Read Books Novel

Tryst #2

Tryst #2(3)
Author: Ella Steele

Shadows fill the space, and I can’t see anything. Michael moved the light so that it shines on my p**sy in a narrow beam beneath me. Very little light seeps out from under me. A dim glow circles my bottom, just enough to tell that his face is under my ass. My heart pounds as his tounge works, darting and tasting me. Each pass becomes more vigorous, more demanding. His tongue dips deep into my p**sy and licks hard, stroking me. In response, I throw my head back. If my arms weren’t tied to the pole, I would have fallen. I look at the landing above and see light spilling under the door. Someone is up there. My heart beats faster. I wonder if I should say something.

Between breathes, I whisper, “Someone’s up there…”

The reply to my sudden outburst was a nip of my cl*t while his hands gripped my ass hard, forcing me deeper into his mouth. My body tenses, but I don’t make another sound. The silver chain bounces, tugging my tender n**ples. I push back against the pole and close my eyes, enjoying what he’s doing to me—how he’s making me feel.

I start to rock, to shift with his movements, to feel him more, but he clamps my h*ps in place. His voice is muffled but I hear him perfectly, “Stay still, Ashley. Don’t move.” I whimper in response. His fingers dig into my h*ps and he holds me in place so I can’t move. He’s grinning. I can feel his beautiful smile beneath me. I nod and he releases my hips.

He starts again, slowly sliding his tongue over me, licking every inch of my wet skin. I tense to keep still, to remain silent. My breath comes harder and faster. My br**sts ache, dying for his touch. Suddenly, he yanks the chain that attaches to my n**ples. The shock makes me shriek. He quickly responds with his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to his lips. His teeth nip my cl*t harder this time. I bite back the sounds I want to make. I fight for control, and feel that I’m losing. As he releases me, I try to remain still. I try not to writhe against his face, but it’s nearly impossible. The only way to fight the onslaught of sensations is to tense and try to not think about how he’s making me feel.

When his teeth slide over my clit, he teases me more, sucking me harder and harder. His fingers thrust inside me, pushing deeper. My lower lip is caught between my teeth. I bite it hard to keep silent. My back is arched, trying to remain still, even though I want to ride his face. It takes every ounce of self-control to do as he says. I breathe slowly, feeling every sensation he sends through my body. Meanwhile, he’s winding me tighter and tighter. I can’t spread my legs far enough for him to kiss me as deeply as I want. I no longer care about the light upstairs or who might be up there, or what will happen if they find us. My stomach twists in beautiful knots. I want more. I need more. I need him to f**k me and never stop.

I beg him, “Fuck me, baby. Do it. Please.”

But he doesn’t. Instead, he holds me tightly to his face and eats me, until I nearly come in his mouth. Yanking the chain, he pulls my n**ples as he sucks my p**sy making me completely unable to sit still. Every inch of me is screaming out, needing to be sated. My body is so hot and completely covered in a thin sheen of sweat. My peek-a-boo bra is stuck to me like a second skin. When Michael finally pulls away, a rush of cool air hits between my legs. I fight back the sex sounds that I want to make as he sits up.

For a moment he does nothing. He just watches me and breathes hard. The intensity of his gaze nearly makes me come. I feel his eyes on me, burning into me through the darkness. Michael stands and pulls me up by tugging the chain on my br**sts. The pressure on my n**ples is so intense, but it only makes me want more. Through lowered lashes, I look up at him. He’s already standing over me, and I’m still panting on the floor. I move quickly, getting to my feet. He drops the chain, and as it falls, I shudder and bite my lip.

He unties my hands and says, “Turn around.”

My arms burn and I rub them as they fall to my sides. I do as he says and remain silent. My br**sts strain against my bra, n**ples taut. My legs are together, crossed at the ankle. I’m wringing my hands, wondering what he’s going to do.

I feel his breathe behind me, his voice commanding in my ear, “Spread your legs.”

