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Beckoning Light

Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1)(40)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I felt like someone had slapped me. The tone of his voice implied that being with me would be the worst possible fate.

“You do not mean that, James, and you know it. You could only dream of having a girl like Charlotte, because she is mine now.” Calvin looked ready to lunge at James.

I snapped out of my hurt and spit out “Yours? I’m yours? I am nobody’s possession. Maybe in this crazy world you still treat women like the Middle Ages, but where I come from, women are encouraged to be independent and strong. We’re not owned like property.”

“Property? Charlotte, you know I did not mean it that way. I just meant that you are meant to be with me,” Calvin said sadly.

I knew that if I was going to make my move, now was the time. I let the words out. “If I am going to be treated like a prisoner, then why not chain me up and throw me in a dungeon?”

For some reason, those words did the trick. Calvin stopped arguing.

Blake took advantage of his silence. “Clearly, Charlotte is not to be reasoned with right now. She wants to be treated like a prisoner; we will give her that. Of course, that is only if you agree, Calvin.”

“You think we should put her in the dungeon?” Calvin asked tentatively.

“A few hours down there and she will realize how silly she is being. See how she behaves when she is actually a prisoner.” Blake looked at Calvin for approval.

Calvin tried one last time to hold my hand, but I pulled it back. He nodded to Blake. Trying to avoid looking at Calvin, I noticed a look of shock crossing James’s face. Calvin gestured to the armed Bravado at the door and told them to escort me down to the dungeon.

As I was led out of the room, Calvin called out to me using almost the exact words Blake had used the night before, “Charlotte, Bellgard is your home now, and the sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for all of us.” When I didn’t respond, he continued, “As soon as you are ready to return to me, you will be released immediately.”

I couldn’t even look at him. As much as my heart ached, I tried to reassure myself that my mission was accomplished. My reassurances did nothing; I was led down to the dungeon with tears streaming down my face.

Chapter Twenty-Two


It was hard to believe that it had only been a few days since we had arrived at the caves, because it felt like weeks. I was physically and mentally exhausted, and I could barely remember what it felt like to do anything but practice. It helped to focus on the training because it kept me from worrying about Charlotte. Thinking about Charlotte was destructive because I could only imagine how terrified she must be all alone so far from home. Life seemed out of control, but at least I had Monty and Liam by my side.

Monty must have sensed my fear because he tried to reassure me. “They won’t hurt her, Kevin. They need her. They’ll try to keep her at all costs, but they won’t touch her.”

“I hope you’re right,” I replied, but there was something so forced about his words that they offered little comfort. Monty sometimes seemed so fragile now, like if I pushed him just a little too far, he would crumble. Monty was a force to be reckoned with. It was as though a side of him had been reawakened when Charlotte went missing, but emotionally, he was skating on thin ice.

We sat by the fire listening to Percy compliment us. He was clearly impressed by how much Liam and I had learned in such a short period of time. He seemed especially impressed with Liam, because for someone with no connection to Energo, he was doing very well. I didn’t really get it, though. Just because my mom was from Energo didn’t mean I should have some special fighting skills either, but I didn’t press the issue. Monty had been right when he told me how important patience would be; it was the only thing keeping me standing.

Percy announced that it was time to give us weapons. Liam and I looked at each other excitedly. This would bring the training to a whole new level. I didn’t know what kind of weapons I expected, but I was shocked when Monty took off his sword and handed it to me.

“Uncle Monty, you can’t give me your sword,” I said, as soon as I realized what he was doing. It was obvious that the sword was important. Why was he giving it away so easily?

“This was only meant to be mine as long as Emma was the Essence. Whether Charlotte has officially become one or not, it is for you to hold,” Monty said solemnly.

I accepted the sword, admiring it as I turned it in my hand, and at first, it seemed heavy. The metal hilt was engraved with images of plants and animals almost too intertwined with one another to differentiate. When I unsheathed it, everyone in the circle gasped because the sword glowed bright green before ultimately fading into a lighter shade. The sword felt warm to the touch and was now almost featherweight in my hands. The blade appeared to be made of a fine crystal, just like the key Monty had shown us earlier.

Percy had an awed look on his face. “So it is true. Emma’s girl is the Essence. This is incredible.”

“I thought we had already assumed as much,” Liam said.

“Still… to see it. An Essence born of an Essence; it has been over six hundred years. Kevin, we had assumed you would be a Guardian, but I must say it is still a surprise to see. Never before have the bonds of Essence and Guardian proved so strong as to touch individuals who have never entered Energo. Maybe it is all related. Her power must be strong,” Percy said with more enthusiasm than he had shown since we arrived.

“So, would this sword glow like this if anyone held it?” I asked.

“No, if you hand it to me, you will see it is just a normal sword, but in the hands of an active guardian, it becomes something else.” Monty eyed the sword with reverence.

“The blade of this and every Guardian sword, once activated by the new Essence, is much stronger than any normal sword in a Guardian’s hands. It is also the most dangerous; a wound from a Guardian sword is lethal to most. Only the strongest can survive it, and only if it’s shallow,” Percy explained.

I stood and experimented with the sword. It was the lightest thing imaginable; it really felt like an extension of my hand. Monty looked up at me with a half-smile, which was the most optimistic expression I had seen on his face since we had arrived.

“Now the rest of us must be armed,” Percy continued. “Liam, I sense you are a crossbow man. Monty, you and I will use swords as we were trained.”

Percy was right; Liam was an animal with a crossbow. He seemed as surprised as I was at first. Maybe it was all the years of experience he had with his slingshot as a kid, but I could not believe his aim. Even though Percy was the one who had suggested he try the crossbow, he looked impressed by Liam.
