Read Books Novel


“Mira, where did you go? I’ve been worried and you didn’t have your phone. I’ve been sitting here like a jackass waiting for you to call.” I know he’s worried but does he have to be such a dick?

“Skylar came home this morning wanting to know if you wanted to get breakfast. You were sleeping so I went with him. We’ve only been gone maybe half an hour. I’m fine.” I try not to let my frustration show, but I’m annoyed. My defenses show when I put my hands on my h*ps and stare directly into Danny’s eyes; ready for a battle.

“I’m sorry. I just woke up and you weren’t here. I was just scared.” My exterior softens a little and I take my hands off my hips. He’s only trying to be a good boyfriend. A year ago I would have never left before he woke up without at least sending him a text.

I sit on the couch next to Danny, taking his hand to reassure him that I’m fine. Skylar surprisingly joins us in the living room and starts sifting through the mail on the table. He pulls two shiny silver envelopes from the stack; one addressed to him and the other Danny. Handing Danny his, Skylar rips into the shimmering material. It has to be an invitation of some sort.

“No shit.” Skylar finally gets the letter open and it’s, in fact, an invitation. “Dude, Trevor’s getting married. We’ve been invited to his engagement party.”

Danny reads over his invitation, “Yeah, looks like they’re moving really fast. The party is next weekend and the wedding is just after Christmas. He must really have it bad.”

“Is it formal?” I ask, hoping that it is. I need a reason to get all dressed up and be girly with my friends again. It’s been far too long.

I know there are invitations for Kylee and I at the apartment. Trevor and our crew were always really good friends. I can’t believe he’s actually getting married, though. This year is full of shocks, twists and turns. Looks like Kylee and I will have some shopping to do. That’s sure to bring her out of this funk she’s in.

I tell the guys about the issue with Kylee and Jacoby. Both of them seem as surprised as I was; finding out that Ky might be smitten with a guy that’s not sharing the same feelings. We agree to go the engagement party together, as a group; just like old times.

Danny gives me a ride home. We don’t talk on the drive and it’s not as comfortable as it was yesterday, but it’s not awkward. It’s just … different. Neither one of us talk about what happened last night or how to deal with it.

Maybe this is the beginning of the end?

Oh hell, I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. All I know is that I’m worried I’m going to end up losing the two men in my life that I absolutely adore. They’re my family




I drop Mira off at her apartment and refuse her invitation to come inside. I really need some time to think.

Everything was in place. Mira was waiting and wanting, I assumed. When my c*ck brushed against her heat, that’s exactly what I felt; a hot and wet Mira yearning for me. It was her heart, though, that was saying otherwise. I could see in her eyes she was having second thoughts, which was relieving to me. Physically, I could have taken her right then and it would have been amazing; my own heart caused my turmoil.

I felt like it was a betrayal of some kind. I just don’t know if that betrayal is to Skylar or Melissa. Either way, I need to figure out what my problem is.

Instead of going right back to the house, I decide to go for a drive to clear my head. After about an hour of driving, I have no resolution. It’s going to take more than sixty minutes to determine my and Mira’s fate as a couple.

When I get home, Skylar’s in the living room watching something on TV. He waives his hand in the air when he hears the front door close but doesn’t turn around to see who just entered.

“Hey, Sky.”

Again, no verbal response, but he nods. What the f**k is wrong with him?

“Earth to Sky. I know this commercial you’re watching hasn’t taken your entire attention span, bro.”

“I’m just not in the mood to talk. Nothing personal.” Skylar stands and walks into the kitchen. He grabs a beer and sits down in the exact same spot he was before. The commercial bleeds into one of those World’s Dumbest shows. Until Skylar’s ready to talk, I get comfortable and watch the show with him.

After four consecutive episodes of the same type of show, I’m getting annoyed that he’s not even telling me what’s bothering him.

“Dude, something’s going on with you. You’re never this quiet.”

