Read Books Novel

Tryst #3

Tryst #3(3)
Author: Ella Steele

“Beg me,” he says. He pushes both into my ass and my p**sy at the same time and I can’t think anymore.

I’m an animal, not a woman. I need him, I want him. I wiggle my butt against his hand, trying to move. The harder I gasp, the more he does it until both hands are pushing into me, hard and deep. I want more, I want him there. I want him to f**k my ass and when I say it, there is no doubt how much I want it, “Please, please f**k my ass. I need it. I want you there. Oh God! Please baby! Please.”

“Please what?” he says, pushing his fingers into me, stroking my p**sy as he teases my ass.

“Please f**k my ass. Fuck it hard. I want it. Please, baby. Please…” My face is turned away from the glass when he stops. His hands leave my bottom and he stands. I’m so disappointed that I could cry. I did what he said. I begged him. I glance at him, ready to do anything he wants, anything he says just to have him inside me again. I’m so wet, so hot—my body trembles as he pulls away.

“Watch me,” he says. “Look in the mirror and watch me come.”

My stomach clenches and my body ignites, ready for him—wanting him. This is what he promised. He lowers himself on my back. His dick is hard and presses against me. Instead of shoving inside, he moves lower, and pushes into my p**sy. He thrusts hard, three times, making his dick wet. Then he pulls out. My body is so hot, so slick. He moans and it sounds so deep and carnal that I shiver. His dick slides between my cheeks and this time when he pushes on my ass, he forces himself inside. I feel him penetrate, and sink in slowly. I struggle not to cry out. I wish my legs weren’t tied. I want to move, I want to feel every inch of him, as deep as he can go. As if he read my mind, Michael meets my gaze in the mirror, and I can tell he knows what I want. My p**sy is clenching wildly against nothing, and I can barely control myself. I want him to push harder, deeper. I want to move and writhe against him.

“Push back,” he says.

Relieved, I lift my ass slightly and push against him. He pushes in deeper and I thrust back with my hips, feeling him inside of me. His hands find my hair.

Michael pulls my chin up so I can see us in the mirror, “Watch me take you. Watch me fill you with come.”

I meet his burning blue gaze. He’s no longer gentle. Michael rides me, pushing harder and deeper. My h*ps thrust back against him. I moan, thrusting up with my hands, straining against my bonds. His hand slaps me hard, making my butt sting. He pulls me upright, and tugs my chains. I bite my lips to remain silent, but I don’t want to. “No moaning. And don’t you dare come,” he scolds.

I feel wicked. I say, “What makes you think I’ll come for you?” with a grin on my face.

Suddenly the game changes. I don’t get spanked for speaking. Instead, he holds onto the chains, riding me, and he works harder. He pushes into me again, and his hand reaches around to stroke my clit. I purr, thrusting my h*ps back harder. Oh God. I can’t stop. I thrash against the ties around my wrists, but the belt won’t give. I manage to bend the bar and gain another inch. I pull my elbows under me and push off the bench. My br**sts sway beneath me as I slam back into him.

Sweat makes my body slick with a bright sheen. His eyes are on mine, then on my br**sts as they bounce with each fuck. He never looks away from the mirror as his hand slides into my p**sy. He strokes me, pushing hard into my ass, pushing his entire hand into my p**sy. I moan, feeling like I’m about to come, but he yanks the chain, hard.

We’re rocking, sweating, and f**king. I can’t breathe. I can’t stop. He rides me harder and harder. I can’t believe this is him, and me. I can’t stop. My p**sy tightens around his hand, as he pushes into my ass. I push back against his dick, against his hand. Before I know what I’m saying, I beg him, “Fuck me harder. Bite my neck.”

He wraps the chains around his wrist. They pull at my tender flesh. My stomach twists and untwists. My p**sy is so hot and wet. I feel my body cli**x as he comes in my ass. His dick throbs, and I savor every moment. He pushes hard into me one last time, before pulling out and drops to his knees.

