Read Books Novel


I continue to listen to the song, even though it hurts somewhere deep. Danny pulls into a parking lot not far from my place. We get out of the car and walk inside; my hand in his. A small Italian woman, speaking with a thick accent, greets us when we enter. I almost don’t understand what she’s saying, but we follow her to a small, dimly lit booth in the back.

Instead of Danny sitting on one side with me on the other, we sit together. I climb into the seat, scooting all the way to the wall and Danny takes his seat; effectively blocking me in the booth. On top of the table, Danny takes my hands, brushing feather light kisses over my knuckles. It’s so sweet and kind but I can feel that familiar ache deep inside me.

We talk about me wanting to get a job. Danny is very supportive, but protective at the same time. He wishes I would wait a little while longer but understands why I can’t stay cooped up in the apartment any more. After our conversation, I know that Monday morning I’ll be at Alumni Services at the University to look for job placement. They’re bound to have postings for recent graduates.

Our date wouldn’t be complete if Danny didn’t order a large piece of Tiramisu for us to share. It’s divine and I moan with my first bite. Danny’s fork stops short of his mouth, watching me with lust in his eyes. No, with Danny it’s never lust; it’s love.

“Dinner was delicious and dessert was out of this world,” I say, wiping the corners of my mouth with the cloth napkin.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have to say, watching you eat that cake…” Danny stops himself from finishing and just grins. I know exactly what he’s thinking because I’m thinking it too.

“Wanna get out of here?”

“Yeah, Pea. Let’s go back to my house.”

Panic starts to set in. I miss Skylar but I don’t want a run in like this. Not when I’m thinking about sleeping with Danny. It’s all still too fresh.

“I don’t know. Maybe we can just go back to my apartment. Kylee is passed out cold.”

“Sky’s at the clubhouse all weekend. We can have the house to ourselves.” Is it bad that I feel relief?

“Okay, let’s go.” Danny leaves money on the table for our waitress. As we’re walking toward the exit, Danny places his hand on the small of my back where the fabric of my dress dips dangerously low. I haven’t let him touch my bare skin in so long; the feeling in my core only intensifies. I’m aching to be touched and caressed. Danny must sense my longing because his fingers dance across my skin.

We hold hands the entire ride back to his house. Every once and a while, Danny’s thumb skims across my hand, he looks to me and smiles. When we get back to the house, Danny won’t let me get out of the car by myself. He almost runs around the front and opens my door for me.

“Why, thank you Mr. Thomas,” I tease. He really is so adorable. Just as promised, Skylar’s car is parked in front of the house but his bike is missing. He really isn’t here.

“Of course, Ms. Adams. Anything for you.”

It’s almost natural when we walk in the house. Danny immediately walks toward his bedroom while I flip on the lights in the living room. Danny hollers from the bedroom for me to pick a movie.

I didn’t come here for a movie.

I walk back to Danny’s bedroom and see him standing by his dresser, changing into a tee shirt. He’s already wearing a pair of gym shorts. The muscles in his back ripple as he pulls the shirt over his torso. I’ve always loved him in this attire. There’s something about the way his shoulder muscles spread a tee shirt perfectly across his back and the gym shorts show off his strong, powerful calves; it hits me in just the right spot.

I still have clothes here, but instead of changing into my sleep pants and a tank as usual, I grab one of Danny’s shirts. Instead of choosing the tee shirt that I would usually wear, I grab the white button up shirt he was just wearing. Shimmying myself out of my dress, letting it pool at my feet, I turn my back to the wall and take my bra off, dropping it on top of my dress. Pulling Danny’s shirt around my shoulders, I start to button it when I hear Danny’s strangled voice.

“Pea, what are you doing?”

“Well, I’ll be damned if you’re getting comfortable and I have to be stuck in a dress all night. Who the hell watches a movie in a dress?”

“No, I mean wearing my shirt. God, you look sexy as hell.” Danny’s eyes are raking over my body, stopping at the hem of the shirt that comes to my mid thigh.

“Oh, this old thing?” I tease, spinning in a circle with my arms in the air. I can feel the cool air on my butt, so I know the shirt’s higher and my ass is on display.

