Read Books Novel

Belonging to the Steer Brothers

“Leave them to it. Dean won’t do anything. I asked him not to. So, how are you?”

“I’m fine.”

Laura raised a brow, a little disbelieving.

“Okay, I’m nervous. I haven’t been here for three years, and I sense a difference. Paul doesn’t like me being left alone with men. David is fun still, but he holds himself back. It’s all different from when I was younger,” she said.

“Isn’t that going to be the case? You’re a woman now.”

Anna smiled. “Yes. Can I tell you something, and you won’t criticise me?”

“Do you even know who I am? I’m the slut who stole Dean Riley and seduced him. It doesn’t matter that I married him and have his child. I wouldn’t dream of being anything but supportive.”

“I’m in love with David…”

Before she could finish Laura interrupted her. “Great. How does David feel?”

A blush stained her cheeks as she recalled being in his arms. The dominance of his lips on hers.

“It’s not just David,” Anna said and let her words sink in.


Anna licked her lips and glanced at the other woman. “Do you think worse of me?”

“No. I don’t. Strange, isn’t it? You’d think I’d be ranting and raving and calling you all sorts of names. Look, Anna, I’m a firm believer in going after what you want, providing it won’t hurt anyone in the process. If you love David and Paul, then go for it. I’ll still be your friend.”

Anna was grateful. Having Laura around made her happy. It wasn’t only Paul and David she’d missed; it was Laura as well.

They stayed in the kitchen and talked some before Dean found them.

“Sorry to bust up your reunion, but Peter is begging for us to get home. It would seem he can’t handle a little toddler.”

Anna smiled and went with them to show them out. Paul was nowhere to be seen. As the night wore on she didn’t see much of Paul and David. Actually, she didn’t even know if David had come in from the cold. Her friends hadn’t changed in the three years since she’d last seen them. In fact she was surprised by how childish they were.

Paul walked past, and she couldn’t stop the yearning inside. When would they have two minutes alone to be able to talk? The girls she was standing with stopped their conversation to admire his ass.

“I would love to try that guy out. I bet he is hung and knows how to use it,” her friend Daisy said as Paul walked past. Daisy had a bit of a reputation when it came to men. Anna didn’t like the way the other woman was eyeing up her man. “But from what I hear you take on both of the brothers.”

Anne was shocked the second time that night as a deep spike of jealousy overcame her. Paul was hers. David and Paul were both hers, and none of the women, or girls pretending to be women, should be looking at her men. No way should they be assessing their bedding value. Even if Anna did agree with the assessment.

“Excuse me?” she asked, the possession clear in her tone.

All the other girls and a couple of the boys looked over at her. Henry had left the part a while ago. As soon as Paul and David had joined the party, he’d been gone. Anna didn’t blame him. With the way they’d treated him last time she understood his need to leave.

“Come on, Anna, you must know these two boys are bad for a girl,” Daisy said, as if that explained it.

“I live with these two men.”

Maybe not for the last three years, but that didn’t count.

The others in the group looked like they were trying to find an escape route.

“Yeah, and you should know some of their history by now. I mean the whole town knows about it. I bet you’re one of their playthings if not the woman they’re preparing to make their wife.” Daisy sneered, her true colours finally coming through.

Putting her bottle of beer down, Anna, who was much shorter than Daisy, went toe to toe with the other girl. They may have been friends, but time had clearly changed the other girl; and Anna knew she was different. Bad-mouthing people wasn’t acceptable. “What the hell are you trying to say?”

The room around them went silent.

“Oh come on, you know the Steer men share their women. It’s been happening for generations. What, you think because times change their traditions don’t change? You’re just another Steer whore. My mum says you’re nothing better than the gutter.”

Anna went to retaliate. She got as far as raising her fist, but Paul intercepted holding her steady in his arms. She couldn’t understand where her reaction had come from. Protecting her men had been her primary goal.

“Daisy? Tracy McAllister’s daughter?” Paul asked the girl. Anna saw Daisy blush and retreat behind her shell.

“Yes,” she mumbled. Anna wished she could feel sorry for her, but Daisy had shown her true colours; and Anna felt nothing but spite for her.

“Send my regards, and get out of my house, all of you, out.” Anna stood in the protection of his arms as each of the guests made their way out of his house. Anna looked at the floor, saddened and mortified that her birthday had gone so disastrous. Daisy had once been a friend, and she was only saying the truth. Why had she responded like that? Because David and Paul were her men, and even if they didn’t want her, she knew she wanted them.

A few people stopped to offer their apologies and shake hands, the few who obviously accepted their way of life.

After around ten minutes, Anna remained in his arms, her heavy breathing the only sound to be heard. Everyone was gone. Her birthday had lasted a few short hours.

“I’m sorry about that, angel,” he whispered against her neck, his lips running along the smooth curve. Her stomach tightened, and her pu**y pulsed as the contact at her neck zoomed southwards. She didn’t have a clue how the heat from his breath could affect the way she felt deep inside. The desire to cross her legs was strong.

“Is it true?” she asked. Henry had only hit the surface of what actually went on with the Steer family. Could it be possible David and Paul intended to share a woman for a wife?Steer was a family name, rich, wealthy and well-to-do. How could the Steer men share their women in a town like CapeFalls? She knew they helped with businesses and that the name Steer was a great name to have behind you. Thinking about David and Paul she wondered what they’d done to make money. They’d always paid for her, and she’d never gone without money. Why hadn’t she ever asked? It amazed her how little she knew about the men who’d taken care of her and whom she’d fallen in love with over a short period of time.
