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Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(35)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Yeah, I get that.”

“Your turn.”

“Hmm?” He ran his hand down my arm. I closed my eyes, enjoying the touch.

“Your turn to tell me a secret no one knows.”

“I want to coach.”

“That’s your secret?”

“Yeah. I’ve never told anyone.” He looked down at me.

“Then why don’t you? Couldn’t you get a job doing it?”

“I could… but I don’t think I’m ready to face the game again.”

“Oh. Maybe it’s worth trying?”

“Maybe one day…” He looked out at the water. “Are you ready to head back?”

“Sure. I think I’ve had enough sun.” I wanted to press him. I wanted to know what held him back, but I was pretty sure I knew the answer, and I wasn’t the one to give someone a hard time about confronting fears.

“Same here.”

Gavin brought the boat back in, and I realized I hadn’t even worried about being out on the water in hours.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Gavin had an arm around my waist when we walked into Molly and Ben’s backyard. We were the last to arrive, which wasn’t hard since it was just the usual crowd. Even I was getting used to seeing it that way.

Molly and Kelly’s eyes lit up when they saw us walk in, but I had other business to deal with first—Jake.

I nodded toward Jake, letting Gavin know what I was doing.

“Can I come?” Gavin grabbed two beers and opened one before handing it to me.


“But I think it might be entertaining.”

“Too bad.”

“Fine.” He removed his arm. “Do what you have to.”

Jake’s back was to me, so I tapped him on the shoulder.

He spun around. “Becca—hey.”

“Don’t hey me. We need to talk.”


I walked toward the dock. Molly seriously had the coolest backyard. Between a large deck, a dock, and a gorgeous view of the water, I could understand why she loved the place so much.

“Listen—I don’t remember exactly what I said last night, but I do remember you and Gavin taking me home, so I’m guessing it was bad.” He fidgeted.

“Oh, it was bad.”

“How bad?”

“You asked me to sleep with you.”

“Oh.” A slow grin spread across his face. “Is that really so bad?”

“Do you want me to slap you?”

“No. Just kidding. Listen, I’m sorry.”

“I can forgive you this once, but just know if it happens again, you’ll be in a mess of trouble.”

“It won’t happen again. I promise.” He shoved his hands into his back pockets.

“Good.” I hoped he meant it. I liked Jake and valued his friendship. I didn’t want him to ruin it. “I will also need your key.”

He pulled out his keychain, placing the key to the pool house in my hand before pocketing the rest. “I know you’re mad, but care to tell me what’s going on with you and Gavin? I thought you guys weren’t speaking, but you definitely were both there last night.”

“We’re seeing each other.”

“Seeing each other?”

“Yes.” I tried to hold back a smile.

“So it happened again?”

“None of your business.”

“What? I get drunk and try to seduce you, and now you won’t tell me anything?”

I laughed. Only Jake would say something like that. “You’re lucky I’m talking to you.”

“You forgave Gavin…”

“Jake…” I grumbled.

“Sorry, sorry. Okay, but I assume that it did happen. Is that a good thing?”

“I think so.”

“There is no way you’re telling Jake anything before you tell me ever again,” Molly arrived with Kelly right behind. “Beat it, Jake.”

Jake shoved his hands in his pockets. “Okay, okay. Seriously, you girls are all crazy.”

“Crazy, but loveable,” Kelly replied.

“I don’t know about that,” he mumbled before stalking away.

Molly didn’t wait long. “So spill, what happened?”

I took a seat, letting my legs dangle over the edge of the dock. Molly and Kelly took seats next to me. “I decided to give him a second chance.”

“Obviously…but what changed your mind? What’s been going on?” Molly threw a rock in the water. I noticed a whole pile of them next to her. I wondered if she or Ben had collected them.

I reached over Molly and picked up a rock from the pile. “You act like it’s been months. Everything happened in the last two days.”

“We’re waiting.” Molly leaned into me.

“I don’t really know what changed my mind. I wanted to see if I was just imagining things or if maybe he felt something too. And he was so sweet this week, leaving me gifts and everything. I knew I’d never be satisfied without closure—but now it’s definitely not closed.”

Kelly grinned. “I take it you had a good time last night?”

“Yes, it was a good night.” I was definitely not used to talking about this kind of thing. I tossed the rock out into the water.

“I think it’s awesome. You guys look so good together.” Kelly was so bubbly it was contagious. I felt myself getting giddy too.

“I think this could be good. You haven’t dated anyone in ages.” Molly smiled.

“Yeah, who knows? We’ll see what happens.” I tried to play it off as if I wasn’t too concerned, but inside I was a mess of nerves. It was all so new.

Molly peered over her shoulder. “Speaking of Gavin, his eyes are burning a hole in your back right now.”

I turned and caught his eye. He broke into a huge smile and gestured for me to come join him.

Molly saw the look of indecision on my face. “Go ahead. Have fun.”

I hesitated, wanting to check in with Molly about her own excitement first, but I wasn’t sure if Kelly knew.

“Are you doing okay?” I hoped she knew what I was asking.

“Yes, and Kelly knows.”

“Oh okay. Good. So how did it go?”

“Great. Ben was ecstatic. He’s already going back and forth over whether he wants a boy or girl.” She glowed.

“Don’t hold out on her. He proceeded to tell her that the gender doesn’t actually matter because the baby will be just the first of many,” Kelly supplied.
