Read Books Novel


“Actually, yes. I’m going somewhere with Skylar tonight. He won’t tell me where, but I’m sure we’re going to have a good time. It’s been a long time since I got ready for a first date and I need to find out where to start.” I sound silly, I know it. I’m twenty three years old and freaking out about a first date with a man that I’ve known over four years. He’s been my best friend almost the entire time. I really do need to calm my shit.

“Well, I’m glad you guys are finally getting together. When I met Skylar at the hospital, the night that you woke up, I could see in his eyes how much he loves you. I’m just happy both of you got it figured out. I know it was hard after the break up with Danny, but after talking to Kylee, I knew your heart wasn’t in it.” Wait, Kylee said they hadn’t really talked. I’m so confused.

“So, what’s on your agenda for the weekend?”

“Probably going to see if Kylee wants to do something. I don’t know yet. She’s a firecracker, you know.”

“Oh, yeah, I know. I’ve known that girl all my life and I know exactly what you’re dealing with. She’s more than a firecracker, she’s dyn**ite.” I love Kylee and now I’m wondering if she’s been telling me the whole truth. If she’s pushing Jacoby away like she does all the other boys who show an interest, I’m liable to cut a bitch. I’ll catch up with her later this weekend and figure this mess out. These two are perfect for each other.

Jacoby’s still laughing at my description of Kylee when I excuse myself to get back to work. I don’t have that much work to do, but I want to make sure that nothing slipped through the cracks since I’ve been all happy and stuff today.

After I finish coordinating the Dudley listing and verifying all my other work is done, I wave to Jacoby through his door on my way out. I stop by Lyndsey’s office to turn in my time card for the week. She’s really such a nice lady; I’ll work on being more friendly to her next week. I think that we could be really good friends.

I get home a few hours before my date with Skylar. I have no idea what to wear and I didn’t get out of the office soon enough to go to the store to buy something new. Not knowing what else to do, I text the person who’s never let me down in this department.

ME – Hey. WRUD?

KYLEE – @ my nail appt, what’s up?

ME – Have a date w/Skylar 2nite. What do I wear?

KYLEE – Bout fuckin time

KYLEE – My closet. Red dress. Black boots.

ME – Thx Ky. Ur a lifesaver.

KYLEE – No panties!!!

ME – Ur insane.

KYLEE – U’ll thank me later. NO PANTIES!!!

Jesus, could this girl get anymore perverted? I love her, but shit! Can’t a girl just go on a date with a boy she’s in love with and not have to be hounded about wearing panties? Not in Kylee’s world, I guess. Jealous of Ky because she has a nail appointment, I go to her room grabbing the wardrobe she said I could borrow.

I take the quickest shower possible. I washed my hair this morning, so I don’t really need to do that now. Plus, I won’t have time to dry and curl it. Instead of fussing over my hair, I focus on my makeup. I need my face to say ‘I want to f**k the life out of you’ without looking like a slut. I’ve never been a good makeup artist so I revert to the good ol’ WWKD method. What would Kylee do?

After applying enough eye-shadow to keep a hooker in commission for a year, I decide my current plan isn’t working. I don’t know why I’m trying so hard to impress him. This isn’t going to be like most first dates. We already know each other; we’re best friends. I need to remember that this is just my Skylar and stop worrying I won’t be enough for him.

Washing the eye-shadow from my face, I choose to go with a simpler look; pale pink on my eye-lids, a few swipes of mascara and no eyeliner. This is me, take it or leave it. After I moisturize my body with the lavender and vanilla scented lotion that Kylee bought me for my last birthday, I finish my look with Kylee’s dress and boots.

There’s something noticeably different about me; I look more mature. I didn’t put on any blush but my cheeks are a light shade of pink; not an embarrassed pink but a happy pink. I’m not wearing much eye makeup but my eyes are sparkling in the light of my bedroom. I guess in old wives’ tales, this is what a girl in love looks like.

