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True (True Believers #1)(41)
Author: Erin McCarthy

I nodded, unable to speak, the sensation new and startling. Nothing could have prepared me for what it would be like, to hold him inside me, and as he moved, I stared up at him and heard the timbre of my voice change, the gasps turn to deep, desperate moans while he stroked me into more pleasure than I had known existed.

“Rory.” My name on his lips was raw and intimate.

When he finally fell back next to me, our bodies still joined, his skin slick with sweat, our breathing still exaggerated, I wasn’t sure what to say, but for the first time, I realized that words don’t always tell everything. That my fingers brushing across his hip, my lips caressing his jaw, could speak for me.

“I don’t ever want to be with anyone but you,” he murmured into my hair, kissing my temple.

I could feel my smile in the dark. “Are we Facebook Official then?”

“We’re more than that. We’re the real deal.”

“True,” I said, sliding my foot over his. “We are.”

Chapter Fourteen

“Hi, Daddy!” I said cheerfully to the image of my father on my computer. “How are you?”

He smiled at me, in the kitchen this time, no sign of Susan. “You sound like you’re in a good mood.”

I laughed and prayed I wasn’t blushing. It was Sunday, and I had spent basically every minute in my twin bed with Tyler when he wasn’t at work. I felt like I was bursting with love, excitement, and newfound knowledge. I crossed my legs and hoped none of the above was written all over my face.

“Yeah, I, uh, want you to meet someone,” I told him. I gestured to Tyler to get in front of the computer with me. He did, coming behind my chair and bending over and giving my cheek a kiss. I giggled. God, I wasn’t normally a giggler. So ridiculous. So freaking happy. “This is my boyfriend, Tyler.”

Saying boyfriend made my insides feel like marshmallows in hot chocolate, ooey and gooey.

It didn’t seem to have the same result on my dad. His mouth fell open and his eyes widened. I realized that maybe I should have eased him into the idea, but I always talked to him on Sundays, and I had no intention of letting Tyler go home a minute sooner than he had to. Hence the introduction.

Tyler gave a wave at the screen. “Hi, Mr. Macintosh. You have a really cool daughter.”

My dad’s brow furrowed. “Yes, I know. Thank you.”

“Nice to meet you. I’ll let you talk to Rory.” Tyler went over to my bed and picked up the Cormac McCarthy book he was reading.

I smiled sheepishly at my dad, who was looking like he’d taken a blow to the head. “So what’s new with you, Dad?”

“Uh, nothing. Just the usual. Work, home,” he said, sounding distracted. “Hey, hon, I just remembered I need to do something. Would you mind calling me tomorrow?”

When you’re alone, was clearly implied.

“Sure. Love you.”

“I love you, too.” I disconnected the call and looked over at Tyler, who glanced up from his book.

“That was short.”

“I guess I should have warned him,” I said, feeling bad. But not bad enough to ruin my mood. I was basically on an endorphin high, and I was well aware of it. “But I’ll call him later, it will be fine.”

Tyler tossed his book aside. “Want to take a shower?”

Goosebumps rose on my skin as I sat at my desk, watching him. “You mean, like together?”

“Yes, together. I’m not saying you need a shower. I just want to take one with you.” Then he grinned. “Though I probably need one. I’ve been getting a workout.”

I blushed, knowing exactly what he meant by that. “Okay,” I said, even though the thought of standing naked with Tyler terrified me. It was so . . . personal. Which I knew was stupid, given what we had already done, but it seemed different. There would be lights on and I would be totally exposed. But despite feeling suddenly shy about it, I wanted to experience everything with him.

After locking the door to my suitemates’ room, and the door to my room, Tyler turned on the water before kissing me. “Now don’t go getting any ideas—this isn’t about sex. I need some recovery time, so don’t be all up in my business in there,” he said, giving me a mock strict look of warning.

“Then maybe you should just shower first, then I’ll go after,” I teased.

“No, no. That’s not environmentally friendly. We’ll just have to make it work.” In seconds he had his clothes completely off, with a total lack of modesty that I wished I could achieve.

“I’ve never done this before,” I said, fiddling with the waistband of my sweatpants.

“I know.” Tyler kissed me softly. “And honestly, that’s the hottest thing ever. You don’t have to do this.”

“I want to.” I did.

Nervously, I shucked my own clothes and stood awkwardly, fighting the urge to cover my various bits with my hands. But Tyler pulled me into the shower and straight into his embrace, the hot water sluicing over us.

“God, you feel so good,” he murmured.

He was right. It felt intimate and warm, our hands trailing over each other’s bodies, exploring, learning each other. I was curious about his piercing, and I splayed my hand over the length of him, then toyed with the metal ring, glancing down through the streaming water at it, enjoying the immediate reaction my touch brought. His body was so different from mine, so much hard to my soft, that he was fascinating. I could touch him all day and never be tired of all that firmness.

“Rory.” His hands tensed on my shoulders. “What are you doing? Damn, you’re killing me.”

“Why did you get this?” It seemed incredibly painful to have a rod jammed through your privates.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Seemed like it might be cool. And maybe I just wanted to see if I could handle the pain.”

“So it hurt?”

“Like a motherfucker. But also it’s my understanding it increases pleasure for my, uh, partner, and I figured that could only be a good thing, right?”

“I suppose.”

“Does it feel good to you?”

I thought about that, moving my hands to his chest so I could look up at him, into his dark eyes. “I don’t know,” I told him honestly. “I have no comparison. So yes, it feels good, really good, but does it feel ‘more good’ than it would without the piercing? Well, I can’t exactly say, can I?”
