Read Books Novel


“Are you sure it isn’t too much?”

“Stop.” She sighs, shaking her head. “You look amazing.”

“She’s right, you do.”

I turn and see Rae standing at the door, a big smile on her face. It puts me into a state of shock, because I haven’t seen her smile for such a long time. She seems light, happy, airy. And because of that, my heart clenches. It twists angrily and pulls until I feel like I won’t be able to breathe.

“Thanks, Rae,” I manage, even though my voice is tight.

“I’m sure Jack will be super impressed,” she chirps, before skipping off with far too much ease for a pregnant woman.

“She’s being extra nice,” Shania murmurs.

I just stare at the door.


I look to Shania. “She’s using again.”

She looks confused, and shakes her head. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because, I’ve seen this before. They’re suddenly happy, and airy, and have all this energy because they’re high. Then comes the dark, angry moods when they come down ...”

“Oh,” she whispers, staring at the door now, too. “What are you going to do?”

My heart aches.

“I don’t know,” I say, and my voice shakes.


I don’t know.


“You look beautiful,” Jack says, taking my hand and leading me through the massive gates to the compound the bikers spend most of their time at.

I squirm, and say a soft, “Thank you.”

My eyes are focused on the massive sheds, the house that is lined with bikes, so many bikes. Smoke comes from behind the house, where I imagine they’re having a fire, and I can hear laughter and chatter. My feet stop moving and become fixed to the ground. God. I don’t know if I can do this.

What if they’re awful?

What if they’re rowdy, and crazy, just like York?

“Hey,” Jack says, stepping in front of me. “You look like you’re going to pass out, are you okay?”

I rub a shaky hand over my neck. “I’m just nervous and ...”

“Listen to me, I know it looks and sounds somewhat terrifying, but I promise you, I swear it, everyone you meet in there is fucking incredible and will make you feel right at home.”

I look into his eyes. He hasn’t lied to me yet. I don’t see why he would now.

“I’m sure that’s true. I’m just ... I’m not that good at meeting people these days.”

“Just take a breath, and trust me, okay?” he says, extending a hand.

I take it, without hesitation. I need his support. I need something to get me to take the steps into the compound. One by one, I do, following him around the back of the house where about thirty bikers and their wives are all sitting, some at tables, some around the fire, some in scattered chairs.

They’re all laughing and having a great time, by the looks of it.

“Jack, boy!”

I turn and see a huge, terrifyingly beautiful man striding towards us. He has dark hair, messy and falling over his forehead, only a slight amount of grey. His eyes are as blue as the sky and he’s wearing a leather jacket that clearly states he’s the President.

“Maddox,” Jack says, extending a hand to shake when the man, Maddox, gets closer. “Like you to meet my good friend Baylee. Baylee, this is my Uncle Maddox.”

I stare up at the man, who seems so much bigger up close. God. I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side. He’s scary. But there is a kindness in his eyes. The same kindness Jack has.

“Pleased to meet you, darlin’. Heard a lot about you.”

“You have?” I blurt, and then slap a hand over my mouth.

He laughs. “Yeah, I sure have. Glad you kept my boy here on his toes. Welcome to my club, I promise we don’t bite.”

I look up at him again. “I’m not so sure I believe you. No disrespect, but you’re the scariest looking man I’ve ever met.”

Jack laughs and Maddox winks at me. “I swear, I’m only scary when I don’t like someone, and I can tell already that I’m going to like you just fine. So, come on in.”

I give him a small smile, and he winks at me, making me feel a strange sense of security. He turns, and Jack and I follow him closer to the large group. It feels like all eyes are on me.

“There you are!”

A gorgeous, overly bubbly woman with dark hair and wild eyes comes running towards Jack. She throws herself into his arms, hugging him tightly.

“Mother, what have I told you about hugging me in front of the ladies?” Jack teases, hugging her back before letting her go.

“Be quiet,” she taps his shoulder, before turning to me. “You’re the only lady he’s ever brought home. Ohhhh, and you’re so pretty. Santana, quickly, come and see how pretty Baylee is.”

I flush and step closer to Jack.

“Thank you,” I say, smiling at her. “You’re very pretty, too.”

She smiles at me. I can see Jack in her. “I’m sorry, I’m so rude. I’m Jaylah, Jack’s amazing mother. Don’t listen to any of the stories he tells you about me; they’re all lies, I promise.”

My smile gets bigger, and I can see Jack staring down at me out of the corner of my eye, a soft expression on his face. “I promise I won’t believe a single thing he tells me.”

“I like you already.” She laughs.

A gorgeous woman, who looks like Pocahontas, steps up beside Jaylah. I know right away she must be Matilda’s mother, because the two of them hold strong resemblances.

“Hi there,” she smiles down at me. “I’m Santana, Maddox’s better half. You must be Baylee. Welcome to the club.”

She’s warm.

And kind.

And everything you’d imagine a mother could be.

“Thank you for having me tonight.”

She waves a hand. “Of course, gosh, we’ve been busting to meet you.”

I laugh softly. “I’ve heard.”

Jack stares at me again, his eyes dropping to my mouth.

“Boy has it bad.”

The deep, husky voice comes from my left, and I turn to see a tall, lean yet muscled, Native American man standing beside me. He’s gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking in that flawless, perfect way. He’s clearly old enough to be my father, judging by the slight lines around his face and the wisdom in his eyes, but he holds his age so well, you’d guess him to be years younger.