A knock on the door breaks me from my trance. I’m sure that staring at yourself for multiple minutes in the mirror isn’t healthy or you’re vain. I hope I’m neither. I really want to look my best and I hope that Skylar appreciates it.

When I open the door, my breath is stolen from my lungs. He’s beautiful. More than beautiful, he’s gorgeous. Skylar’s wearing a pair of tighter fitted, dark washed jeans, a navy blue button up that makes his crystal blues look even lighter and his hair is perfect, not a lock out of place. My mouth might actually be watering, and I know I shouldn’t stare but he’s mine now, right? I can kind of do whatever I want.

“Sweets, you look amazing.” Skylar has the same look in his eyes that I think I have in mine. His eyes are screaming, “We need to get out of here now before we don’t go anywhere at all.” Oh yeah, we’re thinking the same damn thing.

“You clean up nice too, Sky.” Really? That’s all I can come up with? He’s officially stolen my words, my breath and my soul. I might be the luckiest girl in the world right now.

“Well, we better get going. We have plans tonight.”

“Oh do we?”I ask coyly. I wish we were just staying in. I’d gladly let Skylar take my dress off with his teeth if he wanted to.

“Yeah, come on. Your chariot awaits.” Skylar walks behind me to his car. He takes off toward the highway, heading downtown. I really wish I knew where we are going. I’m at least glad he dressed up so I don’t feel silly.

We don’t talk much on the drive, but listen to the radio instead. Sometimes music speaks louder than words anyway. Skylar plugs in his phone, switching to his music app. From where I’m sitting, I think he clicked the station for love songs, but I can’t be sure. When I hear Never Say Never by The Fray start playing, I know I’m right.

As we’re approaching the downtown exits, Skylar passes them. We get further into Detroit and I wonder if we’re going to the clubhouse, but when Skylar skips that exit too, I’m really getting confused. We’re still driving an hour or so later. Where the hell are we going?

We approach an exit that’s pretty close to Lake St. Clair. I used to go camping out here as a kid with my parents. I really don’t know why we had to drive so far for a restaurant. When Skylar pulls into the parking lot, I smile. Not just any regular smile, but one where you can see every tooth in my mouth. We’re at a dock. Not just any dock though; one with yachts and expensive boats. I’ve read about this kind of thing. You rent the entire ship or just a portion. You can sleep on board or you can just go for a date. This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Oh, you’re excited are you?” Skylar knows I’m a hopeless romantic and the sly grin on his face tells me he was ready for my response. I can’t even try to hide it. I’m giddy and I want to get on that boat now.

Skylar takes my hand in his, leading me toward the dock. As soon as we walk up the gangway to get onto the ship, we’re asked to stay on the deck before we’re escorted into the dining room. I’m leaning against the rails and Skylar is blocking me in place; his arms on my side and his body behind me. I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder looking at the lights of the city.

Every star is out tonight. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to see the skies this clear. In the city you can’t really get a good view, but out here, it’s breathtaking.

“Thank you,” I whisper, looking up to meet Skylar’s eyes. There is absolutely no doubt that I’m in love with this man. This gesture has sealed the deal. I’m his for the taking.

We’re seated in a formal dining room and immediately given glasses of water. Skylar’s in rare form tonight. He’s usually a hard liquor drinker but he’s just ordered us two glasses of white wine. The waiter takes our drink order and heads toward the kitchen. I probably should keep a clear head but something feels special about this; something worth celebrating.

When dinner is served, my mouth is watering. Never in my life have I ever had a meal as extravagant and fancy as this. The prime rib is surrounded by a small pile of garlic roasted red potatoes and steamed asparagus next to those.

We eat in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company except for the occasional moans coming from me. The dinner was to die for but the dessert is a whole other story. The cheesecake is coated with a strawberry glaze and fresh cut strawberries drizzled in chocolate decorating the plate.

I really don’t know why I was so worked up before. After our plates are cleared from dinner, Skylar goes to the bar again, bringing back stronger drinks and a round of shots. I eye Skylar suspiciously. This boy is trying to get me drunk. Well, I’m not complaining.

