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I bury my face in his shirt, inhaling his scent, marking this memory with every sense possible. I want to remember this exact moment every time I smell the water and Skylar’s cologne. I’ll think back and remember this kind of love every time I hear waves crash. I’ll have a flashback to this ship when I touch the fine hairs on the back of Skylar’s neck. I want to remember every second of this night when I look into those crystal blue eyes and see the love shining back at me. Most importantly, I want to never have any doubts that this moment seals the fate of Skylar and me when I taste his lips.

I lift my head from his chest and mold my mouth to his. I’m not intending for it to lead any further since we’re in public, but I can’t help it when my body takes control. Just as Skylar said I was made for him, he’s made for me. There’s not one part of us that doesn’t blend together and make a whole person. This is the feeling I had always missed with Danny. This all consuming, throw away everything and run off into the sunset, kind of love. This is what I deserve.

When the captain blows the whistle, letting us know that we’re pulling into the dock, I look at Skylar and try to tell him everything I feel with my eyes, but it’s not enough. I know what he needs to hear and it’s time that I tell him.

“We own each other.”

“Yeah, Sweets, we own each other.”



I’m sure Mira thinks when we get off this boat, the night is over, but it’s not. I have plans for this girl. We’ve spent years not being together and tonight I plan on changing that. I lured her on this date because I want this night to be memorable for her.

We’ve been best friends for years. There’s no use in spending weeks getting to know each other before we realize that we should be a couple. I know, without a shadow of doubt, that Mira is the one for me. I’ve known it since the first day I saw her. There will never be another girl to steal my heart the way she has.

Tonight, it’ll be official; she’ll be mine. Now, I’m not talking about proposing to her or anything, but I’m going to claim her like she’s never been claimed before. There’s only one way I know how to do this and I hope she understands the sentiment. In my world, it’s the highest compliment other than actually putting a ring on a girl’s finger. In my stomach, there are hamsters running on those little ball things and it’s quite possible that I’m going to puke before the night is over.

I talked to my uncle yesterday and he assured me that he could have what I need put together before we get back to land. Mira knows I’m a part of the club now but I’m not sure she knows how deep I’m in. My uncle is getting up there in age, and when it comes time for him to step down, I would like to step up. Of course, I don’t have any say in the matter; it’s all based on a club wide vote. I’d like to be considered and I’d like to take Mira on this journey with me. It’s something I’ve been groomed for my entire life.

We’re getting closer to land and I can see the dock and lighthouse off in the distance. I probably only have ten more minutes with Mira alone on this dock. We still need to get our coats from the dining room, so I shuffle to get up.

Mira follows close behind, her hand entangled with mine, as we enter the dining room. The servers have cleared the rest of the plates and the band has started breaking down their instruments. Some couples are staying aboard tonight, and had I thought Mira would want to, I would have made it happen, but I didn’t want to assume. I know that I can’t wait to get her beneath me but I want everything about our first time together to be amazing. Okay, honestly, I don’t know I’d last more than a few minutes after lusting after her for years, wondering how she would feel wrapped around me.

We wait patiently on the deck for the ship to dock. Once we’re able, we head back onto dry land. Reaching the parking lot, Mira starts freaking out.

“Skylar, what happened to your car?” Mira’s walking around the parking lot searching high and low for my car. I almost tell her to stop worrying, but I want to keep the element of surprise that I have working in my favor. When she reaches in her purse to get her phone, I have to stop her. A false police report won’t look too good for me.

“Mira, hold on a second. There’s got to be an explanation for this.” I look around and don’t see the surprise that was supposed to have been here by now. My level of frustration is growing by the second. I pull out my cell phone and walk away from a very pissed off, scared Mira, pretending to call the police.

I send a text to my uncle.


I’m staring at my phone waiting for a text back, when all of a sudden, pissed off Mira turns terrified and she’s firmly attached to my side.