“I don’t want to talk about it because I have no input in the matter. I’m not in a good mood because of something I have no control over. I am not going to share because it doesn’t concern you. It’s my problem to deal with in my way. Please, just drop the subject.” Skylar’s obviously had enough of my questioning since he’s walking to his bedroom, slamming the door when he enters.

The rest of the week goes pretty much the same, other than we both go to work. I check in with Mira on Monday to see if she went to the University Alumni Services. She did and she has a few potential employers to send resumes to.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I end up working late, not leaving much time to deal with Skylar and his internal drama. I place a call to the dry cleaner to make sure that my suit will be ready for pickup on Friday afternoon. I know people said that life after college is no cake walk, but I didn’t expect it to be this monotonous. I literally do the same thing every day. I really am looking forward to the weekend; I need to let loose a little.

I call Mira on Friday morning to find out what color dress she’s wearing. We haven’t really discussed going to the party together; but then again we haven’t talked much this week. There have been a few texts here and there, but that’s about it.

I pick up my suit from the cleaner and stop by the mall to pick up a button up that will match Mira’s dress. Walking to my car, my phone starts ringing. Glancing at the caller ID while fumbling with my keys, I see it’s Melissa. My stomach does a little flip and all of a sudden I’m smiling like a mad man.

Why does this girl get me so excited?

“Hey, you.” I answer, having to stop myself from screaming. I really have missed her.

“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”

“Ha, that’s awesome. Just leaving the mall, what’s going on?”

“Oh you know, just being amazing. Wanna meet me for coffee? I’m about ten minutes from the mall now.”

“I don’t know. Mira will probably lose her shit if she finds out.”

“Oh come on, we’re friends, we can hang out. Want me to call her?”

This girl is too much, but in a good way. “Calm down, tiger. Meet me at the Starbucks in the food court? I just gotta take my stuff to the car.”

“Ohhh, what’d ya buy?”

“Nothing exciting, just a shirt to wear with my suit. Skylar, Mira, Mira’s best friend Kylee and I have an engagement party tomorrow for an old college friend.”

“Ohh wee, sounds fancy. Okay, meet you soon. Bye.”

I unlock the car, lay my suit across the back seat and put the bag with the shirt on the floorboard. In the front seat I find a bottle of cologne I keep on hand for emergencies. I consider this one of those occasions. With a few sprays from the blue bottle in the shape of a man, I’m heading back inside to meet Melissa.

I’m parked on the opposite end of the mall from the food court, so the journey takes me a lot longer. As I’m surveying the area for an open table, two small hands cover my eyes and I hear a whisper in my ear.

“Guess who?” The owner of the hands says in a raspy voice, sending a shock straight to my groin.

“Jenna Jamison?” I joke.

“Close, but no cigar. Try again.”

“Hmm, I just can’t place anyone.” With my eyes covered, losing one of my senses, the others kick into high gear. Her touch is gentle and electric, she smells like warm vanilla and every time she talks my c*ck twitches.

“Hey, you’re no fun,” she pouts, removing her hands. Melissa has her bottom lip stuck out like a child, but God is she beautiful.

“Oh, stop. I knew it was you, I was just playin’.”

“I know, I got you back.” Melissa bounces on the balls of her feet, excited that she thinks she pulled one over on me. She grabs my arm and pulls me toward the line to order our coffee. It’s like déjà vu. This is the same way I met her; standing in a coffee line.

“I owe you one. What’s it going to be?” Melissa asks when we reach the cashier. I don’t even have to look at the menu; I always get the same thing. I tell her just a coffee with two creams and two sugars.

“Nope, sorry Danny. You’re stepping outside your comfort zone today,” Melissa tells me, turning back to the cashier, “I’ll have a grande non fat, with whip, white mocha with an extra shot and this handsome fella is gonna have a grande java chip frappuccino.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” I whisper in her ear, catching the scent of her hair.

“Yours is frozen coffee. It’s good. You’ll like it.” Melissa smiles and walks to the other end of the counter.

“Can I get a name for the order?” the cashier hollers over the sounds of the espresso and latte machines.

