Read Books Novel


“I missed you, too,” I say, snuggling close and breathing him in.

“Did you have a good time?” he asks, pulling back and staring down at me. He seems so chipper, so happy. Maybe he’s slowed down? Maybe he’s even stopped.

“Yeah, I did. How about you guys?” I look past him to Rae, who is staring down at her phone, giggling at something.

She seems so happy.

“She seems like she’s in good spirits,” I whisper to York.

York’s eyes flash to her, oddly, but he quickly smiles. “Yeah, she is. We had a good time.”

“That’s good, I’m happy.”

“What do you say we all go out to dinner to celebrate you being home?” he suggests, and my heart swells.

“That would be nice, just let me get changed.”

“No problem,” he smiles, turning to Rae. “Rae, come with me, we’ll go out onto the patio and wait.”

Something about that strikes me as slightly odd. Why wouldn’t they just wait inside? But I’m so happy that I’ve come home to a smiling York that I don’t argue or question it, I just go into the room and do as he asks, I get dressed and look forward to a night out with my family.

It only takes me a few minutes to get changed, and then we all head off to a local Italian place we always used to eat at when I first met York. We get our usual booth in the corner and order the famous creamy mushroom pasta. While we wait, I listen to York and Rae laughing. They’re laughing so hard it almost seems like they’re drunk, but I can’t smell a drop of alcohol on them.

“You two must have had a great time while I was away, you seem to be getting along really well.” I smile, snuggling into York as he slings an arm over my shoulder.

“We had a great time,” Rae chirps. “I’ve got my old brother back. We had a big talk. Sorted things out. We’re on the same page now.”

She looks at him, and he must do something, because she smiles huge and claps her hands together happily.

“I’m really happy that you two have worked it out,” I say, sipping my drink and enjoying the first normal thing we’ve done together in months.

“Yeah, me too,” York says.

Our food arrives, and my stomach grumbles as the plate is placed down in front of me. I dig into mine, not noticing right away that both York and Rae only pick at theirs. I get halfway through and look to York. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“Rae and I had a big lunch, I thought I’d be able to fit dinner, too, but turns out I’m still so full.”

“Me too,” Rae says, shoving her plate away. “But it was so tasty.”

I nod, finishing up a little more before pushing my plate away, too. “I’m full too.”

York kisses my temple. “I’ll grab the check, and then I’m taking you home to show you how much I missed you.”

I flush and smile over at him. “Okay,” I whisper.

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe everything is fine after all.





“Do you think I’m crazy?” I say to Shan, as I adjust my top for the fiftieth time since I put it on.

“For going and having fun?” she rolls her eyes. “Absolutely not. It’ll do you good.”

“I don’t really know these people. And—” I lean in closer to her “—they’re bikers.”

“So? So what? That doesn’t mean they’re bad people.”

“I know that,” I scoff. “But still, I don’t know how to act, or what to do, or what to say ...”

“You’re over thinking, just have fun with that hot as hell man and let your hair down for once.”

I stare at her. “I don’t trust Rae here. I think she’s using again.”

Shan mumbles something under her breath, but says out loud, “She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself for a few hours. She’s not your child, Bay. She’s not even your sister.”

“I know but—”

“No buts!” she says, clapping her hands together. “That fine biker boy is going to be here soon, and you’re going to go and have fun with him and then tell me all about it.”

“We’re just friends.”

She wiggles her brows. “Then you can ride that fine ass with no strings attached.”

“Sweet Jesus, who raised you?”

She wiggles her ass around. “I got it from my momma ...”

I laugh at her singing, and shake my head. “I’m not riding anything, I’m just going because I said I would and ...”

“You like him,” she finishes for me. “Admit it.”

“As friends, yes.”

“As kissing, sexing, dirty, filthy friends.”

I shake my head again. “Stop being such an animal.”

“I don’t know why you don’t just go for it. What can it hurt?”

I shoot her a look, and she loses her smile. “Right, sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t want to see you unhappy for the rest of your life. I don’t want that ... that ... horrible human being to have ruined every good thing you have left.”

“I know,” I say softly. “I’m getting there. It’s going to take time. I can barely do anything without looking over my shoulder, expecting him to show up, to come back and make my life a misery once more.”

“He won’t find you. He’s probably dead in a ditch somewhere with the amount of drugs he’s taking.”

My heart twists. She’s probably right, and that’s a damned sad ending, because once, a long time ago, he was a good person.

“Yeah,” I say, tugging my shirt again.

“Stop tugging that shirt,” she slaps my hand away. “You look amazing.”

“Really?” I question, staring at myself in the mirror again.

“Yes, really.”

I’m wearing a nice pair of dark denim jeans and a black halter top that ties around my neck. It shows a little too much cleavage for my liking, but Shania insists it is in no way slutty. And I trust her. She knows how I feel about that stuff. My hair is down, flowing in loose curls around my shoulders, and I’ve decided only to wear some light mascara.

I don’t want to go overboard.
