Beyond the Darkness (Page 38)

Beyond the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #6)(38)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

No big surprise.

His touch was magic.

With a soft groan, his tongue teased her lips wider, his fingers stroking down her throat. It was Harley’s turn to groan. He tasted of whiskey and wolf and wild power. A combination that ignited something untamed deep inside her soul.

A compelling, ruthless heat flowed through her blood, making her hands slip beneath the edge of his open shirt to find the satin steel of his chest.

Okay, she might be responsible for her hands doing the full-body search, but he was certainly responsible for shutting down her higher brain functions. If she’d been thinking clearly, she would have shoved him across the room, not discovered the intimate terrain of his upper body.

His hands shifted to cup her aching br**sts, his thumbs circling the rigid thrust of her ni**les until she was squirming against him.


His husky words were cut short as Salvatore abruptly lifted his head and glanced toward the door. Harley felt a prickle of energy and the heavy bolt slid shut just as she caught Santiago’s approaching scent.

“Go away,” Salvatore barked, his muscles coiled and prepared for action.

There was a soft chuckle as Santiago halted near the door, but the vamp was smart enough not to try and enter the room.

Thank God.

“The entertainment is about to begin,” he said, his voice deliciously cool and filled with invitation. “I’m certain Harley would enjoy our modest show.”

A golden glow illuminated Salvatore’s eyes, his rich, musky scent filling the room.

“Santiago, ‘go away’ is a fairly simple command to understand. Of course, I could come out there and explain it to you.”

“I prefer you send Harley out.”

“A leech with a death wish,” Salvatore growled. “My favorite kind.”

Harley heaved the universal sigh of a woman dealing with two stupid men.

“Is this really necessary?”

Salvatore flashed a wickedly infectious grin. “No, but it’s always fun.”

“Harley, if you are able to slip from your furry leash, feel free to join me. Drinks…” Santiago deliberately paused. “And whatever else you might desire, are on the house.”

“I’ll keep your offer in mind, Santiago,” Harley said, her gaze warning Salvatore to keep his mouth shut. She wasn’t in the mood for a pissing match. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

Salvatore’s tension eased as Santiago’s scent faded. “I hate vamps. Now…” His fingers lightly traced the line of her tank top, the heat of his fingers singeing her skin with pleasure. “Where were we?”

One step away from complete insanity, Harley abruptly realized.

Shoving her hands against his chest, Harley edged enough space to slip away from the desk and Salvatore’s oh-my-God touch.

“So what’s the entertainment that he’s talking about?”

Salvatore squeezed his eyes shut, as if in great pain. Then, sucking in a deep breath, he turned to lean against the desk, his arms folded over his chest.

“Have you ever been to a demon nightclub?”

She snorted at the ridiculous question. “Are you kidding? Caine never let me go anywhere I might be seen by a Were. He told me it was for my safety. Jackass.”

“Then I would suggest that your introduction to demon society wait.” His brooding gaze slid down her body, not bothering to hide his hunger. “Viper’s establishments are always over the top.”

“Let me guess—you have your own entertainment in mind.”

“Now that you mention it…”

The golden eyes flared and the power of his desire smacked into her, nearly sending her to her knees. Holy crap. Her stomach clenched as the vivid image of Salvatore bending her over the desk and roughly taking her from behind seared through her mind.

She rushed toward the door. “I want a drink.”

“Do I get a veto?” Salvatore muttered, then as Harley threw the bolt and yanked open the door, he hurried to her side, taking her arm in a possessive grip. “Damn. Wait for me.”

She shivered as he led her across the lobby, his mesmerizing, musky scent seeping into her skin as if attempting to brand her.

“There’s no need for you to go.”

“Trust me, there’s every need,” he said in dark tones, his brows lifting as she unconsciously rubbed her prickling arms. “Is something wrong?”

“Did you put on cologne?”

An oddly rueful smile curved his lips. “Dolce & Gabbana. Do you like it?”


“More like eternal.”

She frowned. “What?”

“This way.” He ignored her question and pointed toward a set of double doors guarded by a matching set of vampires.

And what vampires they were.


Chiseled perfection with the polished golden skin of ancient Egyptians, they had ebony hair that hung down their backs in long braids. Their faces were sculpted masterpieces of high cheekbones, hawkish noses, and noble brows. As she neared, she realized that they had a heavy band of kohl tattooed into their skin to emphasize their almond black eyes, and a hint of color on their full lips.

As if their stunning beauty needed any artificial assistance.

They were mouthwatering enough in their teeny tiny loincloths that revealed the sort of bodies that must have made Cleopatra howl in appreciation.

As they neared, the two silently pulled open the heavy doors, their gazes lingering on Harley with silent invitations of sultry pleasure.

Salvatore swept her past the demons as if they were invisible, his profile hard as they started down the wide stone steps that led deep beneath the building.

“You’re sure about this?” he demanded, his hand tightening on her arm as the air thickened with the scent and sounds of the gathered crowd.

“I’ve lived with a pack of curs for thirty years. There’s nothing that can shock me.” Her unfounded bravado lasted until they reached the bottom of the steps and Salvatore shoved open yet another door, this one of steel, and the full force of the gathered demons hit her. “Okay. I might have spoken a little hastily.”

“Do you want to leave?”

Harley barely heard his question, her attention focused on the scene spread below her.

In contrast to the airy elegance above, the vast room was circular and made of black marble that terraced downward. On each tier were a series of steel tables and stools that were bolted to the marble, and a series of staircases that led to the huge metal cage set in the lowest level of the chamber.