Read Books Novel

Tryst #2

Tryst #2(4)
Author: Ella Steele

He traces my lips slowly, saying, “Don’t move.” My fingers wiggle behind my back as I think about touching him. I want to taste him. I can barely sit still, but I don’t move. “Knees apart,” he says and I spread my legs. The cool air rushes between stimulating me more.

After he traces my mouth, he grabs my long hair, and pushes his dick slowly past my lips. Gradually, he pulls out and pushes in again, going deeper this time. He slides back, sighing as he does it. His fingers tangle in my hair, and pull tighter this time. He’s deeper, not worrying about hurting me. His dick slides past my lips and over my tongue, and doesn’t stop until he hits the back of my throat. I breathe in sharply, taking him in my mouth, wanting him there. He moans, and leans his head back. He rocks, pushing into my lips harder and harder.

My br**sts bounce as he watches his dick disappear between my lips. I look up at him and take him, his whole dick again and again. His hard length starts to slide down my throat as he rocks. Sucking hard, I stroke him with my tongue while I lick. He moans, gripping my hair firmer, watching me. He’s so incredibly hard, but he doesn’t come. He controls himself, though I wish he wouldn’t. He pushes me back.

I nearly whimper, I’m so disappointed. “Michael,” I pant, “please.”

He grins down at me, kneeling with my hands tied behind my back. “Please what? Tell me what you want baby. Tell me…”

Looking at the floor I say, “I want to suck you and swallow your come. I want you to f**k my face, baby. Please baby, f**k my face.”

He tilts my chin up, “Beg for it. Beg until I give you what you want, Ash.”

His touch sends currents through my body. I nearly die when he pulls his hand away. “Fuck my face, Michael. Pump into me. Push down my throat. Come in my mouth. I want to taste you. I want to swallow your come. I want to feel it slide down my throat. Please baby. Please, f**k my face. Please.” I’m shaking, now. I can’t control myself. I want him so badly. I have to taste him. My head lunges forward, but he steps back, out of my reach. My heart sinks, “Baby, please,” I beg again and look up into his eyes ready to cry if he says no, “Fuck my face. Come in my mouth. Please, Michael. I need it. I want it. Please give it to me.”

A soft smile lines his lips. My br**sts tingle as he steps toward me, brushing his dick against my cheek. I shiver, and want to take him in my mouth. “Stay perfectly still,” he breathes. His hot skin continues to tease me, slipping across my cheek and then my eyes. Finally he lowers his dick to my lips and traces each one slowly with the tip of his cock. My body trembles as my wrists strain at the bra binding my hands together. The heat between my legs throbs. I need him. I want him.

I whimper, begging, “Baby, please.”

And he loses control. His fingers tangle in my hair and he tilts my head back. “Watch me,” he says.

My eyes are open and watching him slide his long hard shaft in and out. The carnal look in his eyes makes me hotter. My p**sy is so sensitive that I think I’ll come. Michael pushes his dick over my lips and past my tongue. It slams into the back of my throat and I take in all of him, not stopping until the base of his c*ck is at my lips.

The hold on my hair tightens as I suck. I hear him sigh and see him hang his head back. Then he does it again. And again. His dick slips past my lips over and over and I let him bury it deep into my throat, sucking in every time he thrusts. I swallow and his lips form an O. I do it again, and feel him pulsing, knowing that his come will fill my mouth any second. A warm salty gush flows over my tongue and I suck and swallow, gently stroking him, working every last drop out of his cock. I don’t stop licking and sucking when he’s done, although I’m gentle. His hands remain in my hair, but he’s petting me now, watching me suck him.

My p**sy is so hot and wet. I can’t stop. I don’t want to. When he pulls his dick out of my mouth, I nearly cry. But I don’t have the chance. He pushes me onto my back, knocking the wind out of me. I fall onto my wrists and can’t move. That’s when I feel his lips between my legs. He licks me perfectly and then thrusts his tongue into my p**sy. His fingers tug my chain and I scream, coming in his mouth, rocking my h*ps as I do it. He drinks me in, savoring every last shudder.

When he’s done, he gently rolls me over and unties my wrists. I’m on the cold floor. He scoops me up in his arms and holds me against him. His hands are in my hair, gently smoothing it against my head. “God, I missed you, Ash.”

A sleepy warmth covers my entire body. I feel no shame for what I’ve done, though I feel I might tomorrow. “I missed you too,” I say, liking the way he feels against me.

I have that warm glowing, happy feeling. We remain like that, holding each other for a while. When he releases me, he says, “Did I hurt you?”

I shake my head, and start pulling my clothes back on. I slide into the bra and carefully arrange the chains so they won’t get caught and tug my n**ples. “No, I liked it.”

He watches me with a lazy smile. The entire time, he wore most of his clothing. I realize that I didn’t get to see him nak*d, although there was some thrill of being dominated by a man still wearing clothes. A man that I can’t get enough of. I want to know what was next for us, but I was too afraid to ask.

I follow him up the stairs. When we emerge, it’s dark. Whoever was here earlier, left. He picks up our instruments, and pulls the strap to my cello case onto his shoulder. “Come on,” he says, “I’ll walk you home. I can’t have you famished and passing out on the subway or anything.”

We walk down the streets and the night breeze lifts my hair. Michael walks next to me. I wonder what will happen to us. There is no way we can go back to what we had been, but I don’t really see how this kind of relationship can endure much longer, although I want it to.

“Tomorrow’s my last night filling in for Harvey,” he says, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I nod and look over at him. He looks so beautiful with that telltale sex afterglow. I wonder if I look like that and push the hair out of my face.

“Maybe we should make a night of it,” I say, assuming he’s telling me good-bye.

We stop in front of my building. He sets down the cello and says, “Sounds good.”

I pause, and then ask, “Maybe we should try something new?”

He grins at me. It’s that lopsided grin that makes me melt. “What’d you have in mind, Ashley?” His eyes travel up and down my body.

“You decide,” I smile coyly from beneath my lashes, suddenly looking forward to tomorrow much more than I was a few seconds ago. I wonder what he wants from me, if this will be the last time I see him. I don’t want to ruin the moment and mention it. At the same time, life without him seems empty. My heart twists. I hide the thoughts weighing on me and say, “Maybe try some place new to eat…”

He shakes his head, “No. There is no way I’m spending my last night with you eating some place weird. No, Ash. I know exactly what I want. In fact, I’ll tell you now.” He leans in close and whispers in my ear, “Tomorrow night I want to come in your ass.”
