Vampire Crush (Page 46)

Vampire Crush(46)
Author: A.M. Robinson

Vlad throws him back against the cupboard hard enough that it cracks. He points at me, his finger trembling. "She exists," he seethes.

Neville shakes his head. "They performed extensive research in the nineteenth century; the Mervaux line is dead. It’s true that every so often people show up claiming otherwise, but we – they – laugh them off as kooks. And that’s when they want to be reminded at all."

"Kooks?" Vlad echoes.

"Yes. Like that man who wrote that book? What was it? The Lost Daughter? Or one of those humans who believe in Largefoot." He chuckles nervously. "I mean, you have to admit, it all sounds a bit unbelievable, all these long-lost human vampire children running around with star birthmarks. And besides," Neville continues, "the Danae would never let in an Unnamed. They only select their members from the original nine families."

For a moment there is complete silence. Then Vlad rips the microwave off the wall and hurls it at Neville, who barely has time to duck before Vlad advances, roaring death threats about how he will twist Neville’s head from his neck using his bare hands. James nudges me toward the kitchen’s side exit.

"He’s distracted," James says, taking my hand and pulling me through the dark hallway. When we reach the end, he peeks around the corner. "Devon and Ashley are still at the front, but there’s a back door through that room. Try to avoid them on your way to the car."

His face is turned away, all I can see is the tic of his jaw working. "But – "

"Sophie, it’s too dangerous for you to be here."

"I can’t just leave!"

"Yes, you can."

"But what if – " There’s a loud crack as Vlad tears the pantry door off its hinges. After smashing it against the floor and picking up one of the fragments, he chases Neville into the living room. Violet and Marisabel follow, yelling at him to drop it. Three years of karate or not, vampire fights are probably out of my league.

"They are," James says and then looks at me with a new intensity. "I’m asking you to go. Please. We’re working together now, right? I can’t do this if I’m worried about you."

With a sinking feeling, I realize that I have no other choice. When I say okay, I’m met with James’s overwhelming relief. Before I can regret it, I grab his cheeks and kiss him on the mouth, hard. "It’s the adrenaline," I blurt, and then leave him to fight alone.

Chapter Fourteen

"That adrenaline, which got me down the hill and into my car, abandons me as soon as I reach my house. Vlad’s plan is in shambles – I should be ecstatic. Instead I’m sitting with my head on the steering wheel, wondering how to combat the worry that is threatening to choke me. No matter what James said, I shouldn’t have left. I could have at least sat on the sidelines and thrown cheese doodles at Vlad or offered an appropriately timed "Watch out!"

Caroline’s VW Bug pulls up behind me, and she slams the door closed, not minding the late hour. She hums as she rifles through her bag, throwing out gum wrappers whenever she finds them – and here my dad has pinned the rampant littering on the paperboy. She stops mid-hum when she reaches my rearview mirror.

"Omigod," she says, bending forward to talk to me through the window. "Marta texted me and said that Vlad had some sort of meltdown at the party and kicked everyone out. You have to tell me what happened."

"I really don’t want to talk about it," I say, forcing myself to get out of the car. What didn’t happen would be the more accurate question. Caroline’s heels make eager clicks as she follows me up the porch stairs.

"But she said that you and he got in a fight and – " She stops when she catches sight of my face. "What’s wrong? If Vlad was a jerk, I will totally mace him on Monday. Or was it James? I don’t know him as well, but whatever, I’ll mace him too."

"No macing necessary."

She puts her hand on my wrist. "I mean it, Sophie. You’re worrying me. You never look this sad. You’re usually just kind of . . . intense."

"Gee thanks," I say as we push into the dark foyer, but I am stunned to realize that at the moment I would give anything to sit down on the couch with Caroline and confess everything while strangling one of her stuffed animals. But I can’t, so I just tell her not to worry and that I just want to go to bed and sleep forever.

"Well, okay," she says, hopping onto the first step. "But anyone who wants to wake you up tomorrow has to go through me. I mean, after I’m up, which probably won’t be until, like, eleven. But after eleven? No way is anyone knocking on your door."

"Much appreciated," I say, and then smile at her back as she disappears up the stairs. I have no intention of going to sleep. I walk into the living room, grab a blanket out of the trunk that serves as a coffee table, and head for the uncomfortable chair by the window that nobody likes to sit in, but which has a direct view to James’s front yard. But before I sit down I catch a glimpse of myself in the long mirror above the entertainment cabinet.

My black hair is falling out of the bun I twisted it into at the beginning of the evening. I look paler than normal, I note, and the fact that residual stress is making it hard to unclench my jaw isn’t doing any favors for what I’ve always thought is a chin that leans toward the pointy side. Somehow in all the drama, I forgot that all I’m wearing is a red bikini top. Curious, I contort myself as much as possible to study the freckles on my back, which have always been too many to count. It’s true that some of them are darker than others, but I certainly don’t see any kind of a star. To be fair, I don’t see a pineapple, either.

Feeling stupid for even looking, I curl up in the chair as best as I can and watch James’s driveway. I don’t know when my eyes betray me and I fall asleep, but I wake up to groggy light pouring through the window and a Post-it note stuck to my head.

Told you I wouldn’t let anyone wake you – didn’t know you’d be sleeping in THE CHAIR, still wearing MY BIKINI. Seriously, something’s up. Anyway, Dad went in to work and Mom and I went to the mall so I could take back that pink dress I bought when I was dating Vlad. ‘Nuff said.  – CarolineThe mention of Vlad brings the events of last night rushing back. My eyes fly to James’s dark house, but considering his no-lights-ever policy, that means nothing. Tossing the blanket aside, I stagger to the front door on legs that are cramped and half-asleep, telling myself that of course he’ll be there. Because I don’t want to face what it might mean if he is not.

The doorbell rings when my fingertips are only inches from the knob. Relieved, I yank it open without thinking. "About time. I was starting to get – "