Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(43)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I burst out laughing, earning a puzzled look from Kate. “Squirt, don’t ever change.”

“Not planning on it, Zan. So…are you nervous?”

“About what?”

“Your graduation tomorrow! You’ve got to get up in front of everyone.”

“Yeah, but it’s cool because I’ll be doing it with all the people who have worked their asses off like me to graduate and become police officers. So you better behave or else I’ll have to arrest you.”

“Like you would!” She stands there defiant, hands on hips. Typical f**king Roberts woman. I love it.

I look over and see Kate and my mom talking closely. I wrap my arm around Danika’s shoulders. “All of my girls under the same roof. I’m a happy man. Now, who’s ready to get some lunch. This Roberts is hungry.”

“Let’s go then. My boy must be kept fed. You’re still growing.”

“Mom, I’m twenty-three years old. I’m not a teenager anymore.”

“Almost twenty-four. Your birthday is next month.”

“What?” Kate says loudly. “You didn’t tell me that, Zan.”

“It’s okay, Kate. I’ll give you my phone number. You can call me anytime and ask about my Zander.”

“Sounds like a plan, Helen.” She winks at me, and I just grin. I want to kiss the hell out of those smirking lips, but it might not be the best idea in front of my sisters.

I look at Zoe’s back in front of me and stop walking when I see the smallest bit of ink peeking out the top of her shirt. “Zo, what’s that?”

“What’s what?” she asks, pretending to be clueless.

“The tattoo on your back?”

“Well duh! Of course, I have a tattoo on my back. My boyfriend’s a tattoo artist. I designed it, and he put it on my back. It’s only small.”

“Hmm. Next you’ll be covered in them.”

“Oh, sorry Dad. Next time I’ll ask permission, shall I?”

“Don’t be like that, Zo. It was just a shock. That’s all.”

“Remember, you’re my brother. Stop being so damn overprotective.”

“Zoe, I think he just cares about you. It’s the big brother thing. I have two of them,” Kate explains. I see Zoe’s shoulders relax, and she slowly smiles at me.

“Sorry, Zan. I’ll tell you when I get the next one on my hip done.” She giggles and runs ahead to catch up with Mom and the girls.

“You’re amazing. Have I told you that lately?” Using the arm around her waist, I spin Kate in front of me and kiss her hard and fast. “I’m lucky to have you.”

“Don’t you forget it, buddy,” she replies playfully.

“Never will,” I murmur as I kiss her forehead and move her back to my side as we head towards Kate’s first Roberts’ family lunch.


Lunch with Zander’s family is awesome. His sisters are friendly and down to earth, just like him, and his mom is the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. I was stressing over nothing, but I won’t admit that to him. He’s got his last gig tonight. Ever. The last time he’ll ever strip in front of a bunch of horny, drunk women. I plan on being the only drunk, horny woman who sees him naked from now on.

I leave Zander to spend time with his family, and hurry to the salon to work the late night for Nathan. He called me this morning begging me to cover him, and Zander said it was okay as long as he could swing by the salon at closing for a haircut.

He strolls through the salon door just as I’m cashing out the register. I bid Georgia, our new apprentice, goodbye and lock the door behind her. She makes sure to get an eyeful of Zander as she walks past him, and it grates on me.

I hear him chuckling behind me as he sits down in one of the chairs, linking his hands behind his head and stretching out his long denim clad legs in front of him.

“Quite comfortable there?” I ask with a smirk.

“I’m with you. Of course, I’m comfortable.”

Seriously, this guy never fails to make me smile, swoon, and squirm in one simple sentence.

“How was the rest of your day?” I ask, trying to change the subject to concentrate on the task at hand.

“Great. Ended up going shopping, and then we had a quick bite to eat before they went off to Aunt Jen’s. We’ll see them tomorrow after the ceremony.” He watches me as I do a final check of windows and doors, then turn off all unnecessary lights.

“I’m glad you got to spend time with them, Zan. I can tell you love your family very much.” I walk toward him and squeak when he pulls me into his lap and kisses me.

“I missed you today,” he says between kisses. I’m flushed and breathless, but I somehow manage to reply, “Me too.”

“You still okay to cut my hair, babe?” he finally asks, pulling away.

“Absolutely. Come to the shampoo bowl and I’ll give you a wash.” I hop off his lap, grab his hand and lead him toward the shampoo station. “So what do you want done?” I ask as he lays back in the chair. I run my fingers through his hair, lightly raking my nails over his scalp. He lets out a groan that runs right through me.

“Haircut, trim…Fuck, that feels good, babe.” His head goes heavy in my hands, and his eyes close as he gives in to the pressure of my fingertips gliding through his hair.

“I know. I’m known for my scalp massages.”

“Your hands are like a secret weapon,” he says, his voice low and gravelly. I know that voice. It’s what I call his ‘sex’ voice. It’s the way he speaks when he’s deep inside me and losing control.

“I thought you’d know that by now,” I say, my voice dropping into a sultry teasing tone. He leans his head back and looks up at me with those piercing blue eyes of his.

“Oh, I know, and that filthy mouth of yours. I told my sisters you had a potty mouth.”

“You did NOT!” I playfully whack his arm, which just makes him laugh.

“I did, but Zoe and Mia cuss like crazy, so you’re not alone.”

“Well as long as your mom still thinks I’m nice.”

“You are nice, babe. You’re perfect. Mom and the girls thought so too. It seems we have their approval.”

“We needed approval?” I ask, not sure if he’s being serious.

“Fuck, no. If they didn’t like you, I’d just keep you holed up at the apartment for the rest of our lives as my personal sex slave.”

The rest of our lives.

Holy shitballs, Batman. That’s the stuff that dreams are made of. He should really stop saying flippant comments like that because I’ll just get my hopes up that I’ve found my forever guy. You know, the one who makes my heart skip a beat, makes my blood boil, and rocks my world nightly.