“Jesus, Mira. You’re killing me. I really am trying to be a gentleman and wait until you’re ready, but you’re making it hard here.”

“Oh, I’m making it hard, huh? Isn’t that kind of the point?” I know I’m walking into something I can’t get out of, but I have to make this ache go away.

Danny stalks over to me, like a lion stalks its prey. I feel sexy and seductive; I feel wanted. He places his hand on the upper swell of my ass, under the shirt and rests his forehead on mine. He looks into my eyes, asking for permission to kiss me. Instead of verbally giving permission, I stand higher on my tip toes and nibble at his bottom lip. That’s all he needs.

Danny lightly kisses me. I need more than this. I run my tongue along the seam of his lips and he understands what I want. Danny opens his mouth and massages my tongue with his. I moan softly into his mouth as his hands go higher up my spine. The higher his hand goes, the more the shirt rises. When he reaches the middle of my back, he breaks the kiss and looks down at me. The button up has risen to my belly button, showing off the black lacy panties I’m wearing. It’s also bunched at the top button, giving a clear view inside the shirt to my bare br**sts.

Danny groans. I can feel his erection against my belly as he reengages the kiss, walking me backward to the bed. When the back of my knees rest against the mattress, Danny pulls back again. He’s killing me. What do I have to do to show him I’m ready? Taking matters into my own hands, I start to unbutton my shirt. I’m all the way at the bottom button but the shirt’s still closed, concealing my br**sts. When I finish the last button, I stand there, waiting for him to take over.

And he does. Danny starts with one shoulder. He pushes the shirt down and kisses my collar bone on the same side. He moves to the other side, repeating his torture. Once the shirt is off my shoulders, I let it fall onto the bed. I stand here before him, wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Nothing stops him now. He crushes his mouth to mine and we fall onto the bed.

I open my legs, inviting him to lie between my thighs and give me some sort of relief. He obliges. When Danny’s lips move from my mouth down to my throat, his hand goes under my back, gripping my backside. I arch my body into his, begging for him to continue. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched, I think when he finally reaches my core, I’ll explode.

Danny keeps moving south with his lips, driving me insane. His hand comes from around my back to cup my breast; his thumb and forefinger expertly rolling my peaked n**ples. He knows my body, probably better than I do. He’s using all of this to his advantage. The moisture between my thighs increases with every tweak, every tug and every nibble.

“Oh God, Danny, please. Please f**k me already,” I pant, breathless.

“Not so fast, Pea. It’s been a long ass time. I’m going to enjoy this for a little while.” Mischievous doesn’t even begin to explain Danny’s grin. He’s using my own body against me and I’m delirious.

After a long time of teasing my br**sts, Danny reaches my stomach where he doesn’t spend a lot of time. When his tongue skims the line of my panties, the panting returns heavier than ever. He hooks his fingers on the thin bands that cover my h*ps and gently tugs them down. I raise my body higher at the hips, making it a little easier. Once I’m fully exposed, I see he’s still fully dressed.

“You don’t get to see me while you’re fully clothed. Start stripping.” I force my thighs together and throw my arms across my chest, hiding myself from him.

Danny pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it in the growing pile of clothes on the floor and somehow gets out of his shorts. Once he’s nak*d, I uncover myself. There’s nothing separating his body from mine. Unfortunately, he doesn’t go back to devour my p**sy but starts kissing me again. I naturally wrap my legs around his waist and hook my heels at his back, pulling him to me.

Danny groans into my mouth and rocks his h*ps to mine. I lift myself to meet him and his c*ck brushes against my sex.

There’s no denying that my body wants this; however, the more time we spend kissing the more time I have to second guess my decision. The confusion that’s plaguing my thoughts almost has me stopping this before it goes any further. Then I remember how kind Danny is and how much he loves me; so I keep going.

I know I’m not all here and I can kind of tell that Danny isn’t, either. There’s something different about the way we are right now. Something isn’t right. As I’m about to say something, Danny stops kissing me. He rests his forehead against mine and tries to catch his breath. While leaning on me, his eyes search mine.

