Read Books Novel


“And this fine stallion of a man, is my father, Mack.”

This is Jack’s father?

Holy. Crap.

“Well,” I breathe before I realize what I’m saying. “Now I understand why Jack is so good looking.”

The second it comes out of my mouth, both hands fly up and my eyes get wide. Did I just say that? To a perfect stranger? Who the hell am I?

Jaylah and Santana laugh, finding it hilarious. “Ah, the Mack charm works again.”

“Great, now I’m in competition with my old man,” Jack mumbles.

“No. What. I didn’t ... I’m so sorry. That was so rude.”

Mack smiles down at me, and it makes him even better looking. “Been a while since I’ve had a good compliment, and my boy got one, too. I think you’re doing just fine.”

Jack grunts, and I look over to him, mouthing a sorry. He winks at me, letting me know he’s not at all worried by my little outburst towards his father.

“It’s really nice to meet you,” I say to Mack. “You have a great son. Even though he can be a stalker, and a little crazy ...”

Jack laughs.

Mack grins.

“He doesn’t get that from me, I can assure you, sweetheart. It’s all from his mother.”

Jaylah snorts, and then laughs at herself. “I was going to protest, but he’s right, Jack is all me. You wait until you meet his older brother. He has the same moody vibe going as his old man.”

Mack grins at her, and her cheeks flush.

That. That right there. That’s the way it should be. The way people in love should look at each other. Even after so long.

I think I’m going to like these people.

Very, very much.





“So, Baylee, what do you do for a living?” Santana asks, handing me another drink as she passes me by.

I’m not usually a big drinker, but tonight I’m being handed drinks every time I turn around, and after the first two, I loosened up enough to just keep accepting them and enjoying the company around me.

“I’m a waitress. I work two jobs, at present.”

She looks to me. “Two? Wow. That’s a lot for someone your age.”

“I have a dependant, I guess you could say. She’s a teen, and she’s pregnant, so I’m just doing what I can to get her through until she has her baby.”

Santana’s eyebrows shoot up. “You’re doing all that? You’re too young to be taking on those kinds of responsibilities. You should be out having fun.”

I smile and shrug. “Yeah, well, I guess life doesn’t always give us what we want.”

“Smart girl you got there,” Krypt, another one of the members I just met, says to Jack.

Jack looks to me. “Yeah, she’s smart. She’s also stubborn. Sometimes you have to put yourself before others.”

I roll my eyes at him, and he grins.

“So, this pregnant girl,” Ash, Krypt’s wife, says. “Is she really young?”

“She’s seventeen,” I say. “And she’s nearly ready to have her baby, so yeah, she’s young but she’s not unable to do it, you know?”

“I hear you,” Ash agrees. “But still, having a baby so young ... It won’t be easy.”

“She will probably adopt the baby out,” I say, taking another sip of my drink. “I think that’ll be kinder.”

Everyone nods in agreement.

“What about your parents, darlin’, where are they?” Maddox asks.

I glance at him and smile sadly. “I lost both my parents.”

“Oh,” he says, his voice dropping low. “Sorry to hear that. You got any brothers or sisters?”

I shake my head.

“Shame. Damn shame.”

“Where’s the party at?!”

We all turn to see Matilda, Molly, Roman, Quinn, Phoenix, and another young, attractive girl walking in.

“Trouble has arrived,” Krypt mumbles.

“Yo’, fam bam,” Matilda says, throwing herself onto Jack’s lap.

I smile, I can’t help it. I love how they all get along.

“Must you do that,” Jack mumbles, shoving her off. “I’m not your own personal chair.”

“You’re not?” she feigns a gasp. “Why Jack, I’m so incredibly sorry. You just looked so comfortable. Much like a chair indeed.”

He rolls his eyes and she winks at him, before turning to me. “Hey, chicky! You came!”

“I did,” I beam.

“Shift over, Jack, let us next to Baylee,” Molly says, squeezing herself between Jack and me, shoving him out of the way.

“Anytime you want to leave,” he says with a laugh, “feel free to turn around and do just that.”

She flips him the bird and looks to me. “He loves me. We’re like, best friends. He will never admit that, though.”

I laugh softly and meet Jack’s eyes. He winks at me, and my heart flutters.

“How’s things?” Quinn asks, flopping down on the other side of me.

“Share, Quinn,” Phoenix snaps, shoving his brother out of the way so he can sit next to me. “I want to talk to her, too.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. They’re so addictive.

“Baylee, I don’t think you have met Kaylee yet. This is Pippa and Tyke’s daughter,” Matilda says, and I glance at the gorgeous, tiny, quiet girl standing next to Roman.

“Hi,” I smile.

She smiles back, and gosh, she’s just ... darling. “Hey.”

“Hi, Roman.” I wave to the attractive man grinning at Molly.

“Hey there,” he says, nodding his head in my direction. “Feel free to kick her away if she’s being a pain in your ass, because believe me, she’s good at it.”

Molly laughs and flips him the bird, earning herself a wicked grin. Cute.

“I don’t mind.” I chuckle.

“So, now we’re all acquainted,” Jaylah says, standing. “Fill us in on the latest gossip.”

“You’re such a child, Mother,” Jack teases her.

She raises her brows. “It’s my job. I’m allowed to know what my children are up to. What about you two? How are things?”