“No,” I say. I was so close. I think he’s going to leave me chained there and recover. But he doesn’t. He drops to his knees and buries his face in my p**sy. He eats me, stroking me with his hands, pulling the chain and doesn’t stop until I come in his mouth. I feel the pulsating begin, the delicious clenching and unclenching. It spirals through me and explodes in a shower of bliss. He swallows my come, licking his lips when he’s done like he wants more.

I collapse on my stomach. I can barely breathe. He reaches for me, adjusts the ties on my ankles, and turns me over. His dick is hard again. I’m gasping for him to wait a second, but he doesn’t. He pushes inside my p**sy. The angle makes me take him in deeper. He moans, thrusting inside of me. The chains on my body shake as he thrusts harder and harder.

I scream, “Harder baby, f**k me harder.”

He stops, reaches for my legs and unties me. He pushes an ankle up and holds it there as he slides inside of me. His dick is so hard and so deep inside me. This position also gives him a full view of my face and my p**sy. His fingers wrap around the cl*t ring and he releases it, taking it off of me.

“No,” I say. His hand comes down hard on my ass, spanking me.

“It wasn’t part of the rules. Neither was coming a second time, so tell me, where do you want me to come? Or should I chose?”

My lip trembles, “I—”

Before I have time to think about it, he twists me back over. I lay on my stomach, my br**sts on the slick leather. I feel his hand inside my p**sy, pushing up into me. His other hand lands hard on ass, stinging. “Only speak when I tell you to. Only move when I say you can. You’ll listen this time. Won’t you?” He hits me twice more, once for each mistake. I say nothing. “Answer.” He commands.

“Yes,” I say, breathless, stinging wonderfully in some places, while clenching tightly in others.

He moves me to the bed and ties me down. Before he climbs on top of me, he grabs his tie. He moves to wrap it around my eyes, but I jerk away. His voice is tender, “Please, be a little more slutty for me? I’ll make it worth your while.” I let him cover my eyes. The world goes dark. I’m tied to my bed and blindfolded. My heart is racing, wondering what he’ll do.

Before I have my head back on the pillow, I feel his tongue on my neck. I try to move beneath him, but I’m tied tighter this time. Then his lips are on mine. His mouth is hot. His slick body slides over mine and I feel his long hard erection on my leg. He parts my lips and pushes his dick into my p**sy. He’s inside me again, pushing harder and faster, rocking both of us into ecstasy. I want to take my hands and dig my nails into his back. I want to scream out and say his name. A moan escapes from me and he stops.

Suddenly he pulls out and he’s gone. I remain still, waiting for the sting of his hand. My legs are spread wide apart. Suddenly I feel the strike of his palm between my legs. The tender skin stings as the jolt reaches far into me, sending a series of pain and pleasure responses that baffle my brain. It makes no sense. It should hurt. I should cry, but I don’t. I gasp again, and he strikes me a second time.

“You like that don’t you ,baby?”

“Yes,” I moan, arching my back, thrusting my br**sts up. I can’t see him. I don’t know where he is. My heart is racing wondering what he’ll do next.

I feel his hands on the tie around my eyes, pulling it loose. He lowers it and looks me in the eye saying, “This for your own good.” He gags me. I strain against the restraints holding my arms and legs in place, but I can’t stop him. My heart races faster. He says, “I was going to come in your mouth, but your p**sy is so hot and wet. This is my second choice.”

After he gags me, he lowers his body on top of mine and pushes slowly, deeply, inside of me. Over and over again, he draws his dick all the way out and then slams into me. I moan into the tie, but he doesn’t stop to spank me. His fingers find their way between us and he pinches my clit. With each thrust he squeezes harder and harder. Soon, I’m bucking against him, desperate to come.

He says, “Oh yeah, f**k me baby. Push back.”

We move together, his hand pressing hard on my clit. He lies on top of me, burying his dick as hard and as deep as he can. When I start to come, I scream into the gag. It makes him thrust faster and harder. He doesn’t stop. His fingers tease my cl*t as his dick slams into me. I can’t breathe. I’m so hot, so wet. He slides inside of me and shudders. He pushes one last time and I feel him shatter. His warmth fills me. His body remains tense as he comes, his eyes closed, his expression more animal than man, and I know he’s not done.