“Pea, I can’t. It’s not the right time.”

“I know,” I whisper, dragging my fingers through his hair. Not only is it not the right time, I’m not sure if it’s the right person.

Having sex with Danny feels wrong. I feel like I’m betraying my feelings for Skylar. I don’t know if Danny feels the same or if what he has with Melissa is more than he has let on. The funny thing is, when I think about Danny and Melissa being together, the jealous feelings I had a few weeks ago, I no longer have. I’m almost impartial, not caring either way.

Danny sits on the edge of the bed, putting on his gym shorts and shirt. Sifting through his drawers, he throws me a tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants that I put on under the covers. We’re both sitting on the bed, fully clothed; trying to figure out what our next step is going to be. I really hope he has an idea because I’m at a loss.

“I’m going to go sleep on the couch, you take the bed,” Danny breaks the silence.

“There have been plenty of times we slept in the same bed and didn’t have sex. Come lay down. We can talk about all this in the morning.” I pull back the blanket so Danny can climb in and he does.

Instead of cuddling, we lay back to back. There’s nothing romantic or even sexual about this experience. This is how Kylee and I sleep in a bed together; no touching, no kissing and no sex. I have a hard time falling asleep, but eventually the sandman takes me and I’m out; until the dreams take me and I’m plagued with Skylar’s face and his hands on my body.

I wake up earlier than usual, especially for a weekend. The sunlight is starting to pour through the blinds , and looking at Danny’s alarm clock, I see it’s before six. I swing my legs off the side of the bed and try to brush my hair back with my fingers and readjust my pony tail. A knock on the door startles me.

“Hey man, are you decent?” Skylar.

Do I answer? Do I pretend I don’t hear him? Fuck. Wait, why am I freaking out?

“He’s sleeping but you can come in.” He sighs so loud, I can hear it. The door opens slightly and Skylar sticks his head in, almost apprehensive.

“I just wanted to see if Danny wanted to go grab breakfast or something. Let him sleep, though, he must be exhausted.” Skylar’s eyes find the crumpled clothes on the floor and me wearing Danny’s clothes. He thinks we slept together. Sky’s pissed?

“He’s sleeping but I’ll get something to eat with you. Just let me change.”

Skylar doesn’t respond. He walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I search through Danny’s closet and dresser for something to put on that doesn’t fall off me. Remembering I still have a few outfits in the other room, I slip of out of Danny’s room and head that way. I feel like I’m sneaking out and it doesn’t sit well.

In the spare room, I find what I’m looking for; a pair of jeans, fitted tank and hoodie. I change quickly and walk into the living room where Skylar is waiting. He’s still wearing his loose faded jeans, solid black shirt and black and white sneakers; however, his vest is lying over the back of the couch.

“You ready?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” It’s been far too long since we’ve spent any time together and I really do miss my friend.

“Car or bike?” I didn’t know I would get a choice.

“Bike!” I’m all too happy to get on the back of a bike with Skylar. I almost skip to the front closet where my leather jacket is. Instead of putting on the flip flops I had planned to wear, I grab a pair of ankle boots. Zipping the boots in place and taking my hair down, I walk out the front door. Who am I kidding? I’m not walking, I’m sashaying!

The ride to the diner is only about five minutes but I could have kept going. We keep the conversation casual and neither one of us bring up the fact that I was found in Danny’s bed this morning. As much as I love Skylar, it’s none of his business. He pushed me to Danny and I made my choice.

“I’m going to go to the University to check on job postings,” I say while we wait for our food. I want to keep the attention off this morning’s events and on something more positive.

“I’m happy for you. Let me know if you need any help.” Skylar isn’t giving me much to work with here. Instead of continuing the small talk, I sit back and enjoy being in the same room as Skylar without a fight breaking out.

Since it’s fairly early, the diner isn’t busy and it only takes us about twenty minutes to get our breakfast and eat. Before I know it, we’re heading back to the house. I want to ask Skylar to keep going but I don’t. He parks the bike on the sidewalk in front of the house and we walk in quietly, trying to not wake up Danny; but he’s already awake, cell phone in hand.
