Read Books Novel

Belonging to the Steer Brothers

She heard him take a deep breath to speak, and before he could say anything, she interrupted.

“Please don’t lie to me. I’ve just lost a load of friends over this,” she said. Anna still had her back pressed against him.

“They weren’t your friends,” he said.

Thinking about it, Henry had been her only true friend throughout the whole of her growing up.

“It doesn’t matter. Tonight will be filled with gossip, so the least you can do is tell me the truth.” Walking past people while they whispered had never bothered her. After her parents died, she’d lived with everything CapeFalls residents had to offer. The strange looks because she didn’t have anyone in the world along with living with two sexy, hot men. The moment she’d turned eighteen the sexy dreams involving all three had started. How she managed to act as a friend while at night her pu**y wept for the pleasure they could offer astounded her.

She watched as Paul paused before answering. The pause confirmed her suspicions that he considered lying to her to begin with. Could the truth be as bad as she thought? The only way the truth could be bad was if the rumours were lies. How she wanted to be their woman.

Anna tensed, waiting for the answer.

“Yes, it’s true,” he said, truthfully and honestly.

Most girls, Anna was sure, would go running for the hills. At the very least they would be horrified at the thought of one woman sharing more than one man. Anna had seen their family tree and had noticed at one time four boys had been born. One woman and four men was a thing of dreams. She was happy with her two. For Anna, the fire inside her began to build. Thoughts of her, Paul and David together were so powerful she had to press a hand to her stomach to try and control her rioting thoughts. Being sandwiched between a large muscle bound dark haired Paul and, with the same muscles going on but with a lighter colouring,  David. Either man at the front or back. She felt like all of her Christmases had been rolled into one.

“Do you and David have anyone in mind?” she asked.

Pick me. Pick me. Pick me.

“Anna, don’t ask me that question.” His hands moved down her shoulders and arms. His touch soothed the turmoil inside her.

“Do I know her?”

“Yes,” she heard him whisper. Closing her eyes and sending a little prayer for her to be the woman they wanted, she turned in his arms. Paul stopped her and spun her back resting her against him. Didn’t he want to see her face?

“Why can’t I see you?” she asked.

“I don’t want to screw this up, angel.”

“How can you screw this up unless it’s someone else you want?”

“Baby, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

She must be some kind of slut. Being with two men shouldn’t send a thrill through her body. Only sluts felt this way. Or at least the town would have every woman believing those horrible lies. All Anna knew for sure was that she wasn’t repulsed by the thought of being shared by these two men. For the first time she would belong to someone, not just to one man but two. Anna gasped as Paul rested his hand on top of hers where it lay on her stomach.

“You hate me,” she whispered staring straight ahead.

“No, I’ve never hated you Anna,” he said as his thumb ran circles over her knuckles, running up her arm and back again.

Her heart lifted as the door opened, and David walked into the room. He glanced around at the empty space, and Anna watched as his eyes widened when he took in the two of them standing their embracing.

“Where is everyone?” he asked.

Paul stopped his movements on her arm, but he didn’t move away.

“They left,” he said.

Every sound seemed to be vibrating to her pu**y.

“So what happens now?” David asked, folding his arms over his huge chest.

Anna had one thought in mind.

Chapter Six

What a loaded question. Paul watched his brother as he observed him with Anna. Smiling, Paul went back to moving his hand along her arm, and David’s eyes followed the movement. How many times had his brother wanted the pleasure of touching Anna and knowing he was with their woman.

If they took the next step, Anna wouldn’t be able to leave them again. There was no way they could survive without her.

“Anna asked me if all the rumours about us Steer men were true,” he said to the younger man.

David’s eyes shot up to his brother. “Seems like I missed some serious shit while I was outside.”

Anna nodded, leaning her head back against Paul’s shoulder, her body finally relaxing in his hold.

“Tracy McAllister’s daughter, Daisy, was shooting her mouth off.” The name had the desired effect. David and Paul had been warned about Tracy by their fathers. Paul Senior, the eldest of all the brothers, had warned Paul of her spite and her determination to see the Steer name, or more importantly the Steer women, pushed through the mud. CapeFalls had many faults, but the lead was how easily they listened to gossip. His mother had guts and attitude of steel and had cut the other woman down whenever she tried to get into her path. Anna was different. She was younger than their mother had been when she’d been picked as his father’s wife. Anna didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of an older woman’s spite and jealousy that had nothing to do with her.

“Why does she hate you guys?” Anna spoke for the first time since David had entered the room, and Paul noticed the way the sly f**ker moved closer. His brother wanted in on the action.

“She doesn’t hate us, but she hates our fathers. They all turned her down. Said they didn’t want her. This was before they chose mum,” Paul said. David was preoccupied with trying to get closer and have Anna in his arms.

“Tell me why?” she asked, and Paul knew she wasn’t talking about Daisy or Tracy but why the men shared.

David looked over her shoulder at Paul with a raised eyebrow. He wasn’t the oldest brother for nothing. While David got to enjoy the fruits of his hard work, Paul had to be the one with all the answers.

“It’s not a fairy tale, Anna. The sharing in the Steer family started many generations ago. The Steer name has always been powerful, but most lines continue with the birth of a son. I know it’s an old custom, but it’s one that has stayed with us and is involved in the inheritance. It is one of the conditions that has been passed down.  A male heir must inherit the Steer inheritance. Not ideal in this day and age I know, but still it’s fool-proof.” Paul stopped when David cupped her cheek looking into her beautiful eyes. Paul wished he could be looking in her eyes as he told her his family history, but in truth he didn’t know if he could hold his desire in check long enough to explain.