I shiver when he speaks. My heart pounds harder, forcing blood to roar through me, making me hotter. A bead of sweat rolls down my spine. Michael’s finger catches it before it disappears down the small of my back. He wraps that arm around me, showing me the drop. He puts his finger to my lips, still holding the bead of sweat, “Suck.”

My lips move around his finger, licking the salty sweat off his hand. He pulls his finger from my mouth and dips it between my br**sts. They swell larger as I breathe harder. My body is practically vibrating, wishing he were inside of me. I shiver as he moves the sweat-covered finger to my lips again, opening my mouth, but he passes me and sucks his finger, wrapping his arm around my throat. When he’s done, he lowers his hand so his arm isn’t pressing into my neck as hard, but he still holds me against him.

I feel his dick slide against my back. He rubs against me, making the damp heat between my legs throb. He’s breathing hard, his slick body hot and hard behind mine. Then he grabs my shoulders and steps back, separating us. He looks at me for a moment, circling me with his hand stroking his jaw. I breathe hard, looking straight ahead into shadows. His eyes burn a trail over my body. My chest is heaving as I try to control myself. My fingers clench by my sides, over and over again.

Finally he says, “On your knees.” His hand smacks my ass hard and I fall to my knees. Before I look up, his dick is in front of my eyes.

I sit patiently waiting for him to tell me what to do. Instead, he grabs my hair on both sides of my head and pushes his dick into my mouth. When I move to wrap my fingers around him, he pulls away. “No. Keep your hands behind your back. Move again, and I’ll tie you up.”

He starts again, taking my hair and he thrusts deeper into my mouth. I suck him, working the long hard shaft with my tongue. Heat pools between my legs. I can’t help it. The position, the way he grabs me, makes me want him more. He pulls out and wipes his dick across my cheek. The silky smooth skin is hot and leaves a trail across my face. I try hard to keep my hands behind my back, but I want to stroke him. I want to feel his erection in my hands and stroke his soft head.

Without warning, he’s back inside my mouth. I taste his salty sweetness and take him in. He’s developing a rhythm, pushing in shallow twice, then hard once. His body rocks as he does it. The light is on the floor, shining up at my body, just beneath my br**sts. Michael’s eyes are on me, watching the bounce of my br**sts, the silver chains that sway with me, tugging on my sensitive parts. The taste of his dick, the way he fills my mouth, makes me so wet. The pulsating starts between my legs as I suck him, as I taste him. He pulls my hair harder, and I want more. I want him to push hard, faster. I intend to make him and move my hand.

But, when I reach for his dick, he pulls away suddenly. Before I can protest, he grabs me and pulls my over his lap and backs up on a bench. I’m lying across his lap; his dick is out of reach. His hand lands hard on my ass, stinging as he spanks me. I flinch as the burn spreads across my skin. “I said no touching.” His hand comes up again, and he strikes me lower this time, stinging the bare skin between my legs.

The sensation shoots through my bottom and travels through my belly, making me wetter. He spanked my p**sy. I gasp and he ignores it. Instead, he thrusts his fingers into my p**sy, pushing deep inside of me. I bite my lip, loving it—wanting more. His other hand comes down again. I clench on contact. Tears sting my eyes, but I’m silent. The only sound he hears is a rush of air as his hand hits my p**sy.

“Good,” he says and pulls his hand out from inside of me. “Do as I say, and I’ll make you come, Ashley. I’ll make you come deep and long.” He turns me toward him, and looks at my eyes. He’s wondering if he hit me too hard. In response I moan. He grins and shakes his head, realizing just how far I can go. He reaches around my back and unhooks my bra. My br**sts fall free and he carefully pulls my bra away from the chains. Turning me around, he ties it around my wrists. When he’s done the underwire is cutting into my skin.

He commands me, “Kneel.”

And we start again, but this time he teases me, rubbing his dick over my face, sliding it across my smooth skin, over my lips and eyes. I’m breathing hard. In my mind I’m begging him to f**k me. In reality, I’m silent. My ass still stings from his hand, and I clench deep inside thinking about it. I breathe hard as his dick slips over my cheek.
