…first with my mouth, then with her back against the bathroom wall and her legs wrapped around my hips.

What can I say? I’m a caring boyfriend who always looks out for his girl.

Zoe texts me when they are an hour out of Chicago. Mom still thinks I have no clue they are coming, so we didn’t want to ruin the ‘surprise’ for her sake. They’re going to be staying with my Aunt Jen for a few days after the ceremony before heading back to Indiana.

Kate has taken the morning off work so that she can meet my family. She’s already changed her outfit twice, telling me that she has to look nice without coming across as trying hard. That, and she really wants my sisters to like her. I explained to her that Danika is fourteen and will like her regardless, but especially because she’s a hairdresser and can do her hair for free. Mia will be the same, and Zoe is just a female version of me. Apparently, I just don’t understand. Must be a girl thing.

I hear a knock at the door and look at Kate who has wide eyes and is fidgeting. I walk over and cup her face in my hands before our lips meet and I give her a soft but deep, probing kiss. I pull back before kissing her nose. “It’s going to be fine, babe. You look gorgeous, and they’ll love you.”

“Says the God of Gorgeousness…”

“God of Gorgeousness?”

“You.” She blushes and I want to take her all over again.

“As long as I’m your God of Gorgeousness I’m fine with that.”

“And, you have four women who already love you unconditionally.” She grumbles.

“Only four?” I ask, raising a brow.

“Oh, you know what I mean. Of course, I love you. Maybe I just have some conditions that include unfettered access to your man parts and a lifetime of orgasms.”

“Deal. Where do I sign?”

“Oh stop and go open the door,” she says, laughing.

Mission accomplished; she’s smiling and not as nervous now. Perfect.

I open the door, and Mom tackle hugs me immediately. “Mom, what are you doing here?” I say, totally playing it up.

“Zander Jeremy Roberts, let me look at you. Oh my beautiful boy. You’re looking too thin. Have you not been eating? I promise you, if you’re not eating, I’ll kidnap you and make you come home until you fill out again.”

“Mom, leave Zan alone. Hey, big brother,” my sister Zoe steps forward and gives me a hug once mom lets me go. Zoe is tall for a woman at 6 foot and is pretty much a beautiful female version of me. You can’t believe the number of times we were confused for twins as kids. She’s got long, wavy blonde hair and aqua-blue eyes that have always gotten her attention with the guys. Those guys, in turn, always got attention from me in the form of my fist if they treated her badly.

Kate comes up beside me, and I immediately wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to my side. “This is Kate, my girlfriend. Please play nice.”

“Oh, please, Zan, she puts up with you. She deserves a medal.” Mia surprises Kate by hugging her without warning. “I love this dress. You’ll have to tell me where you got it from.”

Kate looks up at me in surprise, and I just grin and shrug my shoulders. “Told you so,” I whisper, making her giggle. “And Danni, c’mere squirt. How’s tricks?”

“Good, although Mom has stopped letting me answer the phone. Our vegetarian neighbor wasn’t happy when I answered, ‘"Mike’s House of Meat, What’s your beef?" Apparently it wasn’t funny.”