“Sky, what’s going on?” I look in the direction her eyes are focused, and as the first headlight turns on, I know exactly who it is and my mind rests. I put my phone away and wrap my arms around Mira.

“Sweets, it’s alright. Just look.”

One by one, in the distance, single headlights turn on and the roar of motorcycles is undeniable. As the last bike is started, they start a procession across the street, aimed directly for us. There must be at least twenty bikes, which is ten more than I was expecting. One guy gets off a motorcycle and casually walks back across the street, gets in my car and drives away. The confusion written all over Mira’s face makes me laugh. I’m going to give this poor girl a heart attack.

“Sky, that guy just drove away with your car. Do something!” Mira shouts, still terrified, but that fear is quickly turning to anger. My little tiger is about to chase down a biker, in heels, to get my car back.

“Mi, baby, they’re here for us. This is my club. Stop freaking out.”

My uncle gets off his bike; Kink climbs off the back and stands next to him. Prowler hands me a backpack and tells me the keys to my bike are in the ignition. I peel Mira off my side, take her hand and walk her to my bike.

“Skylar, I’m wearing a dress. I can’t get on this bike.” My sweet girl doesn’t realize I’ve thought ahead. I texted Kylee earlier and told her to pack a change of clothes for Mira and my uncle would be by to pick them up a few hours later.

“Don’t worry; everything you’ll need is in here. I’ll block you so you can change real quick. Just put your dress in the backpack and you can wear it back.”

The wind burned pink of Mira’s cheeks turns red in a heartbeat. “I’m not wearing any panties,” she whispers. I’m dying with laughter. So much for my sweet tiger; Mira’s a feisty minx.

“It’s okay, just pull the jeans on under the dress and I promise nobody will see your ass then pull the shirt on over the top. I’ll help you get the dress off when you’re ready.”

Mira takes my advice, while I’m blocking her, as moving as slow as molasses. When it comes time to take her dress off, I tell her to keep her arms inside the shirt. I carefully unzip the fabric, trying not to touch bare skin since I’m already about to snap, and pull the dress out the top of her shirt. Mira takes the jacket out of the backpack and puts it on. She hands me her earlier attire to put back inside as she ties her sneakers. She didn’t see it.

“Mira, you’re forgetting something.”

“What is it?”

She’s still tying the laces and not looking at me. I carefully take the vest out of the backpack and hold it out to her with both hands, the back of it facing her. When she sees what I have, she stops breathing.

“Sky?” Alarm floods her eyes. Fuck it, alarm is better than disgust.

“Do you like it?” I pray she says yes. I’ve never put myself out here like this. Never in my entire life.

Mira stands up and walks to me. She traces the lettering on the back of the vest and her lips curl upward and her eyes light up. My girl is happy. She likes it.

“Are you sure?” Could she be anymore clueless? This is all I’ve ever wanted; to be with her, to take her as my own and make her feel like she’s special. What’s more special to a biker than putting a property patch on a woman? Nothing, that’s what.

“Sweets, yeah, this is what I want. I’ve never been so sure about anything. I told you that I’m not playing with this whole dating thing. If you put this on, we’re all in; no going back. The question is, are you sure?”

The little minx turns around and shuffles one arm in and then the other. Turning back to face me, she zips the material together and does a full turn, showing off her vest. This might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. The only girl I have ever wanted like this is wearing a vest that clearly says “Property of Axe” and she couldn’t be happier about it.

“So, does this mean I get a nickname too?” Mira teases. She’s so excited, she hasn’t looked down. I purposely had a name patch put on the front for her. I point to her chest and she gasps. Sweets. It’s the only name that could ever fit her.

Mira leaps to me, kissing me hard. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her. She’s sexy and doesn’t even know it. I know she tries but God, Mira can wake up with a hangover and she’s still the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.

The rumble of the motorcycles is acting like white noise, drowning out the world, and I almost forget where we are until Prowler claps me on the back.

“Let’s get on the road, son.”

