Read Books Novel

Beckoning Light

Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1)(41)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Spirits were high that evening as we sat around after dinner. Both Liam and I decided to ask more questions after Samantha excused herself.

“So obviously some things are different here, but is everything different?” I asked.

Monty raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Is there school, or dating?” I expanded. I hoped that no one guessed why I was asking about dating.

“There is school, but not like there is in your world. It is not compulsory, and it differs greatly depending on your background.” I found it interesting how Monty referred to it as my world instead of as ours, even though he had left Energo over twenty years ago.

“By dating, I assume you are referring to courting, interaction between young men and women?” Percy broke in.


“There is little physical contact between men and women before adulthood, but since our people partner young, it is not such a problem. Certain families are even stricter about it. I am sure Monty can attest to that,” Percy added, looking over at Monty.

Monty half smiled again. “When you are from a family that frequently produces Guardians, or ours, which always produces the Essence, things are a little strict, especially growing up when everyone expected the next Essence.”

“Strict?” Liam prompted.

“Yes, I spent most of my childhood with just Emma and Theodore. Any additional interaction was just with other boys. They tried to limit our time around the opposite gender.”

“Why?” I questioned.

“It is just tradition, really. Although it appears antiquated, sometimes when I see you kids struggling with your feelings so much, it seems easier. I think that a lot of things here are like that,” Monty said, noticeably deep in thought.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Things are simpler here in some ways. I am honestly afraid that it might be too appealing for Charlotte. She has such a hard time socially, dealing with her emotions and her feelings, trying to fit in. It would be all too easy for her here.” Monty looked off into the distance.

“Wait, are you trying to say she might actually want to stay here?” I asked, shocked by his suggestion.

“By the look of your sword, Kevin, Charlotte has become the Essence, which means she has a Gerard. Leaving him behind will not be easy.” Monty looked over at me with a pained expression.

Liam and I looked at each other, neither of us even remotely prepared for any resistance on Charlotte’s part.

“What you must remember is that Charlotte will likely be very different from the last time you saw her.” Percy looked at me intently.

“Different how?” Liam asked.

“For one, her eyes will be brighter and more focused. She will be more confident and will be stronger in many ways. An Essence changes fundamentally, just as the Gerard changes.”

“The Gerard changes, too?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“He usually grows, signifying his acceptance of the position. Internally, he changes, too, tied to his Essence in many ways,” Percy explained.

“How do you know all of this, Percy?” I asked hesitantly.

“Because I used to be a Gerard,” Percy responded with a wry smile.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I was taken down a long, dark staircase and then down an equally long corridor lined with cells. The light was dim, and I had to strain my eyes just to see. The guard leading me suddenly stopped and opened a heavy wooden door. “I am sure Calvin wants you in your own cell, but all the cells are occupied, so I assume he will accept your placement with an old woman,” the guard said, before locking the door and disappearing into the darkness.

No empty cell? But this place was huge. How many prisoners did they have here? I slunk down onto the dank and dirty floor. I was instantly grateful to be wearing jeans; it was always good to appreciate the small things in life.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, created only by the small amount of sunlight coming in from the windows high above, I took in my surroundings. I was in a small cell, at most eight feet square. There was absolutely nothing in the cell aside from me and a very old lady. There was no furniture in the room, not even a cot; things didn’t looking promising.

I studied the old woman. She had to be at least ninety. With a face worn with wrinkles, a pair of almost translucent blue eyes was the only thing that stood out on her face. Dressed in rags, she had apparently been in the dungeon a long time, and I couldn’t imagine why she was even down there. There was something vaguely familiar about her, yet I couldn’t place it no matter how hard I tried.

The woman looked at me with what may have been a slight smile. Extremely slowly, she raised a finger, gesturing for me to come closer. Just as I had with Naomi, I understood that this woman meant me no harm, so I moved toward her.

As soon as I got close, the woman reached for my hand, and I instinctively let her have it. Instantly, I felt a flow of energy and intense heat, as though my very blood was on fire. As quickly as the sensation had begun, it stopped. I felt exhausted, and I had to fight with myself to stay sitting up.

“Child, the feeling will pass,” the woman said in a low voice.

“What… what did you do to me?” I asked, startled to see her looking much healthier and vital.

“I took some necessary energy, but it will replenish, I assure you,” she told me kindly.

“Who are you?” I asked hesitantly.

“My name is Ruth.” She smiled. I didn’t need her to say anymore; suddenly, it made sense.

“You were the Essence before my mother?” I asked excitedly.

“Yes. I was the Essence for over a hundred and fifty years.”

“But that would make you…” I started to do the math, but she interrupted.

“Very old, yes.” She laughed lightly. “An Essence generally lives a very long life.”

“So you were why I needed to get sent down here, right?” Without waiting for an answer, I continued, “But why?”

“Let me start with a story,” she said quietly. “For all time, there has been an Essence. How this Essence is chosen remains a mystery, but she always passes through the same bloodline. Usually Essences are born at least a hundred or more years apart, in many ways beings of different times. For as long as there have been Essences, there have been Guardians, men tasked with protecting the Essence at all costs. Although all Guardians are strong and born to protect, one of these men has always been designated as the Gerard. The Gerard has the same protective drive as the other Guardians, but he also has an intensively deep bond with the Essence, a love more powerful than any other. This love serves multiple purposes. It ensures that the Essence and the Gerard stay together, with the Essence always protected. It also checks the power of the Guardians, for the Essence will always have enough power over the Gerard through her love. A Gerard could never hurt his Essence; he could never fight the instinctual love enough to betray her.”