Melissa looks at me, her light green eyes shimmering with something devious before she turns back to the cashier, “The white mocha is for Donna and the frappuccino is for David.”

I just look at her puzzled. Why not just say our names? What’s with the fake ones?

“Oh, don’t look like you’re too young to remember. Donna and David from 90210? Please tell me it rings a bell?”

I laugh, probably a little too loud. Can she be anymore adorable? One of the most infamous couples in sitcom history and she labels our coffee as such. Wait, didn’t David and Donna get married? Hell.

Melissa and I start talking like we’ve been friends for years. We catch up about her grandfather, who’s still not getting any better and it’s down to days before he passes. He’s comfortable because of the hospice and she’s taking it really well, telling me her philosophy on the situation.

“You know, I’m going to be sad when he dies, but he’s lived an amazing life. He married the only person that God created just for him; he had four children and thirteen grandchildren. He’s been living without my grandma for three years and I can see how lonely he is. So if I have to lose him so he can be with her, I’m okay with that.”

Melissa is smart, beautiful and a romantic. I really am lucky to have a friend that’s so positive, especially with all of Skylar’s negativity lately. It gets consuming when you’re surrounded by negative thoughts so often, you almost forget to look for the good in things and forget that everything happens for a reason.

I tell her about the current Mira situation, even down to neither one of us being able to finish the act. Melissa doesn’t seem surprised and again her wisdom comes out to shine.

“I know I don’t know Mira that well, but maybe you guys aren’t meant to be. As you grow up and mature, so do your needs and wants. College was convenient for you guys but now being real grownups and moving on in life, maybe moving on in your heart isn’t a bad idea. If she has feelings for Skylar she must be looking for something different.”

“I know what you mean, but Mira and I always had a great relationship. The last few weeks before the accident were kind of rocky, but we were all so stressed. I just don’t think I’m ready to give up yet. She’s my first love and I’m hers. That has to mean something.”

“Danny, that means everything. First loves are always precious. As a girl, I know very well that you never forget the first boy who steals your heart. Ray stole my heart my senior year of high school. We dated for a few years but grew apart. I love him to this day, and he loves me. We’re just not meant to be. Not many people end up with their first loves. The first person you give your heart to teaches you how to love and how to be in a relationship. A lot of times it’s to prepare you for when you meet the one who’s going to steal yours forever.”

I know Melissa’s only a year older than I am, but her soul is so much older. She’s lived a lifetime in her short twenty three years and I’m in awe of her.

Our short coffee date turns into two hours and more coffee than I’ve ever consumed in one sitting… ever. As I’m getting ready to stand to say goodbye, a sudden pang of sadness comes over me. I really enjoyed my time with Melissa; conversation with her is easy and she’s fun to be around. I wish I didn’t have to leave.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a redhead, looking something fierce, storming my way with a scowl on her face. Before I know it, she’s sitting at my table casually, as if she belongs here.

“Danny ,hey. Funny seeing you here,” Kylee glares at me then turns to Melissa, sticking out her hand, “Oh I’m so sorry. I’m Kylee, Mira’s best friend. And you are?” Sarcasm is rolling off Kylee’s tongue with every word spoken.

“Hi, Kylee. I’m Danny’s friend, Melissa. It’s nice to meet you.” Melissa is being very polite regardless of the intrusion and Kylee’s apparent attitude. Melissa puts out her hand for a shake and Kylee just stares at her.

“Kylee, what are you doing here?” I’m trying not to show my anger and frustration but Kylee’s making it hard; she looks like she ate a sour piece of candy.

“I’m just running to pick up something to wear tomorrow,” Kylee answers my question and turning back to Melissa, she continues, “We’re all going to an engagement party tomorrow for one of our friends. Mira’s dress is absolutely beautiful and I need to try to look half as good as her. It’s hard to compete for attention with that one. She’s gorgeous. Isn’t that right, Danny?” Kylee’s eyes never leave Melissa. This is turning into a girl pissing contest and I’m about over it.