“You heard the man, Mira. Let’s get on the road.” Mira giggles as I climb on the bike, waiting for her to join me. She pulls her cell from the backpack and asks me to take a picture of her back. I hand her phone back with the photo still pulled up on the screen and she smiles wildly. She does something, shoves it back inside and puts the backpack over her shoulders.

“What did you do?” I ask, as she adjusts herself on the back.

“Sent it to Ky.” Not only is she excited to wear my patch but she’s bragging to her closest friend. I’m on top of the world and nothing can bring me down tonight.

We follow in procession, in the middle of the pack, the entire way back to the clubhouse. It’s the longest I’ve had Mira on the back of my bike and it feels damn good. Under my helmet, my smile is huge and I can’t stop; I tried.

When we get to the clubhouse I’m surprised to find it dead. Being a Friday night, this is usually a pretty big night to make money. I ask Prowler and he tells me that it’s closed so we can celebrate. “Our Axe is all grown up with an ol’ lady of his own,” he says. Apparently, they all knew how I felt for Mira and were waiting for me to make my move.

“I’m glad that you’re proud of me,” I say, my voice laced with sarcasm. I’m joking around with him but somewhere inside, I am happy he’s proud of me. Prowler has been like a second dad my whole life and his opinion does mean a lot to me.

Since there are no other clubs here tonight, we can cut loose and not have to worry about politics. Mira and I find seats at the bar and order a round of drinks and two shots of tequila; Mira’s choice. Kink’s working behind the bar and she gets to work on mixing up Mira’s Sprite and cotton candy vodka and my Jaeger on the rocks.

Mex starts working at the DJ booth, playing a mix of music. It’s a true Hooliganz party in effect right now. The other ol’ ladies have stolen Mira from me, wanting to get to know her better. She looks to be in her element; not intimated but enjoying herself. If I could have sat down and written out every quality I wanted in a girl, it would be Mira… exactly. She’s perfect; perfect for me.

I finally get the courage to take Mira back from the other girls. I’m no p**sy, but those girls can be a feisty bunch, especially when they’ve been drinking and are latched onto a new friend. Instead of staying downstairs drinking, I take Mira up to my room.

Once inside, I grab Mira and latch my mouth to hers. I’ve had to share her for far too long and now that I have her alone, I plan on taking full advantage of it. The last time we were together in this room, things almost got out of control. We stopped, not because we wanted to or she wasn’t ready, but because of deep rooted guilt. There’s no guilt here tonight.

My tongue brushes against her lips. Mira opens her mouth and moans into mine when I kiss her deeper. Mira shoves her hands into my hair, breaking apart the gel holding my hair in place, her fingers massaging my scalp. I want to grab onto her so badly but I can’t stop running my fingers across the back of the vest; the words that show the world she belongs to me.

“I want you to lead the pace, Mira. I don’t wanna push you too far. I want all of you when you’re ready.” I can’t risk ruining this because I’m so f**king hard I can’t see straight.

“I’ll be right back,” Mira whispers, walking into the attached bathroom. If I put her off already, I’m going to lose my shit.

I sit on the bed, impatiently waiting for Mira to get out of the bathroom; my mind racing. I hear the shower start running and then hear Mira humming on the other side of the door. Did she stop kissing me to take a f**king shower?

“Mira, you okay in there?” I knock on the door and wait; no response but the humming continues.

“Mi, come on. Are you okay?” This is the last time I’m going to knock before I break the damn door down.

Mira opens the door a crack and peeks through the opening, “Everything’s fine. Wanna come in?” Her emerald eyes are sparkling with mischief. She’s up to no good. I can read this girl like a book and she’s got something up her sleeve.

“Yeah, I’m coming in.” Mira opens the door further but hides behind it until I’m inside the bathroom. The door latches closed and I see what she’s been up to, and holy hell, I’m not going to last.

Standing in front of me is the most beautiful girl I know; nak*d except for the property vest she’s wearing. She has the front unzipped but it’s still hiding her tits.
