Read Books Novel

Tryst #3

Tryst #3(4)
Author: Ella Steele

He pulls out and lowers his lips to my br**sts. His tongue tries to suck me, but the chains are in the way. “I’m taking these off. They were very sexy before, but they’re in the way now.” I shake my head, but he says, “Yes, baby. Let me eat you. Let me lick you. I want every inch of you. It’s what you offered and I plan on taking it.”

I go still as he removes both chains. The collar slides off my neck as he undoes it. He unties me and flips me over, then secures the restraints again. I’m face-down on the bed, bound with his tie in my mouth. “I’m leaving you gagged, because I don’t think you can be quiet for this either, and I don’t want to stop and spank you every time you scream.”

My face is sideways, away from him. He climbs on my back and starts kissing me. He trails his hot lips lower and lower, trailing kisses down my back. My stomach twists as my p**sy gets wet again. I want him to touch my br**sts, but he doesn’t. I want him inside me, but he makes me wait. I moan, and strain against the bonds.

His hand lands hard on my ass. I jerk my head to look at him and he’s grinning, “I had to. You’re too beautiful not to spank thoroughly.” His hand lands another blow, lighter this time. My p**sy sings with each strike, like that action alone could make me come. I feel hot and light, and I’m hyperaware of every inch of my body. Every kiss he’s given me is tattooed on my skin. I try to turn my head, but he doesn’t let me.

Instead, he spreads my legs apart and slides his dick inside my p**sy, pushing hard. “Lift your ass,” he says. When I take too long, he pulls out and spanks me again. I pull my knees up, and he says, “Better. Stay like that or I’ll punish you.”

I fall back down on the bed, teasing him, wanting to see what he’ll do. Without a word, he reaches one hand between my legs. He grabs my cl*t between his fingers and twists. I scream into the gag, pushing back against his hand. It hurt like hell, sending warring sensations throughout my body. Part of me screamed in pain, but it filled the other half of me with need, hot and heavy like I’d die if he didn’t f**k me at that moment. There will never be enough of him, he can’t push into me hard enough, fast enough. The desire flashes through my body, pulses in my p**sy and n**ples. As soon as he releases me, I want more.

He does it a second time, twisting and pinching my cl*t harder. Tears form in my eyes from the same intense pleasure that happened before. I need him inside me. I can’t stand it. He rubs my butt and says, “Be a good girl. Ass in the air.”

I resume the position he wants me in. He slides inside of me and f**ks me from behind. Each thrust is so deep that I don’t think I can bear him. I feel his dick stretching my p**sy further and further. I cry out into the gag. He reaches under me and one hand finds my n**ples. He rolls the tender skin between his fingers. His other hand is on my clit, squeezing it, rolling it as he f**ks me from behind.

Fighting the desire to push back, I remain perfectly still. It makes it so I can feel everything, every delicious touch, every caress, more intensely. His fingers pull at my nipple, making it so hard to stay still. The sensation makes me p**sy clench against him as he pushes into me. Slowly he pulls out and then pushes in harder. Deeper, faster. He increases his speed while pinching my clit.

“Push back, baby.”

And I do. My h*ps buck and I can’t stop myself. I need him. I want him. We f**k like that until I feel my body begin to shudder and I know he’s made me come again. He f**ks me harder as I begin to pulsate, burying his c*ck deeper and deeper. He slams into me and I moan as he fills me with come. When he’s finished, I feel his dick. He’s still inside of me. No one has ever made me feel like this before. I lay still, but he’s not done. His hands wind around me and find my clit. He strokes me gently, occasionally clamping down so tight that his nails dig into my tender flesh. He kisses my neck while he does it. I lay face down on the bed, perfectly still, breathing hard, wondering what he wants next. His other hand slides up and down between my cl*t and my ass, pressing on the hole. His wet fingers slip inside my ass and I moan.

“Push back,” his voice sounds perfectly sated. I push back against him and I can feel him smiling. He kisses the side of my face as I push my ass into his hand. He releases me and we lay together, his arms around me.

Silence fills the room. I feel sated and deliciously sore. Gently, he removes the tie from my mouth, and I lay down against him. His fingers are in my hair, stroking gently.

“Stay?” I ask, almost afraid to speak. His arms feel so good around me. I missed him so much. Everything from his touch to the sound of his voice was a comfort that I don’t want to lose again.

“Really?” he asks, smiling softly. The steady stroke of his hand on my head pauses.

I look up at him, “Of course. There’s no one else. There never has been.” It’s the answer to the questions he’s been dying to ask.

“Same here,” he breathes. “There never will be. You’re the only one I want. The only one I’d want by my side.”

“Ah, but for how long?” I joke, trying to make things light, but he has other ideas.

“Forever, Ash. Every day. Every hour. Even then, that wouldn’t be enough. I need you.” I shift in his arms and look up at him surprised, “I took that job with the orchestra knowing you were there. Gary wasn’t sick—I asked to take his slot, hoping I could see you. Then after it was over, that first night, I couldn’t find you. I thought you left, so I ran out to the street. It was luck that I saw you—well luck and that huge cello case. I practically ran down the street. There was no way I’d let you leave without saying anything. I had to know, if there was any chance of us being us again—I had to take it.”

Tears stream down my face. I bite my lip, unsure what to say. It feels like I’ll break the moment—that this is a dream and I’ll wake up. Michael’s voice breaks my thoughts, “Say something. You can talk, laugh, moan, or tell me off… just say something, Ash.”

I sit up and smile at him, “I love you. I’ll always love you. Forever isn’t long enough to show you how I feel.” I smile, snuggling against his chest, finally feeling whole after years of feeling lost. Before I know it, he’s lying on top of me, covering me in kisses and showing me that he’ll do anything I want, anything at all.




By Ella Steele


"5 huge sinfully scandalous stars! Beautifully erotic. I cannot recommend it enough."


"This might be the sexiest book I have ever read! Sooooo freaking sexy!" -Leslie

"Steamy, sexy read… One of my favorite couples." -Faithima

“You need to read this book!!! Rating:100/5(5/5)” -Reese



Ella Steele


Rain splattered on the windshield of the cab in globs. Each splash sounded like a rock. I was used to nasty storms from living in Texas for so long, but it made the people who never left New York cringe. The cabbie was an oversized man with pasty skin and too much hair. He had a dark ball cap pulled down low, concealing his face. As we drove into the storm, he pushed his hat farther back, as if ball caps hindered vision. The man was leaning forward, practically pressing his face against the windshield.

We drove east in silence. He didn’t try to make small talk, and I was glad about that. This homecoming wasn’t something I wanted to discuss. I still didn’t want to be here, but there was nowhere left to go. The car pulled off the expressway, and after a few turns, the cab rolled down a narrow street in Port Jeff. Through the rain, porch lights blazed promising warmth inside the rows of homes.

“Here we are,” the cabbie stated with complete indifference. As he told me the total, he wrote something on a clipboard, and tossed it back onto the front seat next to him.

Hesitating for a moment, I looked up at the brown brick facade and swallowed. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I’d left Long Island over ten years ago, and, although I missed it, I had never wanted to come back. Yet, here I was.

The cabbie cleared his throat, waiting. I blinked once, pushing away the doubt that crawled up my spine, and dug into my purse. It pained me to hand him the last of my money, but I did. He grumbled something, expecting me to be cheap because I looked like a drowned rat, but I said, “Keep the change.”
