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Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(36)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I laughed. “See, I told you he’d react well.”

Kelly leaned back on her hands. “I still can’t believe she’s going to have a baby… so crazy.”

“Crazy, but amazing.”

I turned. Gavin talked to Tom but still watched me.

“Go.” Molly shoved my arm.

“Okay, okay.” I got up and walked over to Gavin.

“I’ve missed you.” He pulled me to his side. Tom walked off with a smile.

“Missed me after twenty minutes?”

“I missed you after one.”

“What are you going to do when we go back to work on Monday?”

“Go into withdrawal. And in case you weren’t aware, we’re doing something Monday night.”

“Don’t I get a say in it?”

“Only if it’s the right one.” He laughed. “But really, you want to, right?”

“Yeah, I do.”


After eating some amazing barbeque, we called it a night. I had a new appreciation for what barbeque really meant. Where I was from, it just meant grilling. I had no idea barbeque could mean using a smoker and creating some seriously juicy and delicious meat.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place?” Gavin took my hand as he pulled up in front of the Mathews’s house.

“As nice as that sounds, I think I should go home tonight.” I wasn’t about to push things too much. They were finally going well.

“If you’re sure…”

I kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“No, you’ll see me tomorrow.” He kissed me on the lips.

I smiled. “All right. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


When I arrived at work on Monday, I got an awesome surprise. I heard two voices drifting through the front door of the office.

“Hi, you must be Becca.” A man with thinning black hair walked out of Matt’s office and held out his hand. He was wearing a suit, something I hadn’t seen on anyone else since arriving in town. I hadn’t even taken mine out of the garment bag.

I accepted his handshake. “Mr. Morgan?”

“Yes, but please call me Jim. It’s nice to finally meet you. Matt’s been telling me about your work. It sounds like you’ve been a big help.” He glanced down at the file in his hand like he had just remembered he was holding it.

I held back a comment about what Matt had actually been paying attention to. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ve enjoyed my time here so far.”


I spent that morning getting to know Mr. Morgan senior, and Matt behaved like a totally different person: very professional, but still nice. The first moment I had alone, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

With Jim in the office, I found myself actually enjoying work. The days flew as I got used to the feel of a small town law firm. I really liked the casual atmosphere and how I wasn’t afraid to ask any questions. It was so different from working in Boston. Things got done, but the pace was much slower and relaxed.

I spent my evenings alone with Gavin or hanging out with Molly and Kelly and their husbands. I could tell Gavin loved that he wasn’t the single one anymore. Jake tagged along sometimes, but usually he’d just stop by at random times to hang out.

I attempted to keep things from getting too serious too fast with Gavin. He wanted me to stay over all the time, but I kept it to weekends and he respected that, although he always tried to make them long weekends. Occasionally, I gave in on a Thursday night. The truth was that I was falling, and falling hard.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Becca and I walked down the beach together toward the Clayton Falls Festival. In the distance, we could already see the glow of the carnival lights.

She stopped short as the crowds came into view. “Is it always this, uh, festive?”

“I wouldn’t know. This is the first time they’ve had it since I’ve lived here.”

“Really? But everyone talks about it like it’s the event of the year.” Becca looked gorgeous in a pink sundress. Her hair was down, falling in waves around her face. I resisted the urge to reach out and touch it. I didn’t think anyone could have hair that soft.

“They cut it for budgetary reasons. It was easier than slashing another department. Clayton Falls was hit really hard with the recession and everything. The big manufacturing plant in town closed down about six years back. ”

“Oh… I didn’t know. I guess it’s good news the festival is back.”

“It definitely is.” I took Becca’s hand, and we walked the remaining distance to the boardwalk.

“I didn’t know that there were even this many people living in this town.”

“Yeah, I think everyone’s out for the occasion, and a lot of people came back to visit.”

“I know Molly was disappointed her family didn’t.”

“It’s a pretty big trip from Seattle.”

“Even for the event of the year.” She smiled.

“Hey, guys.” Jake caught up with us.

Becca grinned. “Hey, good, I needed a local for a guide today.”

“Should I be insulted by that comment?” I teased. I didn’t actually care, but I didn’t like her thinking she needed Jake for anything.

“Nope. You should be happy for the guide too.”

Glad for Jake’s company? Not exactly.

“Do you want the history lesson first?” Jake asked.

“Yes, history first.”

I had to smile at Becca’s enthusiasm.

Jake cleared his throat as if he was getting ready to give some important speech. “The Clayton Falls Festival started back in 1910. The first Festival was really the wedding of the mayor’s daughter, but it was such a hit that they continued it every year after.”


“Yeah. You’re eating this up, aren’t you?” Jake laughed.

“Hey, I love history.” Becca put a hand on her hip and got all pouty. She was so cute when she did that.

“Admit it, you’re a nerd.” Molly joined us out of nowhere, Ben in tow.

“Whoah, what’s with the tiara?” Becca and I looked at each other, surprised to see Molly with a crown on her head.

“Wait, you didn’t know?” Jake grinned. “Your friend here is a beauty queen.”


“Oh shut up, Jake. It’s nothing that serious. I was just Miss Clayton Falls, my year. It’s not a big deal.” She brushed off the comment, but she looked oddly at home in the tiara.