“Here’s to wishing we could go back in time,” Skylar says, raising his glass. I follow suit but I have a toast of my own.

“Here’s to no regrets. Everything happens for a reason and we’re finally in the right spot,” I counter. Skylar smiles and tips his shot glass back.

Not long after our first round, Skylar is back with a second round of drinks and the band starts playing some kind of classical song. I feel like a princess at the ball when Skylar takes my hand, leading me to the small dance floor. Much to my surprise, Skylar moves with ease and every twirl and turn leaves me lightheaded and deliriously happy. When the song ends, we clap lightly and head back to our table.

There are only a few other couples on the boat and I wonder if we’re going to sleep here. This sets a whole new flock of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time; unless you count my dream and that was magical. Instead of worrying about the sleeping arrangements, I ask.

“Sky, are we staying aboard or leaving after dinner?”

“I hadn’t planned on staying but if you want to, we can.” The hesitance in Skylar’s voice throws me off. He’s always been so calm and collected, I wonder if my assuming we would stay took him by surprise. My cheeks flush with embarrassment and my heart races, scared that Skylar thinks I’m easy and not worth the chase.

“Sweets, calm down,” Skylar laughs, apparently finding my humiliation funny, “I planned on staying with you all night, just not here.” Well shit, should I be offended that he thinks we’re sleeping together on the first date? Shut up, Mira, stop over analyzing.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin tonight. This is the best date I’ve ever been on. Shit, this is the best date I think anyone’s ever thought of.”

“You didn’t ruin anything. I understand how you feel. Even though we’ve known each other for years and have flirted around with the issue of dating, this is the first time we have done anything and it’s okay. It’s alright to be nervous, God knows I am. I don’t want to screw this up, Mira. Please don’t let me.”

I run my hand up his chest and let it rest on the back of his neck, pulling it down to where we’re almost eye level. “There’s nothing you could do to mess this up, except hurt me. I’ll promise not to let you get ahead of yourself if you promise not to break my heart.”

“That’s a promise I’ll gladly make. There won’t be a single day that you have to worry about the safety of your heart. It’s mine now and I plan on keeping it close and not letting go.” Skylar plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

There’s only about a half an hour left on the ship until we’re back to the dock. Skylar leads me outside to the deck for a little privacy. Even though there are maybe only twenty people aboard, including the captain and crew, it’s a little cramped. There doesn’t appear to be anyone outside so we’ll make this our little getaway for a bit.

Sky eyes a few deck chairs and a throw blanket. He leads me toward them, sitting down on one of the chairs. I move to sit on the other when Skylar pulls my hand, forcing my body to him. He motions for me to sit between his legs and I couldn’t be happier. I gladly lay on him, my back to his chest, between his muscular thighs. When Skylar pulls the throw blanket over us, I snuggle even closer. This is what heaven feels like.

I’ve almost drifted off to sleep when I hear Skylar mumbling behind me, placing light kisses on the top of my head. I don’t know if he wants me to hear what he’s saying so I just stay still and listen.

“You’re so beautiful. You were made for me.” Kiss. “I don’t know what I would do without you.” Kiss. “I’ve loved you for longer than you even realize.” Kiss. “Probably since the day you were born.” Kiss. “God made you just for me.” Kiss. “There’s never going to be anyone else.” Kiss. “I’m going to live everyday to make you smile.”

When the tears start rolling down my cheeks, I can’t help it. I turn around quickly and look my sweet man in his eyes. I love him so much, my heart’s about to beat out of my chest. Every single thing he said to me I feel for him. He’s everything. He’s my everything.

“I’m sorry I interrupted. I didn’t want to say anything, but I need you to know that I know how you feel and I feel the exact same way. I love you so much, Skylar.”

“Sweets, you don’t have to apologize. It’s not a secret. As a matter of fact, I plan on telling you that each and every day. It’s never going to change and the more people tell you how amazing you are, the better. My heart only beats because you allow it to. You own my heart and the other half of my soul.”
