Read Books Novel

Tryst #3

Tryst #3(2)
Author: Ella Steele

I slide up onto the table wearing my skirt and my bra. My n**ples ache when he releases me. Michael stands there for a moment, stroking his chin and says, “Give me the bra.” I reach behind me and take it off. I hand the lace to him and he presses it to his cheek. “It’s still warm.”

My br**sts hang freely, the three silver chains sparkle in the dim light. Michael’s gaze is still on my chest and I know my punishment will have something to do with my br**sts. My heart pounds as I wait for him to decide. When he reaches for my breast, I feel afraid and excited. He takes a nipple in one hand and presses it between his forefinger and thumb. As he looks me in the eye, the pressure increases. I suck in air quickly, but I bite my tongue. He holds me like that for a second and then flicks my nipple hard with his other hand. The sting erupts inside of me. It feels like the spank magnified. My jaw drops open, and I try to swallow the sound, but it comes out. Michael shakes his head slowly, side to side, “I will teach you to be quiet.” He takes the other nipple and presses it between his fingers. Tears sting my eyes from the last flick. It hurt, but the initial sting felt so intense that I couldn’t stay quiet. My back stiffens as his other hand nears my nipple. He does it slower this time. My pulse pounds in my ears. My body tenses, waiting for the sting of his hand. When Michael does it this time, he flicks the tender flesh hard. Seductive pain spreads instantly from my n**ples to my p**sy. He rolls my nipple between his fingers before releasing me.

“Good girl,” he says. He looks me over, and his gaze fills with heat. He peels off his jacket and tosses it on the couch. I watch him as he removes his tie and shoes. Heart pounding, I watch, hoping he’ll remove his shirt. He notices my gaze lingering on his chest and says, “You want me to take this off, don’t you?” He lifts his shirt and eyes me.

I nod once. “Yes.”

“Come here,” he says. I step toward him, closing the space between us. “Take it off of me,” he commands. A small thrill shoots through me. I start at the top and work my way down, slowly sliding each button through the hole. When I undo the last button, I stop and look up at him. His shirt front hangs open, revealing a perfectly toned chest. I want to lean forward and lick his stomach and drag my tongue all the way up to his neck, but I don’t. He hasn’t told me to. I wait for his command.

“Turn around,” he says. The husky tone of his voice drips with seduction. My stomach stirs in response. I turn and face the table, putting my palms down. “Ankles apart,” he says. I’m still wearing my heels and part my legs. Michael grabs my skirt and slides it up, revealing my lace-topped thigh highs and garters as he does it. “Very nice,” he says appreciatively. His hand cups my ass. He squeezes me once and then dips his hand between my legs. His voice deepens when he does, “Crotchless panties?”

I nod, “Yes.”

“Just for me?” his voice is in my ear. Every inch of me feels hypersensitive. I want his hands on me, in me. But he pauses there, asking.

“Yes, I thought you’d like them. And the garters…”

He lowers his face and looks closer at my ass, and between my legs. “I do,” he says and his warm breath spreads across my p**sy. I suck in a breath and try to stay still. “Ashley?”

“Yes?” I look over my shoulder at him.

“Put your br**sts on the table. Lower yourself until you are as flat as you can get.” I nod and lean forward. I’m shaking worried about what he’s going to do. He can tell and says, “I’m not f**king your ass tonight until you beg me. I was serious. Right now, I have my sights set on f**king your p**sy.” With that his hard length pushes into me without any warning. I gasp. He slaps my ass for making a sound. My hands reach across the table and hold onto the other side.

I’m wet enough that it doesn’t hurt, but he’s so big and so deep. I can feel every inch of him. He stays like that for a moment and then pulls out slowly. “Oh baby, you have no idea how perfect you are. I could f**k you like this all night.” He pushes hard into me again. Each of his hands is splayed on my hips, holding me in place. With every thrust, my legs bang into the table. He withdraws and commands me to stay the way I am.

His fingers tease, moving in slow delicious strokes around my clit. I want him to touch me, to rub me, but he doesn’t. His fingers slip next to my cl*t and around it. My h*ps start to move, trying to get him to touch me. In response, his hand comes down hard, spanking my p**sy. “Be still,” he barks. I don’t move.

It’s so hard not to move, to not make a sound. He teases me ruthlessly with his hands, working both of them over my sensitive flesh. My fingers grip the table until my knuckles turn white. I grit my teeth to keep still, to keep from calling out. I feel a finger slip into my p**sy, but he pulls it away again, spreading my come over me. He lowers his face and continues to tease me with his tongue.

I can’t stand it. Every inch of my body is coursing with need. If he doesn’t f**k me soon, I’ll die. I need him. I need him inside of me. I want him in my p**sy, in my mouth. I have to have him.

Breathing hard, he looks around the room and spies a small bench across the room. He pulls me up from the table and strips the skirt, leaving the panty and stockings. “Go,” he says, pushing me toward it.

Before we get to the bench, he grabs my shoes and tells me to put them on. They have a four inch heel. I stop in front of the bench wearing only my shoes, stockings, the crotchless panties, and my collar. My body is charged. I have enough energy to ride him until tomorrow. Every inch of me burns, yearning for his touch. I want his hands on me, in me. I can’t stand the teasing anymore.

Before I can beg him to f**k me, he yanks the chain, pulling me toward him and kisses me so softly on the lips that I melt. Every inch of me sears as his skin presses against mine. Sex is dripping from every inch of me. I want him inside of me and will do anything he wants to have him. His soft kiss lingers, and I feel his swollen lips lift from mine.

“Turn,” he says. I turn toward the bench wondering what he’s planning.

It’s a padded leather seat, nothing fancy. Four wooden legs hold it high off the floor. I sit on it when I put my shoes on in the morning. I stare at it wondering what he wants to do. We don’t both fit on it. My hand touches my throat and drifts across my breast, and then down my waist as I stare at the leather.

His hands snake around my waist and cup my breast. I close my eyes and inhale, feeling his fingers pulling on the barbells that runs through my n**ples and not the chain. He releases me and says, “Lean forward.”

I look at the bench and lean my hands down on it with my ass in the air. He watches me for a moment and says, “Lean forward more.” I lean my elbows onto the bench so that my h*ps wrest on the leather. He walks to the other side with the belt in his hand. “More,” he says, and I lean all the way over the bench. My ass is high on one side and my head is hanging over the other. Michael grabs my wrists and fastens them to the metal bar on the bottom of the bench with his belt. He kicks the bench around, and steers my ass so that we are in front of the large dressing mirror next to the bed.

I see him walk back around behind me, fingers stroking his stubbled chin. He disappears in my closet and comes back with two scarves. He kicks my legs apart and ties each leg to the bench. My br**sts are under me, the chain is pulled taut. My head leans off one end, but it’s not uncomfortable. My heart is pounding in my chest. I don’t know what he’s going to do. My stomach curls as I close my eyes, clenching tight, thinking about what he might do.

He kneels behind me, and I see him do it. He lowers his face to my ass, and licks me. His tongue moves down the center of my ass and I cry out. I didn’t expect him to. No one has done that to me before.

He spanks me and says, “Quiet.”

He lowers his face to my ass and does it again, forcing his tongue inside, and I’m silent this time. He pushes at the soft skin, licking me until I want to scream. The dampness between my legs is growing wetter. I clench and close my eyes, biting my lip.

He’s watching me in the mirror. Doing it again, he presses a finger inside of my ass, stretching me. I can’t be quiet. I moan as he does it and the harder I moan, the deeper he pushes. I pull against the restraints, wishing I could move. He teases me more, sliding his fingers in my ass and his other hand in my p**sy.
